Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Núñez, Villa-Rosas, & Fabra-Zamora: Kelsen’s Legacy: Legal Normativity, International Law and Democracy

Jorge Emilio Núñez
(Manchester Metropolitan Univ.), Gonzalo Villa-Rosas (Univ of Vienna), & Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora (Univ. at Buffalo School of Law) have published Kelsen’s Legacy: Legal Normativity, International Law and Democracy (Hart Publishing 2025). The table of contents is here. Here's the abstract:
This volume offers a comprehensive examination of Hans Kelsen's legal and political philosophy, focusing on four central themes. The first part analyses Kelsen's theory of norms, including its periodisation and concepts of validity and coercion. The second part explores his perspectives on international law, addressing its structural analysis, primitive law characterisation, and teleology. The third part examines Kelsen's theory of democracy, its relationship with the pure theory of law, collective will, and democratisation of the administration. The final part discusses Kelsen's influence on the Vienna School of Legal Theory and its impact on case law and jurisprudence beyond Europe. This collection is essential for scholars and practitioners seeking to understand Kelsen's legacy.