The latest issue of the
International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law (Vol. 40, no. 1, 2025) is out. Contents include:
- Robert Beckman, Trung Nguyen, & Joel Ong,
Possible Actions by Coastal States to Protect Their Marine Environment from Oil Tankers in the Dark Fleet
Hilde Woker & Leonardo Bernard, A New Constraint to the Entitlement of a Continental Shelf beyond 200 Nautical Miles? – Implications of the Recent Case Law
Peter Ehlers, A Success Story? Fifty Years of MARPOL
Samantha Robb, Contributing to Coherent Area-Based Management Tool (ABMT) Networks in ABNJ: A Comparative Analysis of the BBNJ Agreement and ISA ABMT Processes
Juan He, Legitimising Fishing Port Use in the Information Age: Challenges and Potential in China
Suk Kyoon Kim, An Approach to Maritime Cyber Security Risks: Nature and Countermeasures