Sunday, July 7, 2024

New Issue: Journal of International Economic Law

The latest issue of the Journal of International Economic Law (Vol. 27, no. 2, June 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Joost Pauwelyn, Twenty-first century customs fraud: how to effectively enforce EU sustainability requirements on importsGet accessArrow
  • Gregory Messenger, Mitigating the rise of unilateralism: lessons from forestry management
  • Vincent Beyer, International investment agreements and the global minimum tax: of treaty troubles and investment incentives
  • Chen Yu, International adjudication as interactional law-making: the incorporation of fair and equitable treatment elements in investment treaties
  • William Hamilton Byrne, The influence of legal scholars on the development of international investment lawGet accessArrow
  • Clara López, Mining in investment arbitration: an analysis of mining companies’ legitimate expectations
  • Jean-Michel Marcoux, Andrea K. Bjorklund, Elizabeth A. Whitsitt & Lukas Vanhonnaeker, Discourses of ISDS reform: a comparison of UNCITRAL Working Group III and ICSID processes
  • Daniel D. Bradlow, Rosa M. Lastra & Stephen Kim Park, Re-thinking the sustainability of sovereign debtGet accessArrow
  • Toni Marzal, Conjuring markets: valuation in comparative international economic law