Tuesday, July 9, 2024

New Issue: Business and Human Rights Journal

The latest issue of the Business and Human Rights Journal (Vol. 9, no. 1, February 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Special Issue: Business and Human Rights in Central and Eastern Europe. Region in Transition
    • Beata Faracik, Jernej Letnar Černič, & Olena Uvarova, Business and Human Rights in Central and Eastern Europe: Trends, Challenges and Prospects
    • Łukasz Szoszkiewicz, Business and Human Rights in Central and Eastern Europe: Constitutional Law as a Driver for the International Human Rights Law
    • Andras L. Pap, Nóra Chronowski, & Zoltán Nemessányi, Corporate Human Rights Responsibility in Illiberal Regimes: The Example of the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis in Hungary
    • Ian Higham, Conditionalities in International Organization Accession Processes: Spreading Business and Human Rights Norms in Central and Eastern Europe?
    • Jelena Aparac, Private Military and Security Companies as a Legacy of War: Lessons Learned From the Former Yugoslavia
    • Michael Rogerson, Business and Human Rights in Russia: Emerging or Merging?
    • Nataliia Mazaraki & Tetiana Tsuvina, Creating an Effective Mediation Scheme for Business-Related Human Rights Abuses: The Case of Ukraine
  • Developments in the Field
    • Ekaterina Deikalo, BHR Agenda and Authoritarian Regimes: The Case of Political and Human Rights Crisis in Belarus Since 2020
    • Filip Balcerzak & Stanisław Drozd, Human Rights-Compatible International Investment Agreements: A Voice From Central & Eastern Europe and Central Asia
    • Marcin Kilanowski, Evaluating the Polish NAPs: Lessons for the Future Implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
    • Ihor Konopka, Ukrainian Business and Human Rights Strategy: A Breakthrough Delayed
    • Agata Rudnicka & Janusz Reichel, CSOs’ Perception of Corporate Activism on the LGBT+ Community in Poland
    • Ana Dangova Hug, Barriers to Access to Justice in North Macedonia for Violations of Human Rights in the Context of Air Pollution