Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Segura Serrano: Global Cybersecurity and International Law

Antonio Segura Serrano
(Univ. of Grenada - Law) has published Global Cybersecurity and International Law (Routledge 2024). The table of contents is here. Here's the abstract:
Assessing the need to regulate cyberspace has triggered the re-emergence of new primary norms. This book evaluates the ability of existing international law to address the threat and use of force in cyberspace, redefining cyberwar and cyberpeace for the era of the Internet of Things. Covering critical issues such as the growing scourge of economic cyberespionage, international co-operation to fight cybercrime, the use of foreign policy instruments in cyber diplomacy, it also looks at state backed malicious cyberoperations, and the protection of human rights against State security activities. Offering a holistic examination of the ability of public international law, the book addresses the most pressing issues in global cybersecurity.