The latest issue of the
Review of International Organizations (Vol. 18, no. 2, April 2023) is out. Contents include:
- Maria Perrotta Berlin, Raj M. Desai, & Anders Olofsgård, Trading favors? UN Security Council membership and subnational favoritism in aid recipients
Simon Hartmann & Rok Spruk, The impact of unilateral BIT terminations on FDI: Quasi-experimental evidence from India
Ben Cormier, Chinese or western finance? Transparency, official credit flows, and the international political economy of development
Federica Genovese, Richard J. McAlexander, & Johannes Urpelainen, Institutional roots of international alliances: Party groupings and position similarity at global climate negotiations
Tuuli-Anna Huikuri, Constraints and incentives in the investment regime: How bargaining power shapes BIT reform
Agustín Goenaga, Oriol Sabaté, & Jan Teorell, The state does not live by warfare alone: War and revenue in the long nineteenth century