The latest issue of
Global Constitutionalism (Vol. 12, no. 1, March 2023) is out. Contents include:
- Susan Kang, Jonathan Havercroft, Jacob Eisler, Antje Wiener, & Jo Shaw, Climate change and the challenge to liberalism
Clemens M Rieder, The social question and the transnational constitutional space
Eman Muhammad Rashwan, The ugly truth behind transitional justice in the post-revolution phase: A constitutional law and economics analysis
Alain Zysset, International crimes through the lens of global constitutionalism
Alon Harel & Adam Shinar, Two concepts of constitutional legitimacy
Michael Da Silva, Legal doctrine as human rights ‘practice’
Kelty McKerracher, Relational legal pluralism and Indigenous legal orders in Canada
Aspirational and representative constitutional identity in Africa
Jan Erk
Lilach Litor, Collective labour rights of police officers: Global labour constitutionalism and militaristic labour constitutionalism