The latest issue of the
Asian Journal of International Law (Vol. 13, no. 1, January 2023) is out. Contents include:
- Notes and Comments
Yurika Ishii, Immunity Ratione Materiae of the Marines as Vessel Protection Detachments: A Case Note on the M/V Enrica Lexie Case
Prabhash Ranjan & Praharsh Gour, The TRIPS Waiver Decision at the World Trade Organization: Too Little Too Late!
- Articles
- Ai Abe,
An Outstanding Claim: The Ryukyu/Okinawa Peoples’ Right to Self-Determination under International Human Rights Law
Wanshu Cong, Contesting Freedom of Information: Capitalism, Development, and the Third World
Vasudevan Shritha, Would the “Optional Protocol” Effectuate India's Due Diligence Obligation Under the Women's Convention?
Mohammad-Ali Bahmaei & Habib Sabzevari, Self-Judging Security Exception Clause as a Kind of Carte Blanche in Investment Treaties: Nature, Effect and Proper Standard of Review
Huu Duy Minh Tran, The Approach of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf to Submissions Involving Unresolved Disputes: Should It Be Modified?
Ignacio de la Rasilla, Looking Forward Through and Beyond the Western Classics of International Law
Megumi Ochi, The New Recipe for a General Principle of Law: Premise Theory to “Fill in the Gaps”