The latest issue of the
Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy (Vol. 17, no. 2, 2022) is out. Contents include:
- Julien Chaisse & Xueliang Ji, Hong Kong’s Participation in International Dispute Settlement: Deviations from Conventional Sovereignty
Chao Wang & Taixia Shen, Implications of the EU’s Position on Trade Distortion for EU-China Trade Relations: From Selective Adaptation to Coordinated Compliance
Yan Cai, Eunmi Kim, Zhuoqi Teng & Yuantao Fang, Legalized Backsliding: The Product Under Consideration in the WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement
Xu Qian, Rethinking Investment Treaties for Sustainable Development: From the “New Delhi Declaration” Principles to Modern Investment Law & Policy
Hyuntaik Lee, The Presumption of Conformity for Climate Measures: Reconciling the Climate Change Regime and the WTO
Tae Jung Park & Kil Won Lee, Modalities of Securing Policy Autonomy in Preferential Trade Agreements
Hui Chen, Adaptation of Lever Effect Theory to the New Context: A Re-Examination of the Relationship Between Agriculture Dispute Settlement and Negotiation in the WTO