The latest issue of the
International Journal of Transitional Justice (Vol. 15, no. 1, March 2021) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Housing, Land and Property Rights in Transitional Justice
- Jon D Unruh & Musa Adam Abdul-Jalil, Housing, Land and Property Rights in Transitional Justice
Ginevra Le Moli, Intruders in a Balancing Act: Black Economic Empowerment, Transitional Justice and Investment Arbitration Tribunals
Luis Enrique Ruiz González, Rocío Del Pilar Peña-Huertas, María Mónica Parada-Hernández, Alfonso Javier Lozano Valcárcel, Bryan Triana Ancínez, & Milton Alberto Valencia-Herrera, Who Owns What in Macondo? The Flexibilization of the Rules of Evidence in Land Restitution in Colombia
Jamie Rowen & Arta Snipe, The Promise and Perils of Urban Land Restitution in Latvia
Theodore Mbazumutima, Land Restitution in Postconflict Burundi
Lejandrina Pastor & Angela Santamaria, Experiences of Spiritual Advocacy for Land and Territorial Itineraries for the Defense of Wiwa Women’s Rights in Postconflict Colombia
Niall Gilmartin, ‘Ending the Silence’: Addressing the Legacy of Displacement in Northern Ireland’s ‘Troubles’
Bernardo Almeida, The Law and Its Limits: Land Grievances, Wicked Problems, and Transitional Justice in Timor-Leste
Daniel Aguirre & Irene Pietropaoli, Institutional Reform in Myanmar: Preventing Corporate Land Rights Abuses
Mijke de Waardt, Dora Georgiou, & Evren Celal, Attempts at Redress Through the Lens of Social Identity: Housing, Land and Property of the Displaced in Cyprus
Fabricio Teló, Alessandra Gasparotto, Leonilde Servolo de Medeiros, & Regina Coelly Fernandes Saraiva, Land and Transitional Justice in Brazil
Pablo Rueda Sáiz & Alexandra Huneeus, Territory as a Victim of Armed Conflict
Rocío Del Pilar Peña-Huertas, María Mónica Parada-Hernández, Natalia Abril-Bonilla, Luisa Fda Uribe-Larrota, María Camila Jiménez-Nicholls, & Ana Valentina Nieto-Cruz, Collective Ownership and Land Restitution: A New Opportunity for Afro-Colombian Communities
- Review Essay
- Nelson Camilo Sánchez, The Promised Land of Transitional Justice