The latest issue of the
International Criminal Law Review (Vol. 21, no. 4, 2021) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Italy’s Legal Obligations to Criminalise
- Francesca Capone & Marco Longobardo, Introduction
Marco Longobardo, The Italian Legislature and International and EU Obligations of Domestic Criminalisation
Daniele Amoroso, The Duties of Criminalization under International Law in the Practice of Italian Judges: An Overview
Beatrice I. Bonafè, Constitutional Judicial Review and International Obligations of Criminalization
Giulio Bartolini, The Criminalization of War Crimes in Italy and the Shortcomings of the Domestic Legal Framework
Luigi Prosperi, ‘With or Without You’: Why Italy Should Incorporate Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide Into Its National Legal System
Alessandra Gianelli, Has Italy Finally Implemented its International Obligations Concerning the Punishment of Torture?
Francesca Capone, Criminalising Terrorist Offences and the Phenomenon of Foreign Terrorist Fighters at the Municipal Level without Defining Terrorism in International Law: Does the Trick Really Work?
Francesca Ippolito, The Pitfalls of the Italian Response to the International Obligations of Criminalisation of Gender Violence
Deborah Russo & Monica Parodi, The Protection of Children against Cybercrimes and Cyberbullying: International and European Obligations to Criminalize and the Uncertain Prospects of their Implementation in the Italian Legal System
Leonardo Borlini, Not such a Retrospective: On the Implementation of the International Anti-Corruption Obligations in Italy