Saturday, August 8, 2020

New Issue: Journal of Private International Law

The latest issue of the Journal of Private International Law (Vol. 16, no. 2, 2020) is out. Contents include:
  • Peter Arnt Nielsen, The Hague 2019 Judgments Convention - from failure to success?
  • Eva Jueptner, The Hague Jurisdiction Project – what options for The Hague Conference?
  • Haris P. Meidanis, Enforcement of mediation settlement agreements in the EU and the need for reform
  • Kazuaki Nishioka, Choice of court agreements and derogation from competition law
  • Michiel Poesen, Concurrent liabilities and jurisdiction over individual contracts of employment under the Brussels Ia Regulation
  • Dorota Miler, The EU Succession Regulation and forced heirship: a potential violation of German public policy?
  • Matthias Lehmann, Hayk Kupelyants on sovereign defaults before domestic courts