- Milivoje Mitrovic, Dealing with the Consequences of Non-Compliance with Mandatory Pre-Arbitral Requirements in Multi-Tiered Dispute Resolution Clauses The Swiss Approach and a Look Across the Border
- Manuel Arroyo, Giving birth to a 3’000-page treatise*: How “Arbitration in Switzerland” came into being
- Hamel Alsulamy, The Saudi Center for Commercial Arbitration: The Catalyst Most Needed
- Benedikt Pirker, Das Schiedsgericht im Institutionellen Abkommen Zwischen Eigenständigkeit Und Autonomie Desunionsrechts
- Gordon Blanke, Die Europäische Kommission als Amicus Curiae in Schiedsverfahren zum EU-Wettbewerbsrecht: Überlegungen zu einer strukturierten Zusammenarbeit
- Ibrahim Shehata, 25 Years of Model Law Arbitration in Egypt
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
New Issue: ASA Bulletin
The latest issue of the ASA Bulletin (Vol. 37, no. 3, 2019) is out. Contents include: