The latest issue of
Global Society (Vol. 33, no. 1, 2019) is out. Contents include:
- Critique and Affirmation in International Relations
- Pol Bargués-Pedreny, From Critique to Affirmation in International Relations
Gideon Baker, Critique, Use and World in Giorgio Agamben's Genealogy of Government
David Chandler, The Transvaluation of Critique in the Anthropocene
- Pol Bargués-Pedreny & Jessica Schmidt, Learning to Be Postmodern in an All Too Modern World: “Whatever Action” in International Climate Change Imaginaries
- Mario Schmidt & Kai Koddenbrock, Against Understanding: The Techniques of Shock and Awe in Jesuit Theology, Neoliberal Thought and Timothy Morton’s Philosophy of Hyperobjects
Doerthe Rosenow, Decolonising the Decolonisers? Of Ontological Encounters in the GMO Controversy and Beyond
Joe Hoover, Developing a Situationist Global Justice Theory: From an Architectonic to a Consummatory Approach
- Peter Finkenbusch, On the Road to Affirmation: Facilitating Urban Resilience in the Americas
Suvi Alt, Conclusion: Critique and the Politics of Affirmation in International Relations