Tuesday, June 19, 2007

UNCC Governing Council's Sixty-Third Session

The Governing Council of the United Nations Compensation Commission, which was established by the Security Council to "process claims and pay compensation for direct losses and damage suffered by individuals, corporations, Governments and international organizations as a direct result of Iraq’s unlawful invasion and occupation of Kuwait (2 August 1990 to 2 March 1991)," will meet tomorrow, June 20, through Friday, June 22, for its sixty-third session. According to the UN press release, the Commission will discuss a number of issues including:
reports of the Executive Secretary on the activities of the secretariat since the last session in February 2007, on the distribution by Governments and international organisations of payments to successful claimants, the transparency of the distribution process, and the return of undistributed funds, and on corrections of awards pursuant to article 41 of the Provisional rules for claims procedure. The Council will also consider a report on the follow-up programme for environmental awards established by the Council to monitor the technical and financial aspects of the environmental remediation projects.