The latest issue of the
Human Rights Quarterly (Vol. 46, no. 3, August 2024) is out. Contents include:
- Chuanju Cheng, Securing the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: The Case of Taiwan and Hunting
Kimberly Theidon, Guerrilla Governance: Troubling Gender in the FARC
Douglas Pretsell & Timothy Willem Jones, How Human Rights Became Gay Rights: A History of Toonen v Australia
Jenna Norosky & Charli Carpenter, The Right to Flee the Dangers of War: Rethinking Ukraine’s Gender-Based Restriction on Civilian Men’s Freedom of Movement
Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky & Juan Cruz Goñi, Limits to Negotiated Accountability of Economic Accomplices: The Case of Volkswagen do Brasil
Jeremy Julian Sarkin & Tatiana Morais, The Agency of Refugees and Asylum-Seeking Women in the Face of the Inability of States to Provide Protection Against Sexual and Gender-Based Violence