The latest issue of the
International Journal of Refugee Law (Vol. 35, no. 4, December 2023) is out. Contents include:
- Jane McAdam, Will International Refugee Law Still Be Relevant in 2033?
Didem Doğar, Unrecognizing Refugees: The Inadmissibility Scheme Replacing Article 1F Decisions in Canada
Juliette Guiot, Financial Crimes as ‘Serious Non-Political Crimes’: Consequences for the Concepts of Seriousness and Unworthiness in Exclusion Law
Tilman Rodenhäuser, Pushed to Breaking Point? The Prohibition of ‘Constructive’ or ‘Disguised’ Refoulement under International Law
Maja Grundler, The Locus of Persecution Reconsidered: Risk of Re-Trafficking, Cumulative Harm, and Failure of State Protection
Jürgen Bast, Pauline Endres de Oliveira, Janna Wessels,
Enhancing the Rights of Protection-Seeking Migrants through the Global Compact for Migration: The Case of EU Asylum Policy