The latest issue of the
International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law (Vol. 38, no. 2, 2023) is out. Contents include:
Special Issue: LOSC Part XV at 40: Assessment and Critique
Alex G. Oude Elferink, Danae F. Georgoula, Lan N. Nguyen, & Seline Trevisanut, Compulsory Jurisdiction as the DNA of LOSC Dispute Settlement: An Evolutionary Path
Ke Song, The Battle of Ideas under LOSC Dispute Settlement Procedures
Danae F. Georgoula, The LOSC Renvois as a Source of Untapped Jurisdiction
Alina Miron, COSIS Request for an Advisory Opinion: A Poisoned Apple for the ITLOS?
Rüdiger Wolfrum, Implementation and Enforcement of Community Interest-related Treaties by Judicial Means: Procedural Limitations, Chances and Prospects
Rozemarijn J. Roland Holst, Reflections on the Governance Function of Compulsory Dispute Settlement in the Legal Order for the Ocean
Massimo Lando, An Exploratory Empirical Outlook on the Authority of Annex VII Arbitral Tribunals
Sara McLaughlin Mitchell & Andrew P. Owsiak, Judicialisation of the Sea: An Elaboration of Our Argument and Its Merits
J. Eduardo Malaya, Maritime Dispute Settlement in Southeast Asia: Bargaining under the Shadow of the LOSC
Rolf Einar Fife, Contributions of LOSC Jurisprudence to Reaching and Justifying a Negotiated Outcome – and Contributions of Negotiated Settlements to the Law of the Sea
Joanna Mossop, Reimagining the Procedural Aspects of Part XV of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea