The latest issue of the
Journal of World Trade (Vol. 57, no. 2, 2023) is out. Contents include:
James Scott & Rorden Wilkinson, The WTO After MC12: Negotiating multilateral trade in a time of COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine
L. Johan Eliasson, Oriol Costa, & Patricia Garcia-Duran, Is the EU’s Trade Policy Aligning with America’s Trade Policy?
Martijn Schippers & Walter de Wit, The Use of Statistical Values to Combat Undervaluation in the European Union
Young Lo Ko & Tae Jung Park, Ineffective Trade in Service and Investment Agreements
Chien-Huei Wu, The EU’s Proposed Anti-coercion Instrument: Legality and Effectiveness
Michael J. Trebilcock & Dan Poliwoda, Revisiting the Trade-Labour Standards Nexus: The Case of the Uyghurs
Daria Boklan, Olga Starshinova, & Amrita Bahri, Joint Statement Initiatives: A Legitimate End to ‘Until Everything is Agreed’?