The latest issue of the
Journal of Conflict Resolution (Vol. 67, nos. 2-3, February-March 2023) is out. Contents include:
Michal Smetana & Michal Onderco, From Moscow With a Mushroom Cloud? Russian Public Attitudes to the Use of Nuclear Weapons in a Conflict With NATO
Serhat Doğan, Emin Karagözoğlu, Kerim Keskin, & Hüseyin Çağrı Sağlam, Titans that Clash and a State that Buffers
Allison Carnegie, Joshua D. Kertzer, & Keren Yarhi-Milo, Democratic Peace and Covert Military Force: An Experimental Test
Hoon Lee, David Lektzian, & Glen Biglaiser, The Effects of Economic Sanctions on Foreign Asset Expropriation
Ryan Yu-Lin Liou, Amanda Murdie, & Dursun Peksen, Pressures From Home and Abroad: Economic Sanctions and Target Government Response to Domestic Campaigns
Anna Getmansky & Chagai M. Weiss, Interstate Conflict Can Reduce Support for Incumbents: Evidence from the Israeli Electorate and the Yom Kippur War
Min Ye & Quan Li, Examining UN PKO contributions at multiple levels
Moritz Schmoll & Wang Leung Ting, Explaining Physical Violence in Parliaments
Daniel Krcmaric & Abel Escribà-Folch, I’ll Be Back? Exiled Leaders and Political Instability
Sharan Grewal & Matthew D. Cebul, Can Religious Reinterpretations Bridge the Secular-Religious Divide? Experimental Evidence from Tunisia
Travers B Child, Losing Hearts & Minds: Aid and Ideology
Johannes Karreth, Jason Quinn, Madhav Joshi, & Jaroslav Tir, International Third Parties and the Implementation of Comprehensive Peace Agreements After Civil War
- Data Set Feature
- Charles Miller & K. Shuvo Bakar, Conflict Events Worldwide Since 1468BC: Introducing the Historical Conflict Event Dataset