- Yilin Wang, The Dissociation of Chinese International Law Scholars from TWAIL
- Robert Knox, Imperialism, Hypocrisy and the Politics of International Law
- Asma Atique, The Story of Masdar: ‘Sustainable Development’ for Migrant Justice?
- Perpetua Akoth Adar, Space and the Future of Humanity: A TWAIL Critique of International Space Law and Space Discourse
- Pushkar Reddy, Breaking Away from Binaries: Can TWAIL Enrich Normative Views of the ‘Race to the Bottom’?
- Jake Okechukwu Effoduh, Regulating Self-driving Cars: An African Perspective
- Vasanthi Venkates, International Casteist Governance and the Dalit Radical Tradition: Reimagining a Counter-hegemonic Transnational Legal Order
- Haris Jamil & Sujith Koonan, The State, State Practice and International Law: A Critical Examination
Thursday, December 8, 2022
New Issue: TWAIL Review
The latest issue of the TWAIL Review (no. 3, 2022) is out. Contents include: