Saturday, October 29, 2022

Oberleitner: Research Handbook on International Law and Human Security

Gerd Oberleitner
(Universität Graz - Law) has published Research Handbook on International Law and Human Security (Edward Elgar Publishing 2022). The table of contents is here. Here's the abstract:

This comprehensive Research Handbook considers the place of human security, both in practice and as a concept within international law, examining the preconditions for and consequences of applying human security to international legal thinking and practice. It also proposes a future international law in which human security is central to the law’s purpose.

Contributions by leading authors in the field critically engage with 25 years of human security practice in different areas of international law and explore the challenges, successes and setbacks of realising human security in a state-based international legal order whilst re-conceptualizing central elements of international law from a human security perspective. Organised around six core themes, the Research Handbook shows how human security can be used as an overarching framework to preserve peace, protect people and counter vulnerability through international law.