Thursday, December 23, 2021

New Issue: International Relations

The latest issue of International Relations (Vol. 35, no. 4, December 2021) is out. Contents include:
  • Haro L. Karkour, Illiberal and irrational? Trump and the challenge of liberal modernity in US foreign policy
  • Murat Ülgül, Faith abroad: how religion shapes Trump administration’s foreign policy
  • Anke Schwarzkopf, The EU as a global negotiator? The advancement of the EU’s role in multilateral negotiations at the UN General Assembly
  • Roee Kibrik, The state of concept: A new analytical tool for political research
  • Max Lesch, Multiplicity, hybridity and normativity: disputes about the UN convention against corruption in Germany
  • Steve Wood & Lloyd Cox, Status, imitation, and affective dissonance in international relations