The latest issue of
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics (Vol. 21, no. 3, September 2021) is out. Contents include:
- Tianbao Qin, The evolution and challenges in China’s implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity: a new analytical framework
Gulzhazira Ilyassova, Aigul Nukusheva, Leila Arenova, Guldana Karzhassova, & Marzhangul Akimzhanova, Prospects of legal regulation in the field of electronic waste management in the context of a circular economy
Artem Anyshchenko & Jennifer Yarnold, From ‘mad cow’ crisis to synthetic biology: challenges to EU regulation of GMOs beyond the European context
Achim Hagen, Juan-Carlos Altamirano-Cabrera, & Hans-Peter Weikard, National political pressure groups and the stability of international environmental agreements
Ted Gleason, Examining host-State counterclaims for environmental damage in investor-State dispute settlement from human rights and transnational public policy perspectives
Harilaos N. Psaraftis & Thalis Zis, Impact assessment of a mandatory operational goal-based short-term measure to reduce GHG emissions from ships: the LDC/SIDS case study
Salpie S. Djoundourian, Response of the Arab world to climate change challenges and the Paris agreement
Tiziano Distefano & Simone D’Alessandro, A new two-nested-game approach: linking micro- and macro-scales in international environmental agreements
Ewa Krogulec, Jacek Gurwin, & Mirosław Wąsik, Cost of groundwater protection: major groundwater basin protection zones in Poland
Klaudijo Klaser, Lorenzo Sacconi, & Marco Faillo, John Rawls and compliance to climate change agreements: insights from a laboratory experiment