The latest issue of the
International Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 25, no. 1, 2021) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: The right to privacy in the digital age: different perspectives around the globe
- Kristian P. Humble, International law, surveillance and the protection of privacy
Özgür Heval Çɪnar, The current case law of the European Court of Human Rights on privacy: challenges in the digital age
Aysem Diker Vanberg, Informational privacy post GDPR – end of the road or the start of a long journey?
Smitha Krishna Prasad & Sharngan Aravindakshan, Playing catch up – privacy regimes in South Asia
Alex B. Makulilo, The long arm of GDPR in Africa: reflection on data privacy law reform and practice in Mauritius
Carlos Affonso Souza, Caio César de Oliveira, Christian Perrone & Giovana Carneiro, From privacy to data protection: the road ahead for the Inter-American System of human rights