Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Most Interesting 2020: Irving, Multi-Actor Human Rights Protection at the International Criminal Court

The fifteenth in our series "Most Interesting 2020":
Emma Irving, Multi-Actor Human Rights Protection at the International Criminal Court (Cambridge Univ. Press 2020)

This monograph explores the involvement of the ICC, ICC States Parties, and the ICC host State in the protection of individuals, shedding light on ambiguity and uncertainty concerning the protection of individuals. By setting out the relevant obligations of the different actors, the book highlights potential problems in human rights protection of individuals at the ICC and proposes ways to mitigate them. Employing a critical and unique approach, the book is incredibly valuable for scholars and policy-makers interested in human rights and international criminal justice.

Johanna Trittenbach
Research and Teaching Associate
Kalshoven-Gieskes Forum on International Humanitarian Law
Leiden University