- Chris Thornhill, Constitutionalism and populism: national political integration and global legal integration
- Nora Stappert, Practice theory and change in international law: theorizing the development of legal meaning through the interpretive practices of international criminal courts
- Simon Frankel Pratt, From norms to normative configurations: a pragmatist and relational approach to theorizing normativity in IR
- David Jason Karp, What is the responsibility to respect human rights? Reconsidering the ‘respect, protect, and fulfill’ framework
- Jack Snyder, Backlash against human rights shaming: emotions in groups
- Marcus Holmes & Nicholas J. Wheeler, Social bonding in diplomacy
Monday, February 24, 2020
New Issue: International Theory
The latest issue of International Theory (Vol. 12, no. 1, March 2020) is out. Contents include: