The latest issue of the
ASA Bulletin (Vol. 37, no. 2, 2019) is out. Contents include:
- The Publication of Arbitral Awards as a Contribution to Legal Development – A Plea for more Transparency in International Commercial Arbitration (A summary of the doctoral thesis “Die Veröffentlichung von Schiedssprüchen als Beitrag zur Normbildung”, Mohr Siebeck, 2016)
Thomas Legler, ‘OBOR’ an Internationalized Initiative for Integrated Development
Johannes Landbrecht, Strong by Association: Arbitration’s Policy Debates, Mandatory Rules, and PIL Scholarship
Michael Wietzorek, Luxembourg’s Rejection of the French Approach to the Recognition and Enforcement of Annulled Arbitral Awards
Falco Kreis & Markus Kaulartz, Smart Contracts and Dispute Resolution – A Chance to Raise Efficiency?
- Matthias Scherer, The Consequences of a Tribunal Secretary’s Breach of Duties – the Games of Thrones Edition