The latest issue of the
World Trade Review (Vol. 17, no. 1, January 2018) is out. Contents include:
- Aydin B. Yildirim, Firms’ Integration into Value Chains and Compliance with Adverse WTO Panel Rulings
- Tania Voon, Consolidating International Investment Law: The Mega-Regionals as a Pathway towards Multilateral Rules
- Theresa Squatrito, Amicus Curiae Briefs in the WTO DSM: Good or Bad News for Non-State Actor Involvement?
- Wenwei Guan, Diversified FRAND Enforcement and TRIPS Integrity
- Jong Bum Kim, Exclusionary Rules of Origin of Mega-RTAs under WTO Law: Mega-RTA ‘Fracturing’ Its Overlapping RTA
- Olufemi Soyeju & Joshua Wabwire, The WTO–TRIPS Flexibilities on Public Health: A Critical Appraisal of the East African Community Regional Framework