Friday, October 27, 2017

Kastner: International Criminal Law in Context

Philipp Kastner (Univ. of Western Australia - Law) has published International Criminal Law in Context (Routledge 2017). Contents include:
  • Philipp Kastner, Introduction: International criminal law in context
  • Gerry Simpson, The conscience of civilisation, and its discontents: a counter history of international criminal law
  • Frédéric Mégret, The subjects of international criminal law
  • Wendy Lambourne, The idea of transitional justice: international criminal justice and beyond
  • Eyal Mayroz, Genocide: to prevent and punish "radical evil"
  • Raphaëlle Nollez-Goldbach, Crimes against humanity: the concept of humanity in international law
  • Dale Stephens & Thomas Wooden, War crimes: increasing compliance with international humanitarian law through international criminal law?
  • Rosemary Grey, Sexual and gender-based crimes
  • Sean Richmond, The crime of aggression: shifting authority for international peace?
  • Kamari Maxine Clarke, Rethinking liberal legality through the African Court on Justice and Human Rights: re-situating economic crimes and other enablers of violence
  • Timothy William Waters, The ad hoc tribunals: image, origins, pathways, legacies
  • Philipp Kastner, Hybrid tribunals: institutional experiments and the potential for creativity within international criminal law
  • Christian M. De Vos, The International Criminal Court: between law and politics
  • Fannie Lafontaine & Sophie Gagné, Complementarity revisited: national prosecution of international crimes and the gaps in international law
  • Yvonne McDermott, The influence of international human rights law on international criminal procedure
  • Mark A. Drumbl, ‘And where the offence is, let the great axe fall’: sentencing under international criminal law
  • Stephen Smith Cody & Eric Stover, The role of victims: emerging rights to participation and reparation in international criminal courts