Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Call for Engaged Listeners: Self-defence against Non-state Actors

The Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht has issued a "call for engaged listeners" for a workshop on "Self-defence against Non-state Actors." Here's the call:


Vol. I.: Self-defence against Non-state Actors


Call for engaged listeners

deadline: 3 October 2016

4-5 November 2016


The Max Planck Trialogues, published with Cambridge University Press, are a new format of academic publishing in which three scholars co-author a book and tackle one and the same topic of the ius contra bellum, ius in bello, or ius post bellum from their distinct perspectives. The authors have been selected so as to represent different theoretical, geographical, and practical backgrounds and each of them contributes a chapter of 80 pages. The crucial idea of the Trialogues is to acknowledge the existing diversity of opinions and approaches in a field and to engage them with each other. Ultimately, the Trialogue shall lead to a book that covers the existing plurality in one field and provides, through engaging the three authors in a trialogue, the academic debate with new impulses.

The first volume deals with one of the most pressing legal issues of the ius contra bellum, namely the legality of self-defence against non-state actors. How do we have to interpret state practice – has it already implemented a broader concept of self-defence or is the traditional state centred view still good law? How can a new and broader notion of selfdefence be reconciled with the traditional international law on attribution and state responsibility? Under which specific requirements should self-defence, if at all, be regarded as lawful and how can an abuse of an extended right to self-defence be prevented? Especially the recent events in Syria make the debate on the current state of the law extraordinarily timely.

The three authors of the first volume of the Max Planck Trialogues are: Mary Ellen O’Connell (University of Notre Dame, USA), Christian Tams (University of Glasgow, UK), and Dire Tladi (University of Pretoria, South Africa).

The following commentators and discussants have confirmed their participation: Orna Ben-Naftali (College of Management Academic Studies, Israel), Theodore Christakis (University Grenoble-Alpes, France), Olivier Corten (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium), Larissa van den Herik (Leiden University, The Netherlands), Claus Kreß (Universität zu Köln, Germany), Inger Österdahl (Uppsala University, Sweden), Sir Michael Wood (UN International Law Commission, UK).

The workshop will begin on 4 November 2016 1.30 p.m. and end at 5 November 2016 at 1 p.m.

If you are interested in participating in the audience (not as a speaker), send an application with a statement of motivation explaining you interest and expertise or current research interest (maximum ½ page), and your cv including a list of publications (maximum one page) to Dr. Christian Marxsen ( The deadline for applications is 3 October 2016.

Anne Peters and Christian Marxsen