Large-scale population transfers are immensely disruptive. Interestingly, though, their legal status has shifted considerably over time. In this book, Umut Özsu situates population transfer within the broader history of international law by examining its emergence as a legally formalized mechanism of nation-building in the early twentieth century. The book's principal focus is the 1922-34 compulsory exchange of minorities between Greece and Turkey, a crucially important endeavour whose legal dimensions remain under-scrutinized. Drawing upon historical sociology and economic history in addition to positive international law, the book interrogates received assumptions about international law's history by exploring the 'semi-peripheral' context within which legally formalized population transfers came to arise.
Supported by the League of Nations, the 1922-34 population exchange reconfigured the demographic composition of Greece and Turkey with the aim of stabilizing a region that was regarded neither as European nor as non-European. The scope and ambition of the undertaking was staggering: over one million were expelled from Turkey, and over a quarter of a million were expelled from Greece. The book begins by assessing minority protection's development into an instrument of intra-European governance during the course of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It then shows how population transfer emerged in the 1910s and 1920s as a radical alternative to minority protection in Anatolia and the Balkans, focusing in particular on the 1922-3 Conference of Lausanne, at which a peace settlement formalizing the compulsory Greek-Turkish exchange was concluded. Finally, it analyses the Permanent Court of International Justice's 1925 advisory opinion in Exchange of Greek and Turkish Populations, contextualizing it in the wide-ranging debates concerning humanitarianism and internationalism that pervaded much of the exchange process.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Özsu: Formalizing Displacement: International Law and Population Transfers
New Issue: Humanity

- Jessica Whyte, The Fortunes of Natural Man: Robinson Crusoe, Political Economy, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Johanna Siméant, Interpreting the Rise of International "Advocacy"
- Peter Slezkine, From Helsinki to Human Rights Watch: How an American Cold War Monitoring Group Became an International Human Rights Institution
- Jeffrey Wasserstrom, Shanghai as a City of Juxtapositions
- Jeffrey Wasserstrom, Interview with Greg Girard
- Greg Girard, Phantom Shanghai
New Issue: Les Cahiers de l'Arbitrage

- Doctrine – Débats
- Remy Gerbay, Neither Savile Row nor quite Vivienne Westwood: the verdict on the 2014 LCIA Arbitration Rules
- Aren Goldsmith, Commentary: French Think Tank Releases Noteworthy Report On Third Party Litigation Funding
Petrig: Human Rights and Law Enforcement at Sea: Arrest, Detention and Transfer of Piracy Suspects
Law enforcement at sea has become an increasingly important tool for combating transnational crime. Such law enforcement operations are commonly directed by multinational missions composed of military rather than police forces, and are often carried out in maritime areas not subject to national jurisdiction. Because of these characteristics, maritime law enforcement operations touch upon many unresolved human rights issues. In the present study, counter-piracy operations off the coast of Somalia and in the Indian Ocean serve as the quintessential example of how law enforcement measures taken at sea may fall short of international human rights standards.
An unprecedented number of national and multinational missions have been deployed to counter the phenomenon of piracy off the coast of Somalia and in the region. Their mandate includes the arrest, detention and transfer for prosecution of piracy suspects. The book at hand examines the procedures pertinent to the decision whether to release piracy suspects, prosecute them in the seizing State or transfer them to a third State, and the detention regime pending such decisions. The study provides a critical analysis of the compatibility of these procedures with international law, first and foremost human rights law. Using piracy as an example, it demonstrates that the characteristics of national and multinational law enforcement at sea may lead to a deviation from certain human rights standards – standards that the States in question readily accept and apply in their land-based, territorial law enforcement operations. At the centre of the analysis are two unique case studies, which provide insight into the arrest, detention and transfer procedures in both a multinational context and a purely interstate setting.
New Issue: Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights

- L. Van Waas, ‘Are We There Yet?’ The Emergence of Statelessness on the International Human Rights Agenda
- D. McGrogan, On the Interpretation of Human Rights Treaties and Subsequent Practice
- N. Higgins, Advancing the Rights of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples: Getting UN Attention via the Universal Periodic Review
- M. Jonker & S. Halrynjo, Multidimensional Discrimination in Judicial Practice: A Legal Comparison Between Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands
New Issue: Asian Journal of International Law

- Symposium: The Temple of Preah Vihear
- Simon Chesterman, The International Court of Justice in Asia: Interpreting the Temple of Preah Vihear Case
- Hao Duy Phan, Institutional Design and Its Constraints: Explaining ASEAN's Role in the Temple of Preah Vihear Dispute
- Victor Kattan, The Ghosts of the Temple of Preah Vihear/Phra Viharn in the 2013 Judgment
- Matthew Saul, Identifying Jus Cogens Norms: The Interaction of Scholars and International Judges
- Karin Loevy, The Legal Politics of Jurisdiction: Understanding ASEAN's Role in Myanmar's Disaster, Cyclone Nargis (2008)
- Dan Zhu, China, the Crime of Aggression, and the International Criminal Court
- Simon M. Meisenberg, Complying with Complementarity? The Cambodian Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
- Alistair Rieu-Clarke, Notification and Consultation Procedures Under the Mekong Agreement: Insights from the Xayaburi Controversy
- Prabhakar Singh, India Before and After the Right of Passage Case
New Issue: World Politics

- Research Articles
- Jessica Gottlieb, The Logic of Party Collusion in a Democracy: Evidence from Mali
- Caroline A. Hartzell & Matthew Hoddie, The Art of the Possible: Power Sharing and Post—Civil War Democracy
- Paul Poast & Johannes Urpelainen, How International Organizations Support Democratization: Preventing Authoritarian Reversals or Promoting Consolidation?
- Margaret E. Peters, Open Trade, Closed Borders Immigration in the Era of Globalization
- Jonathan Kirshner, The Economic Sins of Modern IR Theory and the Classical Realist Alternative
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
New Volume: Yearbook of International Environmental Law

- Danielle Hanna Rached, The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Holding Science and Policy-Making to Account
- Maria Eugenia Recio, The Warsaw Framework and the Future of REDD+
- Sophia Kopela, Climate Change, Regime Interaction, and the Principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibility: The Experience of the International Maritime Organization
- Alistair Rieu-Clarke, Notification and Consultation on Planned Measures Concerning International Watercourses: Learning Lessons from the Pulp Mills and Kishenganga Cases
- Stavros-Evdokimos Pantazopoulos, Towards a Coherent Framework of Transnational Corporations’ Responsibility in International Environmental Law
- Alina Buccella, Can the Minamata Convention on Mercury Solve Peru’s Illegal Artisanal Gold Mining Problem?
Monday, December 29, 2014
New Issue: Manchester Journal of International Economic Law
- Stephen Kingah, Liliana Lizarazo Rodríguez & Philippe De Lombaerde, Constitutional Courts as Bulwarks against the Erosion of Social and Economic Rights through Free Trade Agreements: Colombia and South Africa Compared
- Marc D. Froese, Regional Trade Agreements and the Paradox of Dispute Settlement
- Nicolás M. Perrone, The International Investment Regime and Foreign Investor Rights: Another View of a Popular Story?
- Simin Gao & Qianyu Wang, Chasing the Shadow in Different Worlds: Shadow Banking and its Regulation in the U.S. and China
- Zia Akhtar, Seal Hunting, EU Regulation and Economies of Scale
Seibert-Fohr & Villiger: Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights - Effects and Implementation
This volume, published in December 2014, deals with the domestic effects of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights as a challenge to the various levels of legal orders in Europe. The starting point is the divergent impact of the ECtHR’s jurisdiction within the Convention States. The volume seeks new methods of orientation at the various legal levels, given the fact that the Strasbourg case law is increasingly important for most areas of society. Topical tendencies in the case law of the Court are highlighted and discussed against the background of the principle of subsidiarity.
The book includes a detailed analysis of the scope, reach, consequences and implementation of the Court’s judgments and of the issue of concomitant damages. At the same time the volume deals with the role of domestic jurisdictions in implementing the ECtHR’s judgments. Distinguished Judges, legal academics and practitioners from various Council of Europe States are among the contributors to this volume, which succeeds in bringing divergent points of view into the discussion and in developing strategies for conflict resolution.
The book first assesses the binding effects of ECtHR judgments (Part II) and the scope and reach of damages (Part III). Both these aspects determine to what extent further action is required by national authorities. Subsequently, various contributions evaluate the competences of the ECtHR and national institutions respectively by considering the principle of subsidiarity (Part IV) and the role domestic courts play in implementing ECtHR judgments (Part V). Finally, suggestions are made for the future roles of the ECtHR and domestic courts in implementation (Part VI).
Contributors are, inter alia, the President of the European Court of Human Rights, Dean Spielmann, the judges of the Court Angelika Nußberger, Julia Laffranque and Linos-Alexander Sicilianos as well as the high-level national judges Sabino Cassese, Jacek Chlebny, Péter Kovács, Lord Justice Laws and Andreas Paulus.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
New Issue: Asian International Arbitration Journal

- Michelle Lee, Existence of Arbitration Agreements – The Tension between Arbitral and Curial Review
- Yijin Wang, Ascertaining Foreign Law in PRC Arbitration
- Jack Wright Nelson, International Commercial Arbitration in Asia: Hong Kong, Australia and India Compared
- David A.R. Williams, Defining the Role of the Court in Modern International Commercial Arbitration
- Tan Ruo Yu, Stay of Oppression Claims in Favour of Arbitration in Singapore: Silica Investors Ltd v Tomolugen Holdings Ltd [2014] SGHC 101
- Sam Luttrell & Isuru Devendra, Consent in ICSID Arbitration – Case of Planet Mining Pty Ltd v Republic of Indonesia
Saturday, December 27, 2014
New Issue: Trade, Law and Development

- Articles
- Rafael Leal-Arcas, Trade Proposals for Climate Action
- Kati Kulovesi, Real or Imagined Controversies? A Climate Law Perspective on the Growing Links between the International Trade and Climate Change Regimes
- Mark Wu, Why Developing Countries Won’t Negotiate? The Case of the WTO Environmental Goods Agreement
- Sadeq Z. Bigdeli, Clash of Rationalities: Revisiting the Trade and Environment Debate in Light of WTO Disputes over Green Industrial Policy
- Notes and Comments
- Mahesh Sugathan, The Case for ‘Sui-Generis’ Developing Country–led Initiatives on Carbon Footprint Labelling
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Murphy: The Expulsion of Aliens (Revisited) and Other Topics: The Sixty-Sixth Session of the International Law Commission
The International Law Commission held its sixty-sixth session in Geneva from May 5 to June 6, and from July 7 to August 8, 2014, under the chairmanship of Kirill Gevorgian (Russian Federation). Notably, the Commission revisited on “second reading” its work concerning the expulsion of aliens, so as to finalize thirty-one draft articles (with commentaries). The general thrust of this project has been to acknowledge the sovereign right of a States to expel an alien from its territory, but to identify or propose the rules that the State must follow when doing so that are protective of the rights of the alien. Additionally the Commission adopted on “first reading” twenty-one draft articles relating to the protection of persons in the event of disasters, along with commentaries. These draft articles address the rights and obligations of States affected by natural or man-made disasters, as well as the rights and obligations of States and international organizations that provide assistance to an affected State. Moreover, the Commission finalized its work on the topic of the obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare).
Work continued on several other topics on the Commission’s agenda: subsequent agreements and subsequent practice in relation to the interpretation of treaties; protection of the atmosphere; immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction; identification of customary international law; protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts; provisional application of treaties; and the most-favored-nation clause. A new topic of crimes against humanity was added to that agenda, while another new topic on jus cogens was placed on the long-term work program.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
New Issue: Questions of International Law
- The Security Council as a global ‘health-keeper’? Resolution 2177 (2014) and Ebola as a threat to the peace
- Introduced by Maurizio Arcari and Paolo Palchetti
- Gian Luca Burci, Ebola, the Security Council and the securitization of public health
- Louis Balmond, Le Conseil de sécurité et la crise d’Ebola: entre gestion de la paix et pilotage de la gouvernance globale
Lauterpacht Centre Friday Lunchtime Lecture Series for Lent Term 2015

- January 16, 2015: Robert Cryer (Univ. of Birmingham - Law), tba
- January 23, 2015: Emily Haslam (Univ. of Kent - Law), Mixed Commissions, the Slave Trade and International Criminal Legal Histories
- January 30, 2015: Stefan Kröll (Bucerius Law School), Challenges to Arbitrators
- February 6, 2015: Surabhi Ranganathan (Univ. of Warwick - Law), Strategically Created Treaty Conflicts and the Politics of International Law
- February 13, 2015: Ilaria Bottigliero (International Development Law Organization), Access to Justice: Revolutionizing the Role of Women
- February 20, 2015: Eirik Bjorge (Univ. of Oxford - Law), A Doctrine with a Great Future Behind It: The Margin of Appreciation in International Law
- February 27, 2015: Oliver Diggelmann (Univ. of Zurich - Law), International Law and World War I
- March 6, 2015: Philippa Webb (King's College London - Law), The Immunity of States and International Organizations in the Face of Employment Disputes: The New Human Rights Dilemma?
- March 13, 2015: Vasco Becker-Weinberg (Deputy and Legal Adviser to the Portuguese Secretary of State of the Sea), The South China Sea Disputes and the Law of the Sea
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
New Issue: Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales

- Estudios
- Amparo Sereno, El nuevo mapa marítimo de Portugal y el caso de las Islas Salvajes
- Ángeles Lara Aguado, Impacto del Reglamento 650/2012 sobre sucesiones en las relaciones extracomunitarias vinculadas a España y Marruecos
- Laura Gómez Urquijo, La consideración de la pobreza en la actual estrategia de coordinación y supervisión económica de la UE
- Carlos Espaliú Berdud, La definición de esclavitud en el Derecho Internacional a comienzos del siglo XXI
- Manuel Iglesias Cavicchioli, La doctrina neoconservadora y el excepcionalismo americano: Una vía al unilateralismo y a la negación del Derecho Internacional
- José Manuel Sánchez Patrón, La legitima defensa ante la piratería marítima
- Miguel Ángel Acosta Sánchez, Las fronteras terrestres de España en Melilla: Delimitación, vallas fronterizas y “tierra de nadie”
- Beatriz Campuzano Díaz, Las normas de competencia judicial internacional del Reglamento 1215/2012 y los demandados domiciliados fuera de la UE: Análisis de la reforma
- Nuria Marchal Escalona, ¿Hacia un nuevo derecho procesal europeo de protección del consumidor?: La nueva iniciativa europea sobre la resolución de litigios de pequeña cuantía
- Margalida Capellà i Roig, ¿Qué queda del delito político en el Derecho Internacional contemporáneo? (Observaciones en los ámbitos de la extradición y del asilo)
- Notas
- José Luis Goñi Etchevers & Victor Fuentes Camacho, Otro punto de vista sobre el caso Odyssey
- Edita Gruodytė & Stefan Kirchner, The Contribution of the European Charter of Human Rights to the Right to Legal Aid
- Huang Zhang, The new lispendens regime in the Regulation Brussels I bis and the challenge met by Chinese jurisdiction
Monday, December 22, 2014
Call for Papers: Law's Violence
Law's Violence
chairs: Tanja Aalberts (Centre for the Politics of Transnational Law, and Nikolas Rajkovic (University of Kent,
Wednesday 23 – Saturday 26 September 2015
Giardini Naxos, Sicily, Italy
Justifying political decisions in legal terms has become an integral part of foreign policy, and even a ‘key aspect of modern war’ according to the former US deputy Advocate General. This realization of the 'power of law' at the same time reveals that international law is not immune to the evolving nature of international politics. Law's relationship to power, wealth and violence is more nuanced, complex and subversive than traditional perspectives on the normative thickening of international society envisage. This cross-disciplinary section of 5 panels will explore the various ways in which law not merely enables violence but even represents an instrument of violence itself. This runs from debates about the legal justification of military humanitarian intervention, Guantanamo Bay as a distinct juridical space, the role of lawyers in contemporary war rooms, the increasing “private” power of Foreign Investment and Trade Treaties, the colonial foundations of modern international law, to a reconceptualization of rights as governmental technologies, and more theoretical debates on the force of law by scholars such as Derrida, Foucault, Benjamin and Schmitt.
The Section Chairs are delighted to invite paper, panel, and roundtable proposals for submission. Deadline: 15 January 2015
Further information on the section and submission procedure is here.
New Issue: Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Comercial Internacional

- Rodrigo Corredor Castellanos, Foreign Direct Investment: Ambiguity About Spillover Effects on Innovation and Possible Implications in the Field of Investor-State Disputes Relating to the Protection of Intangible Assets
- Irakli Gelovani, Shareholder’s Claims in International Investment Arbitration
- Renzo Andrade Chirinos, Two Coexisting Systems with a Common Enemy. Trade and Finance Vs. Economic Crises
- Alejandro Follonier-Ayala, Evolution of Separability and Kompetenz- Kompetenz Principles in Latin America
- Amy Sjoquist, Guatemalan Tragedy: A Case Study of the Negative Impact of Neoliberalism on the Protection of Human Rights
- Giulliana Reggiardo Palacios & Carolina Urigüen Eljuri, The Negotiation of Ecuador-European Union
- Renzo Andrade Chirinos, Towards Shaping the new EU Investment Policy
Sunday, December 21, 2014
New Issue: International Human Rights Law Review

- Gino J. Naldi & Konstantinos D. Magliveras, The ASEAN Human Rights Declaration
- Robert Quinn & Jesse Levine, Intellectual-Human Rights Defenders and Claims for Academic Freedom under Human Rights Law
- Kevin Aquilina, The European Court of Human Rights Case Law and Its Impact on Parliamentary Removal of a Judge in Malta
- Hakeem Yusuf, S.A.S v France: Supporting ‘Living Together’ or Forced Assimilation?
- Florian Lehne & Paul Weismann, The European Court of Human Rights and Access to Information
Saturday, December 20, 2014
New Issue: Journal of World Intellectual Property

- Jessica C. Lai, The Exhaustion Doctrine and Genetic Use Restriction Technologies: A Look at Bowman v Monsanto
- Pawarit Lertdhamtewe, Protection of Plant Varieties in Thailand
- Cees Mulder, Patent Law Treaty: Promises Not Delivered-How the Negotiations Resulted in Ambiguities in the Treaty
Friday, December 19, 2014
New Volume: Austrian Review of International and European Law

- Stanford – Vienna Human Rights Conference: US-American and European Approaches to Contemporary Human Rights Problems
- Manfred Nowak, European Human Rights Mechanisms in Comparison with the US
- Helen Stacy, The United States Rights Approach
- Allen S. Weiner, The Protection Human Rights in the United States
- James L. Cavallaro, US Exceptionalism, Human Rights and Civil Society
- Christoph Grabenwarter, The European Human Rights Model – With a Special View to the Pilot Judgment Procedure of the Strasbourg Court
- Ursula Kriebaum, The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
- Karin Lukas, The European Committee of Social Rights – The European Monitor in the Social Sphere
- Jonas Grimheden & Gabriel N. Toggenburg, Human Rights Protection in the European Union: A ‘Tale of Seven Cities’
- Heinz Gärtner, Responsibility to Protect (R2P) and Libya
- Irmgard Marboe, R2P and the ‘Abusive’ Veto – The Legal Nature of R2P and its Consequences for the Security Council and its Members
- Hanspeter Neuhold, Secondary Responsibility to Protect: Enforcement Action by the UN Security Council in the 2011 Libyan Crisis
- Christina Binder, European and US-Perspectives on the Protection of Human and Labour Rights in Export Processing Zones
- Margit Ammer & Joachim Stern, Human Rights Challenges in the Areas of Asylum and Immigration: EU Policies and Perspectives
- Katherine R. Jolluck, Anti-Traffi cking Efforts and the Protection of Human Rights
- Maria Grazia Giammarinaro, Human Trafficking and Victims’ Rights
- Dinah Shelton, Thinking Globally – Acting Regionally. The Third Vranitzky Lecture
- Dan Svantesson, The Rome II Regulation and Choice of Law in Internet-Based Violations of Privacy and Personality Rights – On the Wrong Track, but in the Right Direction?
Joerges & Glinski: The European Crisis and the Transformation of Transnational Governance: Authoritarian Managerialism versus Democratic Governance
The debate on law, governance and constitutionalism beyond the state is confronted with new challenges. In the EU, confidence in democratic transnational governance has been shaken by the authoritarian and unsocial practices of crisis management. The ambition of this book, which builds upon many years of close co-operation between its contributors, is to promote a viable interdisciplinary alternative to these developments. "Conflicts-law constitutionalism" is a concept of transnational governance which derives democratic legitimacy from the supranational control of the external impact of national decision-making, on the one hand, and the co-operative responses to problem interdependencies on the other. The first section of the book contrasts Europe's new modes of economic governance and crisis management with the conditionality of international investments, and reflects upon the communalities and differences between emergency Europe and global exceptionalism. Subsequent sections substantiate the problématique of executive and technocratic rule, explore conflict constellations of prime importance in the fields of environmental and labour law, and discuss the impact and limits of liberalisation strategies. Throughout the book, European and transnational developments are compared and evaluated.
New Issue: Chinese Journal of International Law

- Editorial Comments
- Wang Yi, China: a Staunch Defender and Builder of the International Rule of Law
- Julia Ya Qin, Judicial Authority in WTO Law: A Commentary on the Appellate Body's Decision in China-Rare Earths
- LIU Xiaohong & Yang Ling, Redemption of Chinese Arbitration? — Comments on the Civil Procedure Law (2012) and Free Trade Zone Arbitration Rules (2014)
- Articles
- Sienho Yee, The South China Sea Arbitration (The Philippines v. China): Potential Jurisdictional Obstacles or Objections
- María Teresa Infante Caffi, Peru v. Chile: The International Court of Justice Decides on the Status of the Maritime Boundary
- Hervé Ascensio, Abuse of Process in International Investment Arbitration
- Salim Farrar, The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation: Forever on the Periphery of Public International Law?
- Michael Salter & Yinan Yin, Analysing Regionalism within International Law and Relations: The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation as a Grossraum?
- Letters to the Editor
- Vladislav Tolstykh, Reunification of Crimea with Russia: A Russian Perspective
- Sukjoon Yoon, Xi Jinping's “True Maritime Power” and ESCS Issues
Thursday, December 18, 2014
New Issue: Questions of International Law
- Colliding legal systems or balancing of values? International customary law on State immunity vs fundamental constitutional principles in the Italian Constitutional Court decision no 238/2014
- Introduced by Maurizio Arcari
- Robert Kolb, The relationship between the international and the municipal legal order: reflections on the decision no 238/2014 of the Italian Constitutional Court
- Pasquale De Sena, The judgment of the Italian Constitutional Court on State immunity in cases of serious violations of human rights or humanitarian law: a tentative analysis under international law
- Cesare Pinelli, Decision no. 238/2014 of the Constitutional Court: Between undue fiction and respect for constitutional principles
- Paolo Palchetti, Judgment 238/2014 of the Italian Constitutional Court: In search of a way out
New Issue: Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law

- Jon Bauer, Multiple Nationality and Refugees
- Daniel C.K. Chow, Navigating the Minefield of Trade Secrets Protection in China
- Bryan H. Druzin, Anarchy, Order, and Trade: A Structuralist Account of Why a Global Commercial Legal Order is Emerging
- Mugambi Jouet, Judging Leaders Who Facilitate Crimes by a Foreign Army: International Courts Differ on a Novel Legal Issue
Fogdestam Agius: Interaction and Delimitation of International Legal Orders
In Interaction and Delimitation of International Legal Orders, the author describes how actions of international dispute settlement bodies set up within institutionalized treaty regimes contribute to the establishment of autonomous international legal orders. Based on examples from the WTO, the EU, the law of the sea and international environmental law, the book presents a typology of uses of legal norms and principles that are extrinsic in the sense that they derive not from the regime, but from general public international law, other treaty regimes, or the jurisprudence from courts operating in other fields. The investigation contradicts assertions that international courts will contribute to systemic integration and offers reflections on repercussions for the legitimacy of international norms and institutions.
ESIL Lecture Series (Video)
- Dianne Otto, "Feminist Encounters with International Human Rights Law," Melbourne Law School, May 9, 2014
- Interview with Helen Keller, "Human Rights Protection: The Role of the European Court of Human Rights," University of Oslo, PluriCourts, September 8, 2014
- Rosalyn Higgins, "Rules, Choices, and International Law," Inaugural Memorial Lecture for Professor Vojin Dimitrijević, Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, October 6, 2014
- Hilary Charlesworth, "Rituals and Ritualism in the International Human Rights System," London School of Economics and Political Science, October 21, 2014
- Serge Sur, "La paix et la sécurité internationales selon la Charte des Nations Unies: virtualités et pratiques," University of Geneva, November 25, 2014
Call for Papers: International Criminal Justice: Theory, Policy and Practice
International Criminal Justice: Theory, Policy and Practice
Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference
University of Warwick
Call for Papers
This proposed stream contains four panel sessions and invites submissions on all areas of substantive international criminal justice, whether on theory, policy or practice. Empirical work would be particularly welcomed and papers based on “works in progress” will be considered so long as the work is sufficiently developed. Both individual papers and panel submissions (of three related papers) can be submitted for consideration. Postgraduate students are also encouraged to submit abstracts. Successful papers will be published in a symposium. Details of which will be available shortly.
For an informal discussion please email the convenor, Anna Marie Brennan at
Abstracts may only be submitted via the Easy Chair system. They must be no longer than 300 words and must include your title, name and institutional affiliation and your email address for correspondence.
The deadline for the submissions is Monday 19 January 2015.
New Issue: International Journal of Human Rights

- Gregor Puppinck & Claire de La Hougue, The right to assisted suicide in the case law of the European Courtof Human Rights
- Ronagh J.A. McQuigg, The European Court of Human Rights and domestic violence: Valiuliene v. Lithuania
- Roseane do Socorro Gonçalves Viana & Anne C. Bellows, ‘Teacher, we are hungry’. The violation of Quilombolas students’ right to adequate food, a case study
- Helle Abelvik-Lawson, Sustainable development for whose benefit? Brazil's economic power and human rights violations in the Amazon and Mozambique
- Karen Bell & Sarah Cemlyn, Developing public support for human rights in the United Kingdom: reasserting the importance of socio-economic rights
- Bonny Ibhawoh, Testing the Atlantic Charter: linking anticolonialism, self-determination and universal human rights
- Bill Rolston & Lillian Artz, Re-entry problems: the post-prison challenges and experiences of former political prisoners in South Africa and Northern Ireland
- Ebenezer Durojaye & Lucyline Nkatha Murungi, The African Women's Protocol and sexual rights
- Robert Quinn & Jesse Levine, Intellectual-HRDs and claims for academic freedom under human rights law
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
New Issue: Review of International Political Economy

- Mini-Symposium: Capital Controls and the Global Financial Crisis
- Ilene Grabel & Kevin P. Gallagher, Capital controls and the global financial crisis: An introduction
- Ilene Grabel, The rebranding of capital controls in an era of productive incoherence
- Jeffrey M. Chwieroth, Managing and transforming policy stigmas in international finance: Emerging markets and controlling capital inflows after the crisis
- Kevin P. Gallagher, Countervailing monetary power: Re-regulating capital flows in Brazil and South Korea
- Silla Sigurgeirsdóttir & Robert H. Wade, From control by capital to control of capital: Iceland's boom and bust, and the IMF's unorthodox rescue package
- Manuela Moschella, Currency wars in the advanced world: Resisting appreciation at a time of change in central banking monetary consensus
- Other Research Articles
- Justin V. Hastings, The economic geography of North Korean drug trafficking networks
- Donna Lee, Mark Hampton & Julia Jeyacheya, The political economy of precarious work in the tourism industry in small island developing states
New Issue: Journal of International Economic Law

- Articles in Honor of Prof. J. H. Jackson
- Edith Brown Weiss & Lydia Slobodian, Virtual Water, Water Scarcity, and International Trade Law
- Joost Pauwelyn, Rule-Based Trade 2.0? The Rise of Informal Rules and International Standards and How they May Outcompete WTO Treaties
- Joel P. Trachtman, International Legal Control of Domestic Administrative Action
- Rosa M. Lastra, Do We Need a World Financial Organization?
- Robert B. Thompson, Financial Regulation’s Architecture within International Economic Law
- R. Michael Gadbaw, The Prevention of Systemic Failure as a Unifying Principle of International Economic Law
- Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Rules of the International Trade, Investment, and Financial Systems: What they Deliver, how they Differ, the way Forward
- Roberto Echandi & Maree Newson, The Influence of International Investment Patterns in International Economic Law Rulemaking: A Preliminary Sketch
New Volume: Australian Year Book of International Law
- Louise Arbour, The Laws of War: Under Siege or Gaining Ground?
- Camille Goodman, ‘Strength through Cooperation’: a 21st Century Treaty for Multilateral Maritime Enforcement in the Pacific
- Christina Trahanas, Recent Developments in the Maritime Boundaries and Maritime Zones for the Pacific
- Thilini Perera & Dalma Demeter, A Balancing Act: Retaining Investor-State Dispute Settlement Provisions in Investment Agreements and Balancing Stakeholder Interests
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Dal Ri, Veloso, & Lima: A Formação da Ciência do Direito Internacional
- Naiara Posenato, Bartolus de Saxoferrato
- Paulo Potiara de Alcântara Veloso, Paulus Wladimiri
- Diego Panizza, Alberico Gentili
- Francisco Castilla Urbano, Francisco de Vitoria
- Paulo Emílio Vauthier Borges de Macedo, Francisco Suárez
- Antônio Manuel Hespanha, Hugo Grotius
- Francesco Mancuso, Emmerich de Vattel
- Arno Dal Ri Jr, Pasquale Stanislao Mancini
- Cássio Eduardo Zen, Karl Heinrich Triepel
- Lucas Carlos Lima, Dionisio Anzilotti
- Piero Ziccardi, Santi Romano
- Ernesto Roessing Neto, Georges Scelle
- George Rodrigo Bandeira Galindo, Hersch Lauterpacht
- François Rigaux, Hans Kelsen
- Manuel Becerra-Ramírez, Grigory Ivanovich Tunkin
- Piero Ziccardi, Roberto Ago
New Issue: Journal of East Asia and International Law

- Issue Focus: Twenty Years' UNCLOS and the Future Ocean Regime
- Mincai Yu, China Being A Maritime Power under the UNCLOS: Issues and Ways Ahead
- Yurika Ishii, International Cooperation on the Repression of Piracy and Armed Robbery at Sea under the UNCLOS
- Articles
- Sung Pil Park, Harmonizing Public and Private International Law: Implications of the Apple vs. Samsung IP Litigation
- Wei Shen, Conceptuality or Textuality? Understanding the Notion of Expropriation in the Context of Tza Yap Shum v. The Republic of Peru
- Notes & Comments
- A.-H. Ranjbarian, A. Abedini & K. Rouzegari, Interpreting the United Nations Security Council Resolutions by the Domestic Courts: The Judgment of the High Court of Singapore on the Iranian Nuclear Program
- Chao Wang, International Arbitration of Maritime Delimitation: An Alternative for East Asia?
- Regional Focus & Controversies: Law and Policy under the Post-Kyoto Protocol System
- Hui Zhang, Towards a New Global Agreement under the Doha Climate Gateway: A Chinese Way
- Osamu Yoshida, Domestic Initiatives in a Global Context? Japan's Approaches to the Emissions Trading Schemes for the International Climate Change Regime
- Sung Ja Cho, Legal and Policy Implications on the Post-Kyoto Protocol System: A Korean Lawyer's Viewpoint
New Volume: African Yearbook of International Law
- Abdulqawi A. Yusuf & Roland Adjovi, Maputo Conference: Revitalizing the African Association of International Law (AAIL)
- Mutoy Mubiala, Les Droits de L’homme dans la Mediation du Secretaire General des Nations Unies Dans Le Conflit de Bakassi Entre le Cameroun et le Nigeria (2002-2006)
- Adejoké Babington-Ashaye, The African Peer-Review Mechanism at Ten: From Lofty Goals to Practical Implementation
- Christian Pangilinan, A Role for the African Court of Justice and Human Rights in Developing a Binding Regional Framework for Refugee Protection
- Dominic N. Dagbanja, The Changing Pattern and Future of Foreign Investment Law and Policy in Ghana: The Role of International Investment Treaties
- Chilenye Nwapi, Adjudicating Transnational Corporate Crimes in Foreign Courts: Imperialism or Assertion of Functional Jurisdiction?
- Catherine Maia & Anatole Ayissi, Peace Through Constitution: The Importance of Constitutional Order for International Peace and Security
- Abdulqawi A. Yusuf & Yuki Daijo, The Role of the Chairperson in Multilateral Treaty-Making Negotiations: The UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity
- Abdulqawi A. Yusuf, The Emergence of Judicial Institutions for Inter-State Dispute Settlement in Africa: A Brief Survey
- Sayeman Bula-Bula, Les Atteintes a L’autonomie Juridique de L’enfant Africain dans la Guerre
- Kasaija Phillip Apuuli, The Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and United Nations Peacekeeping: The Case of Monusco in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Bridget Rhinehart, Prosecuting Hissene Habre: Establishing a Factual Background of the Rise, Rule and Fall of Hissene Habre
- Roland Adjovi, Une Saga Judiciaire Autour d’un (Ex-) Chef D’etat Africain, Hissene Habre
- Jérôme de Hemptinne, Trois Propositions de Reforme du Systeme de Justice Penale Internationale
New Issue: Journal of International Arbitration

- Wei Sun, SPC Instruction Provides New Opportunities for International Arbitral Institutions to Expand into China
- Dipen Sabharwal & Rebecca Zaman, Vive la difference? Convergence and Conformity in the Rules Reforms of Arbitral Institutions: The Case of the LCIA Rules 2014
- Ana Carolina Weber, Carmine A. Pascuzzo S., Guilherme de Siqueira Pastore, & Ricardo Dalmaso Marques, Challenging the “Splitting the Baby” Myth in International Arbitration
- Dario Alessi, Enforcing Arbitrator’s Obligations: Rethinking International Commercial Arbitrators’ Liability
- Carlos A. Matheus López, Practical Criteria for Selecting International Arbitrators
- Detlev Kühner, The Impact of Party Impecuniosity on Arbitration Agreements: The Example of France and Germany
Monday, December 15, 2014
New Issue: Ethics & International Affairs

- Essay
- Jacinta O'Hagan & Miwa Hirono, Fragmentation of the International Humanitarian Order? Understanding “Cultures of Humanitarianism” in East Asia
- Features
- Christopher Kutz, How Norms Die: Torture and Assassination in American Security Policy
- Ruben Reike, The “Responsibility to Prevent”: An International Crimes Approach to the Prevention of Mass Atrocities
- Book Symposium: On Global Justice
- Richard Arneson, Against Relationalism in Global Justice Theory
- Helena de Bres, Risse on Justice in Trade
- Anna Stilz, On Collective Ownership of the Earth
- Mathias Risse, Response to Arneson, de Bres, and Stilz
- Review Essay
- Nancy Birdsall, Thomas Piketty's Capital and the Developing World
Hafner-Burton, Mansfield, & Pevehouse: Human Rights Institutions, Sovereignty Costs and Democratization
Why do countries join international human rights institutions, when membership often yields few material gains and constrains state sovereignty? This article argues that entering a human rights institution can yield substantial benefits for democratizing states. Emerging democracies can use the ‘sovereignty costs’ associated with membership to lock in liberal policies and signal their intent to consolidate democracy. It also argues, however, that the magnitude of these costs varies across different human rights institutions, which include both treaties and international organizations. Consistent with this argument, the study finds that democratizing states tend to join human rights institutions that impose greater constraints on state sovereignty.
New Issue: Arbitration International

- Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel, Applicable Law in Disputes Concerning Economic Sanctions: A Procedural Framework for Arbitral Tribunals
- Jan Paulsson, Metaphors, Maxims, and Other Mischief – The Freshfields Arbitration Lecture
- James Allsop, The Authority of the Arbitrator
- Gisele Stephens-Chu, Is it Always All About the Money? The Appropriateness of Non-Pecuniary Remedies in Investment Treaty Arbitration
- Jesse Kennedy, Tickets, Money, Passport – and an Arbitration Agreement? Pro-Arbitration Policy in Dampskibsselskabet Norden A/S v. Gladstone Civil Pty Ltd
- Anthony Connerty, Lex Mercatoria: Reflections from an English Lawyer
New Issue: International Studies Quarterly

- Presidential Address
- Amitav Acharya, Global International Relations (IR) and Regional Worlds: A New Agenda for International Studies
- Balancing and the Balance of Power
- Jørgen Møller, Why Europe Avoided Hegemony: A Historical Perspective on the Balance of Power
- International Order and Ordering
- Ty Solomon, Time and Subjectivity in World Politics
- Calvert W. Jones, Exploring the Microfoundations of International Community: Toward a Theory of Enlightened Nationalism
- Julian Germann, German “Grand Strategy” and the Rise of Neoliberalism
- Democracies and Foreign Policy
- Wolfgang Wagner & Michal Onderco, Accommodation or Confrontation? Explaining Differences in Policies Toward Iran
- Ryan K. Beasley & Juliet Kaarbo, Explaining Extremity in the Foreign Policies of Parliamentary Democracies
- Patrick Shea, Terence K. Teo & Jack S. Levy, Opposition Politics and International Crises: A Formal Model
- Diffusion and Regulation
- Jeffrey M. Chwieroth, Fashions and Fads in Finance: The Political Foundations of Sovereign Wealth Fund Creation
- Michaël Aklin & Johannes Urpelainen, The Global Spread of Environmental Ministries: Domestic–International Interactions
- Jean-Frédéric Morin & Edward Richard Gold, An Integrated Model of Legal Transplantation: The Diffusion of Intellectual Property Law in Developing Countries
- Daniel Berliner & Aseem Prakash, Public Authority and Private Rules: How Domestic Regulatory Institutions Shape the Adoption of Global Private Regimes
- Political Economy of Globalization
- Andrew Kerner, What We Talk About When We Talk About Foreign Direct Investment
- Lawrence Ezrow & Timothy Hellwig, Responding to Voters or Responding to Markets? Political Parties and Public Opinion in an Era of Globalization
- Benjamin Nyblade & Angela O'Mahony, Playing with Fire: Pre-Electoral Fiscal Manipulation and the Risk of a Speculative Attack
- Humanitarian Aid and Intervention
- Rob Kevlihan, Karl DeRouen Jr & Glen Biglaiser, Is US Humanitarian Aid Based Primarily on Need or Self-Interest?
- Dursun Peksen, Timothy M. Peterson & A. Cooper Drury, Media-driven Humanitarianism? News Media Coverage of Human Rights Abuses and the Use of Economic Sanctions
- Future Trends
- Askar Akaev & Vladimir Pantin, Technological Innovations and Future Shifts in International Politics
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Singh: Narrative and Theory: Formalism's Recurrent Return
This article critically examines the re-entrenchment of formalism in European international legal thought. It does so by looking at how such a theory (and ideas more generally) may come to seem natural and persuasive within the discipline. Narrative analysis may be used as a critical method to look at how theories persuade, how they are 'sold' and how they produce certain mentalities. Formalism generally (and specifically, source formalism) is broken down as part method, part aesthetics, and part ideology (Section I). The theory is also critiqued for its concern with coherence and determinacy, its own imminent intellectual necessity, and with disciplinary progress. These narrative tactics are exposed as geared towards establishing theoretical dominance within the discipline (and in relation to other theories) (Section II). Specific variants of formalism also tend to eschew any analysis of the multitude of historical conditions and struggles from and for which it emerged. The contemporary European stance emerges against a background of anxiety over disciplinary autonomy and theories that have become dominant in US legal thought. It is a theory of resistance that often slips into essentializing the discipline (Section III). Finally, a specific thesis for formalism in the sources of international law is critiqued as one that cannot work on its own intellectual and theoretical terms. Source formalism (as argued through a Hartian positivist thesis and Wittgenstein) cannot fulfill the relative determinacy it seeks, nor (and more importantly) is such a determinacy required for the legitimacy and normativity of international law. This theory of formalism, whilst operating through ideas that are easily accepted in legal circles, is one that can only sustain itself through intellectual vagueness and contradictions. Five such 'intellectual arrests' are worked through (Section IV). Despite its popularity, there is no necessity for such a theory in contemporary legal thought. Whilst this article is a critique of a specific variant of formalism, it is also a demonstration of how certain dominant theories can constrain and shape our imagination in a multitude of ways. The ploys of marketing an idea remain, after all, predominantly liberal.
Friday, December 12, 2014
Mamiya: Legal Challenges for UN Peacekeepers Protecting Civilians in South Sudan
Pavel: Divided Sovereignty: International Institutions and the Limits of State Authority
Divided Sovereignty explores new institutional solutions to the old question of how to constrain states when they commit severe abuses against their own citizens. The book argues that coercive international institutions can stop these abuses and act as an insurance scheme against the possibility of states failing to fulfill their most basic sovereign responsibilities. It thus challenges the long standing assumption that collective grants of authority from the citizens of a state should be made exclusively for institutions within the borders of that state. Despite worries that international institutions such as the International Criminal Court could undermine domestic democratic control, citizens can divide sovereign authority between state and international institutions consistent with their right of democratic self-governance.
States are imperfect, incomplete political forms. They presuppose a monopoly of coercive power and final jurisdictional authority over their territory. These twin elements of sovereignty and authority can be used by state leaders and political representatives in ways that stray significantly from the interests of citizens. In the most extreme cases, when citizens become inconvenient obstacles in the pursuit of the self-serving ambitions of their leaders, state power turns against them. Genocide, torture, displacement, and rape are often the means of choice by which the inconvenient are made to suffer or vanish.
The book defends universal, principled limits on state authority based on jus cogens norms, a special category of norms in international law that prohibit violations of basic human rights. Against skeptics, it argues that many of the challenges of building an additional layer of institutions can be met if we pay attention to the conditions of institutional success, which require (1) experimentation with different institutional forms, (2) limitations on the scope of authority for coercive international institutions through clear, narrow, well defined mandates, and (3) understanding the limits of existing knowledge on institutional design, which should make us suspicious of proposals for grand institutional schemes, such as global democracy.
New Issue: Journal of East Asia and International Law

- Issue Focus: Bush Doctrine and New International Legal Order
- Patricia Goedde, Human Rights of Guantánamo Detainees under International and US Law: Revisiting the US Supreme Court Cases
- Dong Chen, Who Threatens Whom? The 'Chinese Threat' and the Bush Doctrine
- Articles
- Haniff Ahamat & Nasarudin Rahman, Restricting Biofuel Imports in the Name of the Environment: How Does the Application of WTO Rules Affect Developing Countries?
- Wenwei Guan, International Trade "from Status to Contract" and Back: A Critique of the NME Normal Value Determination and Beyond
- Eric Yong Joong Lee, Haunting Phantom on the Way to the Korean Reunification? The Chinese People's Volunteer Army in the Korean War and Its Legal Questions
- Notes & Comments
- Medwis Al-Rashidi, The Geneva II Peace Talks and the Syrian Conflict: Neglected Legal Elements
- Yuji Hosaka, Is the so-called 'Rusk Letter' be a Critical Evidence of Japan's Territorial Claim to Dokdo Island?
- Regional Focus & Controversies: Japan's Currency Manipulation
- Xin Chen, Japan's Unspoken Currency Manipulation by Monetary Policies: A Chinese Lawyer's Perspective
- John Riley, The Legality of Japan's Current Monetary Policy under International Law
New Issue: Review of International Studies

- Tom Lundborg & Nick Vaughan-Williams, New Materialisms, discourse analysis, and International Relations: a radical intertextual approach
- David Chandler, Resilience and the ‘everyday’: beyond the paradox of ‘liberal peace’
- Suthaharan Nadarajah & David Rampton, The limits of hybridity and the crisis of liberal peace
- Mandy Turner, Peacebuilding as counterinsurgency in the occupied Palestinian territory
- Laura Ferracioli, Immigration, self-determination, and the brain drain
- Ryder McKeown, Legal asymmetries in asymmetric war
- Vicki Squire, Reshaping critical geopolitics? The materialist challenge
- Douglas Howland, An alternative mode of international order: The international administrative union in the nineteenth century
- Gadi Heimann, What does it take to be a great power? The story of France joining the Big Five
Karton: The Arbitral Role in Contractual Interpretation
This article considers the role of arbitrators in adjudicating the merits of international commercial disputes. It focuses, as a case study within this broader topic, on the interpretation of contracts. Interpreting contracts is a highly practical activity, but arbitrators’ approach to interpretation has important implications both for theory and for the success of arbitration as a means for the resolution of international commercial disputes. Are arbitrators more like judges, bound to apply the governing law according to strictly-defined rules, or more like commercially-minded problem-solvers? What approach best serves the needs of commercial parties?
The article challenges a widespread attitude that arbitrators should interpret contracts according to their commercially reasonable meaning, regardless of the interpretative rules provided in the governing law. First, it documents this attitude in the published awards and in the ‘extra-judicial’ pronouncements of arbitrators. Second, it confronts the various arguments that might be made in favour of arbitrators departing from the governing law. Finally, it sets out a suggested approach for determining the appropriate interpretive method in any given case.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Franck & O'Connor: Foreign Investments and the Market for Law
In this Article, Professors O'Hara O'Connor and Franck adapt and extend Larry Ribstein's positive framework for analyzing the role of jurisdictional competition in the law market. Specifically, the authors provide an institutional framework focused on interest group representation that can be used to balance the tensions underlying foreign investment law, including the desire to compete to attract investments and countervailing preferences to retain domestic policy-making discretion. The framework has implications for the respective roles of BITs and investment contracts as well as the inclusion and interpretation of various foreign investment provisions.
New Issue: Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy

- Special Issue: African Wildlife Law
- J. Manyitabot Takang, From Algiers to Maputo: The Role of the African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in the Harmonization of Conservation Policy in Africa
- Fidelis Tanyi Orock, Protected Areas, Ecotourism, and Livelihood Sustenance: Conflicting Triological Paradigm in the Ejagham Forest Reserve (Forest Management Unit 11-005), Cameroon
- Emmanuel Sunjo Tata & Cornelius M. Lambi, Challenges and Opportunities of the Mount Cameroon Forest Region as a National Park
- Jude Ndzifon Kimengsi, Threats to Ecotourism Development and Forest Conservation in the Lake Barombi Mbo Area (LBMA) of Cameroon
- Ethan Arthur, Poaching Cultural Property: Invoking Cultural Property Law to Protect Elephants
- Regular Article
- Margi Prideaux, Wildlife NGOs and the CMS Family: Untapped Potential for Collaborative Governance
Maia, Kolb, & Scalia: La protection des prisonniers de guerre en droit international humanitaire
Le régime juridique des prisonniers de guerre est le fruit d’une longue évolution du droit international coutumier et conventionnel. Il est constitué aujourd’hui, pour l’essentiel, de la IIIe Convention de Genève relative au traitement des prisonniers de guerre, du 12 août 1949. Sur certains points, cette Convention a été complétée par le Protocole additionnel relatif à la protection des victimes des conflits armés internationaux, du 8 juin 1977. Ce régime juridique, à l’instar de l’ensemble du droit des conflits armés, n’est toutefois pas une construction figée dans le temps. Pour être véritablement efficace, il doit être adapté en fonction des transformations de la réalité et des divers développements du droit international.
Sur la base d’une étude empirique, et de l’analyse des régimes pertinents de protection de la personne humaine, la présente étude s’est précisément donné pour objectif d’évaluer le régime juridique des prisonniers de guerre à la lumière des principaux conflits armés contemporains qui ont éclaté depuis le début des années 1950. Ainsi, c’est en suivant le cours de l’existence du prisonnier de guerre – depuis la détermination de son statut, en passant par sa protection une fois capturé, puis sa libération et son rapatriement – que l’ouvrage invite le lecteur à découvrir, norme par norme, comment le droit en vigueur a été appliqué et à quelles éventuelles difficultés il s’est heurté sur le terrain.
New Issue: Journal of Human Rights
- Ludvig Beckman, The Right to Democracy and the Human Right to Vote: The Instrumental Argument Rejected
- Rob Clark, A Tale of Two Trends: Democracy and Human Rights, 1981–2010
- Mathew Davies, States of Compliance?: Global Human Rights Treaties and ASEAN Member States
- Alejandro Anaya Muñoz, Communicative Interaction Between Mexico and Its International Critics Around the Issue of Military Jurisdiction: “Rhetorical Action” or “Truth Seeking Arguing”?
- Arelí Valencia, Human Rights Trade-Offs in a Context of “Systemic Lack of Freedom”: The Case of the Smelter Town of La Oroya, Peru
- Annabelle Mooney, “Corporeal Mentality”: The Book of Blood, Universal Human Rights, and the Body
- Victor O. Ayeni, Ombudsmen as Human Rights Institutions
- Rebecca Sanders, Legal Frontiers: Targeted Killing at the Borders of War
Conference: Autonomie und Selbstbestimmung in Europa und im internationalen Vergleich
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
d'Argent, Bonafè, & Combacau: Les limites du droit international - Essais en l’honneur de Joe Verhoeven
- Gérard Cahin, Vie privée de l’État et pouvoir constituant.
- Pierre-Marie Dupuy, Considérations élémentaires sur la « vie privée » des États
- Mathias Forteau, Le droit international privé, reflet des limites (mais aussi de la nature) du droit international public
- Jan Klabbers, From Sources Doctrine to Responsibility? Reflections on the Private Lives of States
- François Rigaux, La vie privée des États : un modèle à la recherche de lui-même
- Niki Aloupi, Vie privée, discrétion et complaisance : bases et limites d’une réflexion sur les limites du droit international
- Gilles Cottereau, La souveraineté au risque de l’exclusivité
- Giorgio Gaja, La compétence des États dans l’examen des demandes d’asile
- Philippe Gautier, L’exécution en droit interne des décisions de juridictions internationales : un domaine réservé ?
- Pierre Klein, Le droit international contemporain a-t-il étendu l’interdiction du recours à la force aux situations internes aux États ?
- Evelyne Lagrange, L’État et les puissances privées. Digressions sur la compétence plénière de l’État et « l’autonomie du mouvement sportif »
- Ioannis Prezas, Les obligations internationales de publicité face à l’exception de sécurité nationale : à la recherche d’une conciliation dans le droit de l’environnement
- Jean-Michel Arrighi, The “democracy clause” in the Americas
- Pierre d’Argent, Jusqu’où y a-t-il du droit international ? Considérations sur le droit dérivé des organisations internationales et sur le droit de l’Union européenne
- Jean d’Aspremont, The International Law of Statehood: Craftsmanship for the Elucidation and Regulation of Birth and Death in the International Society
- Frédéric Dopagne, Les contre-mesures au sein du système juridique de l’Union européenne
- Ahmed Mahiou, L’Algérie et le partenariat régional.
- Alain Pellet & Alina Miron, « Nationalisation » du droit international et particularismes constitutionnels français
- Raymond Ranjeva, L’engagement international : nouvelles dimensions
- Emmanuel Roucounas, Explications sur les limites différenciées et en mouvement entre le droit international et le droit interne
- Jean Salmon, Reconnaissance des situations et relations diplomatiques (Belgique-France 1848-1852)
- Béatrice I. Bonafé, Le lien de connexité : dépassement et sauvegarde de la nature « privée » des différends devant la Cour internationale de justice
- Philippe Couvreur, Notes sur la Cour internationale de justice et la volonté des États
- Enzo Cannizzaro, Margin of Appreciation and Reasonableness in the ICJ’s Decision in the Whaling Case
- Andrea Giardina, Droit international et droit interne dans le contentieux international des investissements
- Marcelo Kohen, “Considerations about What Is Common”: The ICJ and Specialised Bodies
- Djamchid Momtaz, L’attachement de la Cour internationale de justice au consensualisme judiciaire est-il sans faille ?
- Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos, Le dialogue des juges nationaux et européens : la nouvelle fonction consultative de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme
- Dean Spielmann, Le fait, le juge et la connaissance : aux confins de la compétence interprétative de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme
- Santiago Torres Bernárdez, Some questions of “jurisdiction” and “competence” of arbitral tribunals in treaty-based investors-host States disputes and the 2013 Tokyo Resolution of the Institut de droit international
Symposium: This is Not a Drill: Confronting Legal Issues in the Wake of International Disasters
Recent international disasters, both environmental and humanitarian, have resulted in trails of destruction and destitution, as well as an uncertain legal landscape. In response to this situation, the International Law Commission (ILC) has completed a draft report addressing the protection of persons when disasters occur. The Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law’s 2015 Symposium, This is Not a Drill: Confronting Legal Issues in the Wake of International Disasters, will address current international disaster response topics. The event will focus on an in-depth review of the ILC draft. Two additional panels will address environmental effects and disaster assistance in the wake of various types of international disasters.
Workshop: ASIL IO Interest Group Works-in-Progress Workshop
- Audrey Comstock (Cornell Univ.), "Domestic Legal Culture and Treaty Action Behavior: A Look at Human Rights Treaties"
- Joseph F.C. DiMento (Univ. of California, Irvine), "Environmental Governance of the Arctic: Law, Effect, Now Implementation"
- MJ Durkee (Univ. of Washington), "The Business of Treaties"
- Greg Fox (Wayne State Univ.) and Kristen Boon (Seton Hall Univ.), "The Multilateralization of Armed Conflict and its Legal Consequences"
- Ben Heath (New York Univ.), "The Fragmented Organization: The Logic of Contract in the Governance of Migration"
- Alberto Alvarez Jimenez (Te Piringa Faculty of Law), "The Post 9/11 Practices of the UN Security Council Related to the Right to Self-Defense Against Non-State Actors: Has Anything Changed After Resolutions 1368 and 1373 (2001)?"
- Andrew Woods (Univ. of Kentucky), "Inexpressive International Agreements"
- David Zaring (Univ. of Pennsylvania - Wharton School), "A Paradigm of Global Financial Regulation."