The latest issue of the
ICSID Review: Foreign Investment Law Journal (Vol. 27, no. 2, Fall 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Case Comments
- Hans van Houtte & Bridie McAsey,
Abaclat and others v Argentine Republic: ICSID, the BIT and Mass Claims
Andrea Marco Steingruber,
Abaclat and Others v Argentine Republic: Consent in Large-scale Arbitration Proceedings
Céline Lévesque,
Abaclat and Others v Argentine Republic: The Definition of Investment
Samuel Wordsworth,
Abaclat and Others v Argentine Republic: Jurisdiction, Admissibility and Pre-conditions to Arbitration
Donald Francis Donovan,
Abaclat and others v Argentine Republic: As a Collective Claims Proceeding
Tony Cole,
ICS Inspection and Control Services Limited (United Kingdom) v The Argentine Republic
Patricia Nacimiento & Sven Lange,
White Industries Australia Limited v The Republic of India
- Articles
- Mark Feldman,
Setting Limits on Corporate Nationality Planning in Investment Treaty Arbitration
Julien Fouret,
Stay(ing) on Track or Falling off the Edge: The Absence of Legal Security in the Ad Hoc Committees’ Decisions under Article 52(5) of the ICSID Convention
Mark Kantor,
Little Has Changed in the New US Model Bilateral Investment Treaty
- Notes
- Eric De Brabandere & Julia Lepeltak,
Third-Party Funding in International Investment Arbitration
Joongi Kim,
A Pivot to Asia in Investor–State Arbitration: The Coming Emergence of Asian Claimants
Jan Kleinheisterkamp,
European Policy Space in International Investment Law
Felipe Mutis Téllez,
Conditions and Criteria For The Protection of Legitimate Expectations Under International Investment Law: 2012 ICSID Review Student Writing Competition