Friday, April 20, 2012

Singh: Two Potential Paths Forward from Fragmentation Discourse: Sociology and Ethics

Sahib Singh (Univ. of Vienna - Law) has posted Two Potential Paths Forward from Fragmentation Discourse: Sociology and Ethics (Proceedings of the 105th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law, Vol. 105, p. 130, 2011). Here's the abstract:
This was an extremely short paper prepared for the American Society of International Law Conference 2011. It addresses three points: (1) the emergence of uncertainty in the utopian systemic ideals for international law - that we have seen form in the fragmentation discourse; (2) the value of sociological inquiry into tribunalisation: treating fragmentation for what it is: far more than an issue concerned with norms; and (3) the value of ethical inquiry: re-examining the role of international lawyers in light of arguable professional fragmentation. It advocates a call for (2) and (3), nothing more.