Thursday, September 29, 2011

Conference: Global Challenges of International Sales Law

The University of Florida Center for International Business Education & Research and the Warrington College of Business Administration will host a conference on "Global Challenges in International Sales Law," November 11-12, 2011. The agenda is here. Here's the idea:

This conference will provide information on multiple levels—understanding the rules of the CISG, the application of the CISG by signatory countries, theoretical insights, and its use by international transactional attorneys. It will also include a presentation by Luca Castellani, legal officer in the Secretariat of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, on the substance and status of complimentary conventions. This conference will ask many questions, including the following:

  • How has the CISG evolved? Why it is important?
  • What are the best sources for CISG law? How does one conduct research in international sales law?
  • How is the CISG different from the Uniform Commercial Code, English Sale of Goods Act, and other national laws?
  • How have substantive provisions of the CISG been interpreted and applied by national court systems and arbitral panels?
  • What are the problems of uniform law?
  • Can the differences between the common law and civil law be overcome in the application of the CISG?
  • Why should legal practitioners embrace or partially embrace the CISG in serving their clients?
  • Is avoidance of the CISG a ground for a claim of malpractice?
  • How should one negotiate and draft an international sales contract?