The latest issue of
Criminal Law Forum (Vol. 21, nos. 3-4, December 2010) is out. Contents include:
- Neil Boister, The (UN-) Systematic Nature of the UN Criminal Justice System: The (NON) Relationship Between the Draft Illicit Tobacco Trade Protocol and the UN Convention Against Transnational Organised Crime
- Daniel David Ntanda Nsereko, The Role of Victims in Criminal Proceedings – Lessons National Jurisdictions can learn from the ICC
- Robert L. Manson, Identifying the Rough Edges of the Kampala Compromise
- Michael G. Karnavas, Joint Criminal Enterprise at the ECCC: A Critical Analysis of the Pre-Trial Chamber’s Decision Against the Application of JCE III and two Divergent Commentaries on the Same
- Michael Bohlander, Death of an Appellant – the Termination of the Appellate Proceedings in the Case of RASIM Delic at the ICTY
- Roger S. Clark, The Attrition of Capital Punishment Worldwide as the American Law Institute Withdraws its Model Penal Code Provision Recommending how to do it