Thursday, November 26, 2009

Call for Papers: Japanese Yearbook of International Law

A call for papers has been issued for the forthcoming volume of the Japanese Yearbook of International Law. Here's the call:

The Editorial Committee of Japanese Yearbook of International Law (JYIL) invites “Articles or Notes” or “Book Reviews.”

JYIL welcomes the submission of articles and notes (within 5000 to 15000 words, not including footnotes) that address public and private international law, comparative law, or Japanese domestic law having international implications. Book Reviews should be around 750 to 1500 words on works on public or private international law, comparative law, or Japanese domestic law. All articles, notes and book reviews are peer-reviewed by experts in the field.

The Japanese Yearbook of International Law is a renewed academic journal (Vol. 51, 2008) in continuity with Japanese Annual of International Law (JAIL) first published in 1958. While maintaining the 50 year tradition of JAIL, JYIL will consist of the following sections: articles and notes on both general and Japan-related issues, digests pertaining to current Japanese practices in international law, digests relating to major judicial decisions by Japanese courts in the fields of international law, and book reviews, as well as related documents including recent treaties and legislations.

Although submissions are accepted on an occasional basis, the deadline of submissions for the current year issue will be the end of January, and submissions received after that date will be considered as submissions for subsequent issues. JYIL is to be published in February.

For further information, please visit our HP or contact the Editorial Committee (below).


Akira Kotera

Professor of International Law

Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, University of Tokyo

Email: jyil(a)