Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Workshop: Strategies for Solving Global Crises. The Financial Crisis and Beyond

On October 16-17, the Institut für Völkerrecht und Europarecht at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen will host a workshop for doctoral and post-doctoral researchers on "Strategies for Solving Global Crises. The Financial Crisis and Beyond." The preliminary workshop agenda is here. Here's the idea:

The recent, ongoing crisis of the world financial system, but also other global problems such as climate change or the spread of weapons of mass destruction have highlighted the susceptibility of a globalized world to equally globalized crises.

In October 2009, an interdisciplinary workshop held at the Georg-August-University Göttingen will explore the phenomenon of global crises both theoretically and empirically. In particular the workshop will use the global financial crisis as paradigm to analyze different strategies for preventing and solving global crises, ranging from international approaches to regional initiatives and action taken on the national level. However, the workshop is also meant to go beyond the financial crisis, which is only one possible paradigm.