Emmanuel Decaux (Université Paris II (Panthéon-Assas) - Law),
Adama Dieng (Registrar, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda) &
Malick Sow (President, Criminal Chamber of the Court of Appeals in Dakar, Senegal & Alternative Judge, Special Court for Sierra Leone) have published
From Human Rights to International Criminal Law / Des droits de l'homme au droit international pénal: Studies in Honour of an African Jurist, the Late Judge Laïty Kama / Etudes en l'honneur d’un juriste africain, feu le juge Laïty Kama (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2007). Contents include:
- Emmanuel Decaux & Malick SowAvant-propos
- Louis Joinet, En mémoire de Laïty Kama
- Cécile Aptel & Mandiaye Nane Niang, Hommage à Laïty Kama
- Helen Klann & others, Judge Laïty Kama: Five Cases to Develop International Criminal Law
- Charmaine de los Reyes, State Cooperation and its Challenges for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
- Wolfgang Schomburg & Jan Christoph Nemitz, The Protection of Human Rights of the Accused Before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
- Helen Klann, Vagueness of Indictment: Rules to Safeguard the Rights of the Accused
- Simon M. Meisenberg, The Right to Legal Assistance at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda: A Review of its Jurisprudence
- Alhagi Marong, Chernor Jalloh, & David Kinnecome, Concurrent Jurisdiction at the ICTR: Should the Tribunal Refer Cases to Rwanda?
- Lennart Aspegren & Jamie A. Williamson, The Rwanda Tribunal and Genocide
- Cyril Laucci, Les crimes de guerre dans la jurisprudence du Tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda: les difficultés d’une "toute première tentative"
- Andrésia Vaz, La spécificité du crime de viol
- Coline Rapneau, The Prosecutor v. Laurent Semanza, Case No. ICTR-97-20, Judgement, Trial Chamber (15 May 2003). A Commentary
- Chile Eboe-Osuji, Superior or Command Responsibility - A Doubtful Theory of Criminal Responsibility at the Ad Hoc Tribunals
- Jean-Pelé Fomété, Countdown to 2010: A Critical Overview of the Completion Strategy of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR)
- Fatou Bensouda, Gender and Sexual Violence Under the Rome Statute
- Claude Jorda & Marianne Saracco, The Raison d’être of the Pre-Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court
- Hassan B. Jallow, Challenges of Investigating and Prosecuting International Crimes
- Althea Alexis, The Convergence of the Common Law and Inquisitorial Systems in International Criminal Law
- Segun Jegede, Prohibition Against Subsequent Prosecution: Periscoping the Non Bis In Idem Principle
- Flavia Lattanzi, La frontière entre droit international humanitaire et droits de l’homme
- William A. Schabas, Independence and Impartiality of the International Criminal Judiciary
- Geert-Jan Alexander Knoops, Revisiting the Abu Graibh Prosecutions from the Perspective of the ICTY and the ICTR
- Adama Dieng & Chile Eboe-Osuji, International Law, Mercenary Activities and Conflict Prevention in Africa
- Mutoy Mubiala, Les négociations de paix en Afrique
- Bahame Tom Nyanduga, Addressing Impunity: A Challenge to the International Criminal Justice System with a Specific Reference to Africa and the African Human Rights System
- Angela Melo, Le protocole à la Charte africaine des droits de l’homme et des peuples relative aux droits des femmes en Afrique: une contribution spécifique d’un traité régional au droit international des droits de l’homme
- Sergei Alekseevich Egorov, Law and Time
- Khalida Rachid Khan, Women and Human Rights in the Asia/Pacific Region: A Perspective from South Asia
- Leila Zerrougui, L’apport des premiers membres du Groupe de travail sur la détention arbitraire dans l’établissement d’un contrôle international universel de la légalité de la détention
- Régis de Gouttes, Le renforcement et l’harmonisation des procédures nationales et internationales en matière de protection des droits de l’homme