The latest volume of the
Netherlands Yearbook of International Law (Vol. 36, 2005) is out. Contents include:
- Deirdre Curtin & André Nollkaemper,
Conceptualizing accountability in international and European law
- Jutta Brunnée, International legal accountability through the lens of the law of state responsibility
- Wouter G. Werner, Responding to the undesired state responsibility, risk management and precaution
- Ige F. Dekker, Making sense of accountability in international institutional law An analysis of the Final Report of the ILA Committee on Accountability of International Organizations from a conceptual legal perspective
- August Reinisch, Accountability of international organizations according to national law
- Esa Paasivirta & Pieter Jan Kuijper, Does one size fit all? The European Community and the responsibility of international organizations
- Walter van Gerven, Which form of accountable government for the European Union?