The latest issue of the
International Journal of Refugee Law (Vol. 28, no. 4, December 2016) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue in Honour of Professor Guy S Goodwin-Gill
Jane McAdam,
Guy S Goodwin-Gill: The International Refugee Law Scholar
- Michelle Foster & Hélène Lambert,
Statelessness as a Human Rights Issue: A Concept Whose Time Has Come
- Elspeth Guild,
Does the EU Need a European Migration and Protection Agency?
- Cathryn Costello,
Safe Country? Says Who?
- Geoff Gilbert,
UNHCR and Courts: Amicus curiae … sed curia amica est?
- Jean-François Durieux,
The Duty to Rescue Refugees
Volker Türk & Madeline Garlick,
From Burdens and Responsibilities to Opportunities: The Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework and a Global Compact on Refugees
- Guy S Goodwin-Gill,
The Movements of People between States in the 21st Century: An Agenda for Urgent Institutional Change