Saturday, July 8, 2023
New Volume: Berichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht
Zarbiyev: Cutting off the Kind’s Head: Rethinking Authority in International Law
The renewed attention to the concept of authority in the literature of international law and international relations has allowed to gain a better understanding of the phenomenon of authority in international affairs. But even recent works remain focused on ‘authority figures’ in the form of persons, offices and institutions. Building on an approach proposed by Kim Scheppele and Karol Soltan, this article frames authority as a matter of attractiveness in a choice situation, showing a way to go beyond the dominant actor-focused conception of authority. What it proposes, in particular, is to revisit the existing understanding of authority by shifting the focus from authority figures to authoritative resources. The practice of authority assertions and authority contestations in international law shows that rather than being ‘agent-centered’, claims and challenges to authority primarily turn around attributes that pass for ‘authoritative resources’ in the relevant contexts.
New Issue: Review of International Studies
- Forum: Decolonizing to Reimagine International Relations
- Somdeep Sen, Decolonising to reimagine International Relations: An introduction
- Ilan Kapoor, Decolonising Development Studies
- Ajay Parasram, Pluriversal sovereignty and the state of IR
- Kristina Hinds, Invisible on the globe but not in the global: Decolonising IR using small island vistas
- Dana El Kurd, Elusive decolonisation of IR in the Arab world
- Consolata Raphael Sulley & Lisa Ann Richey, The messy practice of decolonising a concept: Everyday humanitarianism in Tanzania
- Somdeep Sen, The politics of science: A postscript
- Research Articles
- Heloise Weber & Aliya Abbasi, Poverty is not ‘another culture’: Against a right of children to work to live
- Martin J. Bayly, Global intellectual history in International Relations: Hierarchy, empire, and the case of late colonial Indian international thought
- Peter Marcus Kristensen, Subject matters: Imperialism and the constitution of International Relations
- Inho Choi, On being Chinese and being complexified: Chinese IR as a transcultural project
- Sandra Pogodda, Oliver P. Richmond, & Gëzim Visoka, Counter-peace: From isolated blockages in peace processes to systemic patterns
- Helle Malmvig, Jesting international politics: The productive power and limitations of humorous practices in an age of entertainment politics
Friday, July 7, 2023
New Volume: African Journal of International Economic Law
- Vincent Wong, Racial capitalism with Chinese Characteristics: analyzing the political economy of racialized dispossession and exploitation in Xinjiang
- Dominic Npoanlari Dagbanja, Rethinking the Legal Efficacy of Investment Treaty Reforms: Examples from Africa
- Ian Mwiti Mathenge, Tackling the Conundrum: Climate Change and Stabilization under Fair and Equitable Treatment
- Patrick Ageh Agejoh, The AfCFTA Intellectual Property Protocol and the Commercialisation of Traditional Knowledge in Africa
- Armin Cuyvers & Patricia Ouma, The European Union as a Model for African Regionalism: Decolonizing Regional Integration in Africa?
- Arinze Bryan Okiche & Uchenna Vincent Agunwa, African Practice in International Economic Law: 2021–2022
- Christopher Yaw Nyinevi & Yohannes Eneyew Ayalew, “Let the NetWork”: The Role of African Sub-Regional Courts in Protecting Internet Access and human Rights in the Digital Environment
Thursday, July 6, 2023
New Issue: The World Economy
- Tomasz Serwach, The European Union and within-country income inequalities. The case of the new member states
- Lucas Guichard & Ignat Stepanok, International trade, intellectual property rights and the (un)employment of migrants
- Jacob A. Jordaan, Firm-level characteristics and the impact of COVID-19: Examining the effects of foreign ownership and international trade
- Chengchun Li, Sailesh Tanna, & Baseerit Nissah, The effect of institutions on the foreign direct investment-growth nexus: What matters most?
- Syed Ali Abbas, Eliyathamby A. Selvanathan, & Saroja Selvanathan, The foreign aid and remittance nexus: Evidence from South Asia
- Dessie Tarko Ambaw, Vutha Hing, Patrick N. Osakwe, & Shandre Mugan Thangavelu, Minimising COVID-19 transmission cases: Do policies and institutions matter?
- Shunya Ozawa, Do international investment agreements attract foreign direct investment in knowledge intensive industries?
- Tushar Bharati, Mohammad Farhad, & Michael Jetter, On the relationship between trade openness and government size
- Yue Pu, Yunting Li, & Jinjin Zhang, Features and evolution of the ‘Belt and Road’ regional value chain: Complex network analysis
- Mianshan Lai & Jia Hou, Let us misinvoice more? The effect of de jure capital controls on trade misinvoicing
- Kozo Kiyota, Spatially uneven pace of deindustrialisation within a country
- Emilie Rutledge & Efstathios Polyzos, The rise of GCC-East Asian trade: A cointegration approach to analysing trade relationships
New Issue: Journal of Human Rights
- Bridget O. Alichie, Communication at the margins: Online homophobia from the perspectives of LGBTQ + social media users
- José A. Alemán, The dictator’s dilemma: Why communist regimes oppress their citizens while military regimes torture and kill
- Lisa S. Alfredson, Child soldiers as contemporary slaves: A human rights approach
- Alexander Dukalskis, A fox in the henhouse: China, normative change, and the UN Human Rights Council
- Andika Wahab & Ramli Dollah, Child labor and unfree labor: Evidence from the palm oil sector in Sabah (East Malaysia)
- Jonathan A. Solis & Kelebogile Zvobgo, Defending the watchdogs: How citizens and courts protect the press
- Mathis Lohaus & Sören Stapel, Who commits to regional human rights treaties? Reputational benefits, sovereignty costs, and regional dynamics
- Eric Wiebelhaus-Brahm, Dylan Wright, Héctor Centeno Martín & Ana Belén Nieto Librero, Examining compliance with domestic human rights bodies: The case of truth commission recommendations
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Le Floch: La Cour africaine des droits de l’homme
Si le protocole instituant la Cour africaine des droits de l’homme et des peuples a été adopté à Ouagadougou le 9 juin 1998, il fallut cependant attendre le 2 juillet 2006 pour que cette nouvelle juridiction soit officiellement installée à Arusha (Tanzanie). S’inscrivant dans la lignée des cours européenne et interaméricaine des droits de l’homme, la Cour africaine des droits de l’homme et des peuples n’en présente pas moins certaines spécificités.
Après quelques années d’oisiveté à ses débuts, la Cour s’est progressivement retrouvée à faire face à un afflux de plaintes émanant d’individus dans le courant des années 2010. Depuis cette date, elle peut pleinement remplir son office. La Cour contribue de manière décisive à la protection des droits de l’homme à l’échelle du continent africain, en statuant sur de nombreuses plaintes dont certaines ont des implications politiques et sociales très fortes. Elle est en outre parvenue, à travers les multiples décisions rendues dans l’exercice de sa compétence contentieuse et de sa compétence consultative, à édifier une véritable jurisprudence.
En dépit de ces avancées significatives, la Cour africaine des droits de l’homme et des peuples est aujourd’hui confrontée à de multiples défis. Elle doit, en premier lieu, trouver sa place sur le continent africain face à d’autres institutions. Il lui faut s’affirmer face à l’Union africaine mais également face aux multiples juridictions sous-régionales dont certaines ont des compétences expresses dans le domaine des droits de l’homme. En deuxième lieu, il lui faut faire face, si ce n’est à l’hostilité, aux moins aux réticences d’un certain nombre d’Etats africains. Elle doit les convaincre de ratifier le protocole de Ouagadougou ainsi que de faire une déclaration spéciale acceptant sa compétence – condition sine qua non pour que les individus aient accès à son prétoire. Elle doit par ailleurs les convaincre d’exécuter les ordonnances et arrêts qu’elle rend et dont ils sont les destinataires. Enfin, en troisième lieu, la Cour ne doit ni plus ni moins que préserver son existence. En effet, l’année même où le protocole de Ouagadougou est entré en vigueur, les chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement de l’Union africaine décidèrent de fusionner la Cour africaine des droits de l’homme et des peuples avec la Cour de justice de l’Union africaine, pour des raisons d’efficacité et d’effectivité. Le protocole réalisant cette fusion a été adopté en 2008 mais n’est toujours pas entré en vigueur.
La Cour africaine des droits de l’homme et des peuples est véritablement à la croisée des chemins. Alors qu’elle est en train de prendre progressivement son envol, de nombreuses menaces pèsent sur elle.
A travers différentes contributions d’universitaires et de praticiens, cet ouvrage a pour objet de revenir sur l’activité de la Cour africaine des droits de l’homme et des peuples et de s’interroger sur son avenir à un moment particulièrement crucial pour elle.
Eom & Helfer: Human Rights Litigation Before Sub-Regional Courts in East and West Africa
This chapter reviews the human rights jurisprudence of the East African Court of Justice (EACJ) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Court of Justice (ECCJ). The chapter divides the case law of the two courts into three categories: (1) “strategic litigation” filed by NGOs, bar associations, or other interest groups that seek to have a systemic impact on improving human rights in the respondent country; (2) “individual justice” suits filed by individual victims seeking redress for violations of their rights with little consideration of the broader context; and (3) “high-politics” cases in which members of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government, as well as opposition politicians or parties, challenge to national elections or other important political decisions. In general, the EACJ and ECCJ have been sympathetic venues for human rights litigation by civil society organizations, individuals, and high-profile political actors. However, the courts have also experienced significant opposition from some member states. This resistance has taken the form of noncompliance and trenchant public criticisms from executive officials and national courts.
New Issue: Cambridge International Law Journal
- Margaret A Young, Implementing international law: capacity-building, coordination and control
- Antara Haldar, The Paris Agreement as a paradigm shift in international law: the view from empirical legal studies*
- María Manuela Márquez Velásquez, Charismatic leadership accountability under international criminal law
- Danielle M Flanagan, To derogate or not to derogate: health securitisation challenges to the principle of non-refoulement in the Central Mediterranean
- Special Section: International economic law and new frontiers of global security
- Elisa Baroncini, Federica Cristani, Anna-Alexandra Marhold, Jose Gustavo Prieto Muñoz, Peter-Tobias Stoll, & Marina Trunk-Fedorova, Introduction to the special section
- Phillip McCalman, Laura Puzzello, Tania Voon, & Andrew Walter, Inward foreign investment screening targets China: interdisciplinary perspectives*
- Lorenza Mola, The securitisation of international economic law and ‘global security’: an analysis of the EU law approach through the prism of the Common Commercial Policy
- Daniel Franchini, Extraterritorial sanctions in response to global security challenges: countermeasures as gap-fillers in the United Nations collective security system
Tuesday, July 4, 2023
Lagrange & Dubin: Les inégalités et leurs manifestations en droit international
Inégalité. La notion peut sembler à la fois commune et fuyante, le phénomène peut sembler objectivé, puisque quantifiable, mais subjectif selon la perception de chacun (peut-être elle-même socialement déterminée). Pourtant, un constat s’impose : les inégalités sont partout, protéiformes (de revenu, d’accès au droit, d’accès aux services de base, à l’éducation, à la reconnaissance…) et multifactorielles (liées au genre, à l’origine sociale, à la résidence, intersectionnelles, etc.) ; elles se laissent mesurer et comparer au plan national, européen et international ; elles peuvent être freinées, simplement permises, ou favorisées voire amplifiées, objectivement ou par suite d’un calcul assumé, par les institutions juridiques internationales et européennes.
Egalité, disparités, inégalités, discriminations… Comment ces notions sont-elles construites et définies en droit international et européen, dans leurs deux dimensions, publique comme privée ? Comment s’opère le passage de l’une à l’autre et des notions ou des principes politiques aux principes de droit ? Comment expliquer et peut-être corriger des constructions qui, sous le fronton du principe d’égalité, organisent et codifient des inégalités ou les ignorent et les rejettent dans un autre ordre juridique ?
Le présent ouvrage, issu d’une Journée d’étude du Département de droit international et européen de l’Ecole de droit de la Sorbonne, regroupe les contributions originales de doctorants en droit international public, privé et européen sur les concepts et les principes, les inégalités dans les relations entre Etats, les inégalités dans les pratiques institutionnelles et juridictionnelles et les vulnérabilités dans la pratique juridique.
Bradley, Costello, & Sherwood: IOM Unbound? Obligations and Accountability of the International Organization for Migration in an Era of Expansion
It is an era of expansion for the International Organization for Migration (IOM), an increasingly influential actor in the global governance of migration. Bringing together leading experts in international law and international relations, this collection examines the dynamics and implications of IOM's expansion in a new way. Analyzing IOM as an international organization (IO), the book illuminates the practices, obligations and accountability of this powerful but controversial actor, advancing understanding of IOM itself and broader struggles for IO accountability. The contributions explore key, yet often under-researched, IOM activities including its role in humanitarian emergencies, internal displacement, data collection, ethical labour recruitment, and migrant detention. Offering recommendations for reforms rooted in empirical evidence and careful normative analysis, this is a vital resource for all those interested in the obligations and accountability of international organizations, and in the field of migration. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.
Conference: XXX Jornadas de la Asociación Española de Profesores de Derecho Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales
New Issue: International Affairs
- Special Section: Asian conceptions of international order: what Asia wants
- Kanti Bajpai & Evan A. Laksmana, Asian conceptions of international order: what Asia wants
- Ruonan Liu & Songpo Yang, China and the liberal international order: a pragmatic and dynamic approach
- Atul Mishra, The world Delhi wants: official Indian conceptions of international order, c. 1998–2023
- Ryoko Nakano, Japan and the liberal international order: rules-based, multilateral, inclusive and localized
- Yongwook Ryu, South Korea’s role conceptions and the liberal international order
- Ahmad Rizky Mardhatillah Umar, The rise of the Asian middle powers: Indonesia’s conceptions of international order
- Cheng-Chwee Kuik, Malaysian conceptions of international order: paradoxes of small-state pragmatism
- Dylan M. H. Loh, Singapore’s conception of the liberal international order as a small state
- Chanintira Na Thalang, Unpacking Thailand’s conceptions of and position within the liberal international order
- Charmaine Misalucha-Willoughby, The Philippines and the liberal rules-based international order
- Thuy T. Do, Vietnam’s prudent pivot to the rules-based international order
- Articles
- Nicholas Ross Smith & Bonnie Holster, New Zealand’s ‘Maori foreign policy’ and China: a case of instrumental relationality?
- Ruth Deyermond, The Trump presidency, Russia and Ukraine: explaining incoherence
- Magnus G. Schoeller, Leadership aspirations versus reality: Germany’s self-concept in Europe
- Matt McDonald, Immovable objects? Impediments to a UN Security Council resolution on climate change
- Jasmine-Kim Westendorf, Sex on mission: care, control and coloniality in peacekeeping and humanitarian operations
- Andreas Papamichail, Reinscribing global hierarchies: COVID–19, racial capitalism and the liberal international order
- Manjari Chatterjee Miller, No apology necessary? How narratives impact redress for colonialism in Namibia and India
- Christian Bueger & Felix Mallin, Blue paradigms: understanding the intellectual revolution in global ocean politics
- Andrew Ehrhardt, The philosophical aspect of world order
- Muyang Chen, China’s rise and the reshaping of sovereign debt relief
Freeman & Taylor: Research Handbook on International Child Abduction: The 1980 Hague Convention
With a focus on the 1980 Hague Convention, this cutting-edge Research Handbook provides a holistic overview of the law on international child abduction from prevention, through voluntary agreements and Convention proceedings, to post-return and aftercare issues.
Discussing the repercussions of abduction from the perspectives of both abducted children and the therapeutic and family justice professionals engaged in their cases, chapters consider the contributions of the many professionals and key agencies involved in the field. Identifying the 1980 Hague Convention as the principal global instrument for dealing with child abduction, the Research Handbook traces its role, history, development and impact, alongside the mechanisms required for its effective use. Evaluating current trends, areas of concern in legal/judicial practice and various regional initiatives, it also considers alternatives to high-conflict court proceedings in international child abduction cases. The Convention’s strengths, successes, weaknesses and gaps are discussed, and the Research Handbook concludes by addressing how best to tackle the challenges in its future operation.
New Issue: African Journal of International and Comparative Law
- Olubunmi E. Onafuwa, Enhancing the Legal Aid Provision in Nigeria through Regulatory Intermediaries
- Chris Adomako-Kwakye, Would Ghana Escape the Resource Curse? Reflections on the Minister of Finance's Power under the Petroleum Revenue Management Act as Amended
- Aaron Ringera & Wanjiru Rubia, The East African Court of Justice: Weaving Jurisprudential Pathways, 2012–20
- Ernest Owusu-Dapaa, Unenforceability of Contract: Are Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms under Ghana's 1992 Constitution Grounds of Public Policy?
- Larisse Prinsen, Challenges to and Regulation of Telemedicine in South Africa
- Mena Aba Baffoe Yalley, The Implementation of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Standards and the Petroleum Industry in Ghana
- Julia Selman Ayetey & Bolanle T. Erinosho, International Law in Ghana: A Study of the Attitudes, Knowledge and Use of International Law by Judges and Lawyers
- Nsongurua J. Udombana, The Past as Prologue: Slavery, Colonialism and Modern Human Rights
- Paul Adole Ejembi, Joycelin Chinwe Eze-Okubuiro, Obinna James Edeh & Uche Nnawulez, Deconstructing the Right to Self-Determination and the Polemics of Secession under International Law: The Case of Nigeria and Cameroon
Monday, July 3, 2023
New Volume: Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional
- Estudios sobre Ucrania
- Romualdo Bermejo-García, La crisis ucraniana: algo más que un conflicto entre Rusia y Ucrania
- Cesáreo Gutiérrez-Espada, De la guerra en Ucrania
- María-Dolores Bollo-Arocena, Agresión rusa a Ucrania, Crímenes Internacionales y Corte Penal Internacional
Otros estudios doctrinales/li>
- Jaume Ferrer-Lloret, Las «consecuencias particulares» de las violaciones graves de normas de «ius cogens» en el Proyecto de la CDI de 2022: ¿desarrollo progresivo del Derecho Internacional?
- Francisco Jiménez-García, La «localización en red» de la comunidad internacional. El futuro de las ciudades ante los desafíos globales del derecho internacional del futuro
- Ana Manero-Salvador, El valor jurídico de las decisiones de los órganos basados en los tratados en materia de derechos humanos de Naciones Unidas y sus efectos en el ordenamiento español
- José-Elías Esteve-Moltó, Hacia una nueva estrategia Unión Europea-China. De la dependencia y competencia económicas a la rivalidad sistémica
- Eulalia-W. Petit-de-Gabriel, «Clean Hands Revisited». El eterno retorno de una doctrina discutible
- Víctor-Luis Gutiérrez-Castillo, Fundamentos epistemológicos del principio «uti possideti iuris» y analisis crítico de su evolución en la sociedad internacional
- Elena-C. Díaz-Galán, Contramedidas y uso de la fuerza armada: la ausencia de soluciones definitivas ¿o no?
- Eduardo Jiménez-Pineda, El método de delimitación marítima en tres etapas: concreción y desarrollo a través de la jurisprudencia internacional reciente
- Estrella del-Valle-Calzada, La reivindicación del derecho a la tierra frente a la indefensión de las comunidades rurales. Análisis de las recientes aportaciones desde el sistema de las Naciones Unidas
- Raquel Vanyó-Vicedo, Naciones Unidas frente al espejo. De la política de tolerancia cero contra la explotación y los abusos sexuales a la exigencia de responsabilidad penal en operaciones de paz. Propuestas para frenar la impunidad sobre el terreno
- Karla Zambrano-González, La ruta española hacia la descarbonización: ¿cumple España con sus compromisos internacionales en materia de cambio climático?
New Issue: Global Trade and Customs Journal

- Artem Nazarko & Oleksii Fedotov, The Power of Digitization: Transforming Ukraine’s Customs Service
- Thális Andrade, The (In)application of National Treatment in Certain Tax Measures in Brazil
- Yves Melin, Jesse De Bruyn, Isabel Fressynet, Valentina Van Opdenbosch, & Anna Golouchko, EU Case Laws on Customs in 2022
- Kunio Miyoka & Colin Trehearne, Explaining Japan’s Decision to Join the MPIA: Avoiding the Void
- Thi Anh Tuyet Le, Vietnam’s Trade With RCEP Countries
- Ashwani Singh & Achyutananda Mishra, Labour Rights in the Wake of the WTO
- Dongmei Pang, Analysis of International Customs Cooperation Mechanisms and the Promotion of Trade Facilitation Under the Belt and Road Initiative
- Mobolaji P. Ezekiel, Commentary: ‘Beggar-Thy-Neighbour’ and International Trade: An Analysis With Policy Recommendations
New Issue: Revista Internacional de Derechos Humanos
- Dossier
- Verónica Nolazco, Presentación del dossier “Clínicas jurídicas y litigios de interés público en derechos humanos”
- Cecilia Gebruers, La crítica del derecho en las clínicas jurídicas
- Diego San Martín Villaverde & Eliana Sotomayor, La relevancia de las clínicas jurídicas de derecho ambiental en Perú
- Julieta Berger, La enseñanza clínica, un modelo transformador de la enseñanza del Derecho: Reseña de “Estrategias, pedagogías y abordajes clínicos en Derechos Humanos”
- Artículos
- Raquel Adsarias Ferrera & Alberto Delfín Arrufat Cárdava, La salud materno-infantil en los conflictos armados, un derecho olvidado: Dos estudios recientes sobre Sudán del Sur y Ucrania
- Maria Claudia Abanto Villalta & Luis Alberto Aguirre Bazán, La participación ciudadana y cultura política en la región La Libertad, 2019
- Notas
- José Fernando Vázquez Avedillo, La eliminación de las escuelas de tiempo completo en México: Un tema de derechos humanos
New Issue: The World Economy
- Peter Egger, Alain Pirotte, & Catharine Titi, International investment agreements and foreign direct investment: A survey
- Steven Buigut & Burcu Kapar, How did Brexit impact EU trade? Evidence from real data
- Geoffrey R. D. Underhill & Erik Jones, Optimum financial areas: Retooling the governance of global finance
- Lingduo Jiang, Guofeng Zhang, & Hang Zhang, The role of the Belt and Road Initiative: New opportunity for Chinese exporters?
- Chiara Franco, Giovanni Marin, & Filomena Pietrovito, Exposure to FDI and attitudes towards multinational enterprises: Do M&A matter?
- Yuping Deng, Yanrui Wu, & Helian Xu, Emission reduction and value-added export nexus at firm level
- Andre Jungmittag & Robert Marschinski, Service trade restrictiveness and foreign direct investment—Evidence from greenfield FDI in business services
- Doungdao Mahakitsiri & Wisarut Suwanprasert, Who are pure exporters?
- Mala Raghavan, Faisal Khan, Sonia Kumari Selvarajan, & Evelyn S. Devadason, Cross-country linkages between ASEAN and non-ASEAN-RCEP member states: A global VAR analysis
- Hongsheng Fang, Xufei Zhang, & Lin Guo, Productivity effects of corporate income tax: Evidence from China
- Yasuyuki Todo, Keita Oikawa, Masahito Ambashi, Fukunari Kimura, & Shujiro Urata, Robustness and resilience of supply chains during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Nicholas-Joseph Lazarou & Andreas Zervas, Declining long-run income elasticities and the rise of cyclicality of trade: Evidence from Greece, 1995–2018
New Issue: Revista Española de Derecho Internacional
- Estudios
- Ángel Espiniella Menéndez, Eficacia de los acuerdos resultantes de la mediación internacional
- Gloria Fernández Arribas, Cambio climático, inestabilidad y desplazamientos en el Sahel. Desafíos y respuesta por parte de la Unión Europea
- Rafael García Pérez, El conflicto de Ucrania: la relación euroatlántica y los intereses estratégicos de Europa
- Jorge Rodríguez Rodríguez, La regulación internacional de la posesión de armamento nuclear tras la entrada en vigor del Tratado de prohibición de armas nucleares. Nuevos y viejos debates en un escenario internacional convulso
- Elisa C. Torralba Mendiola, La aplicación de las leyes de policía contenidas en directivas de la Unión Europea. El ejemplo de la regulación de la cadena alimentaria
- Iker Zirion Landaluze, Una invitación a repensar la disciplina desde las aproximaciones del Tercer Mundo al Derecho internacional
- Foro
- Joaquín Alcaide Fernández & Miguel Gardeñes Santiago, Nota introductoria
- Elena del Mar García Rico, A vueltas con las sanciones en el derecho internacional actual: el caso paradigmático de la Federación Rusa
- José Ignacio Paredes Pérez, Las sanciones económicas de la Unión Europea contra Rusia y Bielorrusia: una lectura en clave de derecho internacional privado
- Luis Pérez-Prat Durbán, Sanciones de la Unión Europea a Rusia: de Crimea a la guerra de Ucrania
New Issue: Revista de Direito Internacional
- História do Direito Internacional no Brasil
- Karine de Souza Silva, ‘Meu mundo, minhas regras’: Direito Internacional, branquitude e genocídio do povo negro brasileiro
- Fabia Fernandes Carvalho & Lucas Chaves de Freitas, Do avesso: organização interna dos estados e a noção de civilização nos textos dos juristas internacionalistas brasileiros entre 1889 e 1930
- Adriane Sanctis de Brito, Independência em três movimentos: antitráfico e o Brasil escravista no direito internacional
- Matheus Macedo Lima Porto & Flávia de Ávila, O papel das opiniões dissidentes de Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade na jurisprudência da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos
- Artigos
- Sven Peterke & Johannes van Aggelen, International Law´s Premature Farewell to the Concept of War
- Deise Brião Ferraz & Marli Marlene Moraes da Costa, O Protocolo de Julgamento com Perspectiva de Gênero como resposta institucional à pretensa universalização do feminino, amparada nos esforços internacionais de eliminação de todas as formas de discriminação contra as mulheres
- Eka An Aqimuddin & Atip Latipulhayat, Legality and legitimacy of domestic court decision as a source of International Law-making
- Lucas Carlos Lima & Loris Marotti, Duas ideias irreconciliáveis? Regionalismo e Jus Cogens no Direito Internacional
- Henrique Napoleão Alves, Impacto e importância, para o Brasil, de oito relatórios temáticos da Relatoria Especial das Nações Unidas sobre Tortura
- Ana Melro, Interconstitucionalidade entre Portugal e a União Europeia no acesso ao sistema judiciário: compreensão da linguagem e competências infocomunicacionais
- Serhii Ablamskyi, Oleksandr Muzychuk, Eugenio D’Orio, & Vitalii Romaniuk, Taking biological samples from a person for examination in criminal proceedings: correlation between obtaining evidence and observing human rights
- Vivian Daniele Rocha Gabriel, Análise Empírica das Cláusulas de Expropriação Indireta nos Acordos de Investimentos a partir da Teoria do Continente do Direito Internacional
- Sapto Hermawan & Febrian Indar Surya Kusuma, Discourse on online transportation under Posner's theory: a comparative analysis in Indonesia and Brazil
Moura Vicente, Loureiro Bastos, Almeida Ribeiro, Saliba, Franca Filho, & Casella: Enciclopédia Luso-Brasileira de Direito Internacional
«O advento da denominada globalização e a intensificação das relações internacionais de índole pública e privada dela decorrentes, que marcam a nossa época, evidenciaram não apenas a acrescida importância do Direito Internacional Público e do Direito Internacional Privado na vida dos Estados, das organizações internacionais, das empresas e dos indivíduos, mas também o crescente entrelaçamento entre estas duas disciplinas.»
As regras e os princípios que integram o Direito Internacional Público desempenham, com efeito, um papel do maior relevo tanto na modelação como na aplicação dos do Direito Internacional Privado, em qualquer das suas vertentes – conflitos de leis, competência internacional, reconhecimento de sentenças e cooperação judiciária internacional –; do mesmo passo que os do Direito Internacional Público – mercê designadamente da emergência dos indivíduos e das pessoas coletivas privadas como sujeitos de Direito Internacional – não podem hoje prescindir do recurso a conceitos e critérios próprios do Direito Internacional Privado a fim de desempenharem a sua função devida. […]
A justifica-se, Enciclopédia Luso-Brasileira de Direito Internacional porém, por uma outra ordem de razões que importa deixar aqui expressa. Ela prende-se com a importância fundamental que os dois referidos ramos da disciplina jurídica das relações internacionais ganhou ao longo das últimas cinco décadas no espaço do que é hoje a Comunidade de Países de Língua Portuguesa; relações marcadas por um forte entrosamento não só dos Estados que a compõem, mas também da sociedade civil de cada um deles, bem patente na intensa circulação de pessoas e bens (materiais e culturais) através das respetivas fronteiras e nos laços pessoais entre os respetivos cidadãos que ela permitiu forjar.»
Call for Papers: Derecho Internacional Latino-Americano/Direito Internacional Latino-Americano/Latin American International Law
Alland: Représentations du droit international public
Tout internationaliste reconnaîtra dans cet ouvrage de la collection Doctrine(s) certaines contributions qu’il a déjà lues et qui ont nourri son intelligence du droit international et du monde. Il pourra alors souhaiter les laisser de côté pour s’aventurer dans des domaines où il n’avait pas encore rencontré Denis Alland.
Ce serait cependant ne pas tenir compte du fait que tous les thèmes développés — les espaces, la protection des personnes, les rapports entre droit international et droit interne, les responsabilités, l’interprétation, les violences et finalement l’existence même du droit international public et ses caractéristiques — sont aujourd’hui à revisiter.
Ces pans fondamentaux du droit international et de la réflexion sur l’organisation du monde font l’objet de profonds bouleversements dans un monde en ébullition dont la compréhension exige une lecture à plusieurs niveaux qu’offre Denis Alland qui s’appuie pour ce faire sur une immense culture.
Penseur de la complexité, l’auteur, jamais, n’assène une vérité, mais préfère, au contraire, interroger sans cesse. Chaque sujet est ainsi analysé sous différents angles, analytique, philosophique, historique, linguistique et critique, dans une cohérence de pensée et d’analyse qui constitue une véritable « doctrine » du droit international qui prend un tour engagé dans les écrits sur les violences.
Conference: Les Terres australes et antractiques françaises - Terres des marges au coeur des enjeux territoriaux
Call for Focus Sections and Submissions: 100 Years of Research in Comparative Public Law and International Law (ZaöRV)
Sunday, July 2, 2023
Helleiner: The Contested World Economy: The Deep and Global Roots of International Political Economy
The rapid growth of the field of international political economy since the 1970s has revived an older tradition of thought from the pre-1945 era. The Contested World Economy provides the first book-length analysis of these deep intellectual roots of the field, revealing how earlier debates about the world economy were more global and wide-ranging than usually recognized. Helleiner shows how pre-1945 pioneers of international political economy included thinkers from all parts of the world rather than just those from Europe and the United States featured in most textbooks. Their discussions also went beyond the much-studied debate between economic liberals, neomercantilists, and Marxists, and addressed wider topics, including many with contemporary relevance, such as environmental degradation, gender inequality, racial discrimination, religious worldviews, civilizational values, national self-sufficiency, and varieties of economic regionalism. This fascinating history of ideas sheds new light on current debates and the need for a global understanding of their antecedents.
New Issue: Journal of World Intellectual Property

- Articles
- Titilayo Adebola, The legal construction of geographical indications in Africa
- Siti N. Azizah, The adoption of FinTech and the legal protection of the digital assets in Islamic/Sharia banking linked with economic development: A case of Indonesia
- Christopher Arup & Jagjit Plahe, Patents and other conditions of access to vaccines
- s Lodewijk Van Dycke, How plant variety protection fails to benefit breeders to the detriment of plant innovation in Kenya's maize seed sector
- Notes
- Pranjali Sahni, Psychological impact of olfactory branding: The future of smell marks in India
- Nicholas Chinedu Eze, Intellectual property in telephone numbers in Nigeria
New Issue: Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law
- Articles
- Ana Mendes, Lorena Martínez Hernández, Léa Badoz, Lydia Slobodian, & João E. Rabaça, Towards a legal definition of ecological restoration: Reviewing international, European and Member States' case law
- Xisheng Huang & David J. Devlaeminck, The legal components of benefit-sharing in transboundary watercourses: An analysis of China's approach
- Manolis Kotzampasakis, Intercontinental shipping in the European Union emissions trading system: A ‘fifty–fifty’ alignment with the law of the sea and international climate law?
- Bastiaan Ewoud Klerk, Protecting the marine environment from the impacts of climate change: A regime interaction study
- Agung Wardana, A quest for agency in the Anthropocene: Law and environmental movements in Southeast Asia
- Teresa Weber, Are climate activists protected by the Aarhus Convention? A note on Article 3(8) Aarhus Convention and the new Rapid Response Mechanism for environmental defenders
- Anita Kittery & Mirella Miettinen, Environmental considerations in the European Union's pharmaceuticals legislation: Key instruments and their challenges in addressing global manufacturing supply chains
- Bin Gu, A legal study of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank's new Environmental and Social Framework
- Nicholas Campbell, Individual rights and the environmental public interest: A comparison of German and Chinese approaches to environmental litigation
- Bingyu Liu, Criminal justice cooperation to combat transnational wildlife crime: An examination of cooperation between China and Africa
- Joanna Endacott & Shawkat Alam, Mainstreaming displacement in development policies: An analysis of Solomon Islands and Vanuatu approaches
- Karolina Karpus, Not easy to ‘green’ old ways: National courts and rights-based smog cases in Poland
- Case Note
- Mingzhe Zhu, The ‘bitcoin judgements’ in China: Promoting climate awareness by judicial reasoning?
New Issue: International Studies Quarterly
- Vincent Arel-Bundock & André Blais, Where Should Multinationals Pay Taxes?
- Noel Anderson, Benjamin E Bagozzi, & Ore Koren, Pressed to Prolong: Conscription, the Costs of Military Labor, and Civil War Duration
- Hana Attia & Julia Grauvogel, Monitoring the Monitor? Selective Responses to Human Rights Transgressions
- Laura Huber, One Step Forward, One Step Back: The Micro-Level Impacts of Conflict on Women's Security
- Lukas Linsi Brian Burgoon, & Daniel K Mügge, The Problem with Trade Measurement in International Relations
- Michael J Soules, Thinking Outside of the Box: Transnational Terrorism in Civil Wars
- Ezequiel Gonzalez-Ocantos & Álvaro Morcillo Laiz, Philanthropic Foundations and Transnational Activist Networks: Ford and the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights
- Takumi Shibaike, The Power of Specialization: NGO Advocacy in Global Conservation Governance
- Dennis R Schmidt and John Williams, The Normativity of Global Ordering Practices
- Florencia Montal & Gino Pauselli, Is the Bad News about Compliance Bad News about Human Rights? Evidence from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
- Ji Yeon Hong, Ruilin Lai, & Ilker Karaca, Political Institutions and Global Project Finance Loans
- Justin Massie, Jonathan Paquin, & Kamille Leclair, Contested Strategic Cultures: Anglosphere Participation in the Coalition against ISIS
- Keshab Giri, Rebel Governance of Marriage and Sexuality: An Intersectional Approach
- Brendan J Connell & Adrian J Shin, Fed Up: The Global Ascension of the Federal Reserve in the Era of Migration
- Andrew S Rosenberg, Racial Discrimination in International Visa Policies
- Christina Cottiero & Stephan Haggard, Stabilizing Authoritarian Rule: The Role of International Organizations
- Layna Mosley & B Peter Rosendorff, Government Choices of Debt Instruments
- David Scott & Elisabeth Olivius, Making Gender Known: Assembling Gender Expertise in International Organizations
- Kevork Oskanian, Beyond State and Hegemony: International Orders as Anarchic Meta-Fields
- Ahmer Tarar, Crisis Bargaining in the Shadow of Third-Party Opportunism
- Sarah Bauerle Danzman & Sophie Meunier, Mapping the Characteristics of Foreign Investment Screening Mechanisms: The New PRISM Dataset
- Oguzhan Turkoglu & Sigrid Weber, When to Go? A Conjoint Experiment on Social Networks, Violence, and Forced Migration Decisions in Eastern and Southeastern Turkey
- Michael F Joseph, Do Different Coercive Strategies Help or Hurt Deterrence?
Mignot-Mahdavi: Drones and International Law: A Techno-Legal Machinery
Through an analysis of the use of drones, Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi explores the ways in which, in the context of counterterrorism, war, technology and the law interact and reshape one another. She demonstrates that drone programs are techno-legal machineries that facilitate and accelerate the emergence of a new kind of warfare. This new model of warfare is individualized and de-materialized in the sense that it focuses on threat anticipation and thus consists in identifying dangerous figures (individualized warfare) rather than responding to acts of hostilities (material warfare). Revolving around threat anticipation, drone wars endure over an extensive timeframe and geographical area, to the extent that the use of drones may even be seen, as appears to be the case for the United States, as part of the normal functioning of the state, with profound consequences for the international legal order.
New Issue: Global Constitutionalism

- C. Ignacio Guiffré, Deliberative constitutionalism ‘without shortcuts’: On the deliberative potential of Cristina Lafont’s judicial review theory
- Ioanna Pervou, COVID-19: Introducing a sliding scale between legality and scientific knowledge
- Julia Drubel & Janne Mende, The hidden contestation of norms: Decent work in the International Labour Organization and the United Nations
- Mariana Velasco-Rivera & Joel I Colón-Ríos, On the legal implications of a ‘permanent’ constituent power
- Aylin Aydin-Cakir, Duration of the constitution-making process as an indicator of post-constitutional political uncertainty: The insurance theory revisited
- Róisín Á Costello, Faux ami? Interrogating the normative coherence of ‘digital constitutionalism’
- Benjamin Garcia Holgado & Raúl Sánchez Urribarri, Court-packing and democratic decay: A necessary relationship?
- Max Lesch & Nina Reiners, Informal human rights law-making: How treaty bodies use ‘General Comments’ to develop international law
New Issue: Journal of Human Rights and the Environment
- Melissa J Durkee, Industry groups in international governance: a framework for reform
- Christos Zois & Vassilis Pergantis, An (un)common remedy to Indigenous communities’ subsistence: revisiting Traditional Knowledge Commons
- Alberto Quintavalla, Franz Kienzl, & Irakli Samkharadze, The human right to energy: drawing lessons from the development of the human right to water
- Maria Antonia Tigre, Natalia Urzola, & Alexandra Goodman, Climate litigation in Latin America: is the region quietly leading a revolution?
New Issue: International Organization
- Articles
- Gabriel Koehler-Derrick & Melissa M. Lee, War and Welfare in Colonial Algeria
- Eric Grynaviski & Sverrir Steinsson, Wisdom Is Welcome Wherever It Comes From: War, Diffusion, and State Formation in Scandinavia
- Lars-Erik Cederman, Paola Galano Toro, Luc Girardin, & Guy Schvitz, War Did Make States: Revisiting the Bellicist Paradigm in Early Modern Europe
- Alexander Lee & Jack Paine, The Great Revenue Divergence
- Brandon J. Kinne & Stephanie N. Kang, Free Riding, Network Effects, and Burden Sharing in Defense Cooperation Networks
- Andrew Shaver & Alexander K. Bollfrass, Disorganized Political Violence: A Demonstration Case of Temperature and Insurgency
- Research Note
- Mirko Heinzel, Ben Cormier, & Bernhard Reinsberg, Earmarked Funding and the Control–Performance Trade-Off in International Development Organizations
Bendel: Litigating the Environment: Process and Procedure Before International Courts and Tribunals
Providing an insightful contribution to literature on the topic, this book scrutinises how international courts and tribunals may respond procedurally to an ever-growing list of environmental disputes. In a time of environmental crisis, it lays crucial groundwork for strengthening the application of international environmental law, a topic of increasing relevance for global civil society.
Putting into perspective the practices of various international courts and tribunals, the author works within the constraints of the existing judicial framework to sharpen international environmental justice and governance. Bendel provides judges and litigators with tools that they can use when confronted with environmental disputes, to extract the best practices in the interest of improving environmental litigation for each phase of a judicial procedure.
New Issue: Global Responsibility to Protect

- Special Issue: Hate Speech and Atrocity Prevention in Asia
- Cecilia Jacob & Noel M. Morada, Hate Speech and Atrocity Prevention in Asia: Patterns, Trends and Strategies
- Noel M. Morada, Hate Speech and Incitement in Myanmar before and after the February 2021 Coup
- Lina A. Alexandra & Alif Satria, Identifying Hate Speech Trends and Prevention in Indonesia: a Cross-Case Comparison
- Ruji Auethavornpipat, Hate Speech and Discrimination as Mundane Violence against Rohingya Refugees during COVID-19
- Cecilia Jacob & Mujeeb Kanth, ‘Kill Two Million of Them’: Institutionalised Hate Speech, Impunity and 21st Century Atrocities in India
- Khadija Rashid, Politicisation of Islam and a Culture of Atrocities against Religious Minorities in Modern-Day Pakistan
New Issue: The World Economy
- Bernard M. Hoekman, Petros C. Mavroidis, & Douglas R. Nelson, Geopolitical competition, globalisation and WTO reform
- Tamar Khachaturian & Sarah Oliver, Intangible trade: Understanding the relationship between trade barriers and mode of supply in services sectors
- Sascha Keil, The challenging estimation of trade elasticities: Tackling the inconclusive Eurozone evidence
- Jean-Charles Bricongne, Sebastian Franco Bedoya, & Margarita Lopez Forero, The proximity-concentration trade-off with multi-product firms: Are exports and FDI complements or substitutes?
- Sajid Anwar & Sizhong Sun, Foreign direct investment and product quality in host economies
- Michael Bleaney & Mo Tian, The trade-GDP ratio as a measure of openness
- Ruohan Wu, Natural disasters, climate change, and structural transformation: A new perspective from international trade
- Valerio Della Corte, Claudio Doria, & Giacomo Oddo, The impact of COVID-19 on international tourism flows to Italy: Evidence from mobile phone data
- Te Bao, Yun Dai, Yanxiang Feng, Shuai Liu, & Ruixin Wang, Trade liberalisation and trade and capital flows: Evidence from China pilot free trade zones
- Fu-Min Tseng & Jyh-Lin Wu, Exchange rate regimes and current account persistence
- Shuzhong Ma & Zengxi Hu, Internet penetration and multi-product exporters: Firm-level evidence from China
- Segundo Camino-Mogro & Paul Carrillo-Maldonado, Do imports of intermediate inputs generate higher productivity? Evidence from Ecuadorian manufacturing firms
New Issue: International Legal Materials
- Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (Dem. Rep. Congo v. Uganda) (Reparations Judgment) (I.C.J.), with introductory note by Manuel J. Ventura
- Russian Economic Sanctions, with introductory note by William E. Butler
- Basfar v. Wong (U.K. Sup. Ct.), with introductory note by Eileen Denza
- Conference Summary of the Symposium on Foreign-Related Commercial and Maritime Trials of Courts Nationwide (Sup. People's Ct. China), with introductory note by Yong Gan
Barreiro Carril, Jakubowski, & Lixinski: 15 Years of the UNESCO Diversity of Cultural Expressions Convention: Actors, Processes and Impact
This book queries, through the prism of the Convention for the Protection and the Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (the Convention), the ways in which the processes and substance of international law-making have shifted in response to new technologies and new actors. The essays, written by recognised experts in the field, engage deeply with the practice under the Convention. The 4 parts examine: the rise of new actors and their impact on the Convention's law-making and implementation; the specific implementation of Article 21; the role of cultural communities in promoting diversity of cultural expressions; and the effectiveness and coherence of the Convention. Scholars and practitioners in the field of international law of culture and international cultural cooperation will welcome this fascinating new book.
New Issue: Journal du Droit International

- Doctrine
- Nathalie Ros, Le droit international de la mer a l’epreuve de l’Anthropocene
- Guillaume Payan, Les apports du reglement « Bruxelles II ter » a l’edification de l’Espace judiciaire civil europeen : entre ameliorations et insuffisances
- Variétés
- Eric A. Caprioli, La loi-type de la CNUDCI sur les documents transferables electroniques : analyse et perspectives
- Claire Portier, Quand «le (bon) juge condamne le crime sans condamnerle criminel» : l’affaire du Sahara occidental devant la Cour africaine des droits de l’homme et des peuples, Etude de l’arret du 22 septembre 2022 rendu dans l’affaire Bernard Anbataayela Mornah c/ Republique du Benin et Cts, n° 028/2018
Moore: The Struggle for Law in the Oceans: How an Isolationist Narrative Betrays America
During the 1970s and 1980s the United States led the world in negotiating one of the most important treaties in history, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Through these negotiations the United States secured the largest area of maritime jurisdiction in the world-an area larger than the continental United States itself-and protected navigational freedom, so critical for Naval mobility.
The United States was also recognized as having access to four deep seabed mine sites, each roughly the size of the State of Rhode Island, and each containing approximately a quarter trillion dollars in strategic minerals. Today UNCLOS is in force for 168 countries and the European Union. Isolationist arguments, however, have for a quarter-century prevented the Senate from voting on the Convention.
This book is about the potential damage to American national interests caused by this isolationist narrative. It discusses the robust reasons favoring the Convention, and offers a sharp critical examination of the arguments still being made against it. John Norton Moore posits that isolationist obstruction has cost the United States two deep seabed mine sites, "USA-2" and "USA-3," for a loss of a half trillion dollars in strategic minerals, and shows how a continuation of this narrative threatens the loss of "USA-1" and "USA-4" for another half trillion dollars-all while China has acquired four deep seabed sites and the Russian Federation three. In this ground-breaking, and vigorously argued new work, Moore asserts that it is time to accede to the Convention, as has been urged for decades by Presidents from both sides of the political divide.
New Issue: International Peacekeeping
- Jana R. Kissling & Hannah M. Smidt, (UN-)Protected Elections – Left for Good? Withdrawal of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations and Its Effects on Violence During Electoral Periods in War-Affected Countries
- Gwinyayi A. Dzinesa, The Southern African Development Community’s Mission in Mozambique (SAMIM): Policymaking and Effectiveness
- Bryce Wesley Reeder & Rachel Dicke, Peacekeeping Deployments, Intragroup Cohesion, and the Use of Sexual Violence by Armed Non-State Groups
New Issue: Journal of International Peacekeeping

- Michael Dziedzic, UN Peacekeeping Will Be Paralyzed as Long as Putin Is in Power: What Can the US and nato Do about It?
- A. Walter Dorn, Peacekeepers in Combat: Protecting Civilians in the D.R. Congo
- Timo Kivimäki, Could the East Asian Way of Peacekeeping Be a Recipe for Global Peace?
- Jong Kun Choi, Structural Elements in East Asian Peace: Deterrence and Economic Interdependence
New Issue: Journal of Human Rights Practice
- Articles
- Special Focus
- Jeff Handmaker, Introduction to the Legal Mobilization Special Focus
- Jeff Handmaker & Sanne Taekema, O Lungo Drom: Legal Mobilization as Counterpower
- Thandiwe Matthews, Interrogating the Debates Around Lawfare and Legal Mobilization: A Literature Review
- Jackie Dugard, Water Rights Struggles in Johannesburg and Detroit Revisited: Looking Beyond Courts at the Politics and Power of Rights-Based Legal Mobilization in a Neoliberal Global Order: A ‘Powerpack’ Analysis
- Articles
- Frédéric Mégret, Immunities of Foreign Officials for International Crimes: The Dilemmas of Strategic Litigation
- Ken MacLean, Interactive Digital Platforms, Human Rights Fact Production, and the International Criminal Court
- Valeria Vegh Weis, Exploring the World’s First Successful Truth Commission: Argentina’s CONADEP and the Role of Victims in Truth-Seeking
- Melanie Klinkner, The Right to the Truth as an Enabler for Missing Persons Efforts
- Marie Claire Van Hout, Simon Fleißner, & Heino Stöver, ‘Women’s Right to Health in Detention’: United Nations Committee Observations Since the Adoption of the United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-custodial Measures for Women Offenders (Bangkok Rules)
- Antoine P. G. Meyer, Straightforward? Family Reunification for Refugees in France: Aligning Legal Standards, Institutional Practices and Procedural Guarantees
- Roni Kay Marie O’Dell & Linda Veazey, Is Amnesty International Still a Grassroots, Member-Led Organization? An Assessment of Its Democratic Viability
- Tracy Smith-Carrier & Jacqueline On, Ambitious for Change? A Critical Appraisal of the Canadian Indicator Framework of the Sustainable Development Goals
- Huong Thi Lan Phan, Promoting Access to Justice for Victims of Sexual Violence in Vietnam
- Luana Xavier Pinto Coelho, Building the Inter-American Convention Against Racism: between Antiracist Pride and Racism Denial
- Róisín Hennessy, Exploring the Role of Social Protection Interventions in Preventing Child Labour: Reinforcing the Case for a Human Rights-Based Model of Intervention
- Bernhard Knoll-Tudor, Márta Pardavi & Marta Achler, Cartel of Silence: How the European Union Undermines the Work of its Human Rights Defenders in the OSCE
- Ratna Juwita, Exploring Corruption as a Violation of Human Rights in the Practices of International Human Rights Institutions
- Harrison Kwame Golo, Understanding and Practices of Human Rights Standards Relating to Policing: A Case of Ghana Police Officers
- Vivek Bhatt, Long COVID and Children’s Rights
Andreassen: Research Handbook on the Politics of Human Rights Law
International human rights law is undoubtedly intertwined with politics. This Research Handbook explores and provokes reflection on how politics impacts human rights legislation and, conversely, how human rights law shapes politics and the functioning of the state.
Bringing together leading international scholars in human rights law and politics, the Research Handbook provides theoretical reflections and empirical analyses across the areas of governance and policies and examines the implementation mechanisms of human rights law in national and international jurisdictions. Chapters discuss issues such as the mobilization of human rights in developing countries, the politics of torture and resource allocation, and the influence of politics on international institutions. It also presents a critical analysis of the human rights regimes in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East, and how the state works in ways which respect the ethics and values of human rights law.
Carcano & Scovazzi: Upholding the Prohibition of Torture: The Contribution of the European Court of Human Rights
This volume deals with the right of any individual not to be subjected to torture. Although almost universally prohibited, torture still manifests itself in the conduct of several States around the world, including Member States of the Council of Europe. The European Court of Human Rights has, since its inception, entered numerous findings of torture. Mindful of the urgency of the effectiveness of the international legal prohibition of torture, this book examines and critically appraises the practice of the European Court on torture. Through the analysis of leading cases and the legal issues ensuing from them, the book explores the contribution of the European Court to the clarification of the applicable law, illustrating developments of legal significance, exploring some still contentious issues, and stressing the several achievements as well as some still questionable outcomes.