Triangulating Property Rights: Governing Access to Essential Goods
Call for Governance Proposals
The Center on Global Legal Transformation at Columbia University in New York is launching a call for proposals by junior researchers on governing scarce, yet essential goods. Selected proposals shall be presented at panel sessions at a conference held in New York on 20-21 June 2013. The research project is coordinated by Prof. Katharina Pistor, the Director of the Center on Global Legal Transformation, and Prof. Olivier De Schutter, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to food.
A number of factors have led to dramatically increased pressure on land and the essential resources it harbors: population growth and a corresponding rise in demand for agricultural and other commodities; competing uses of land between different forms of agriculture, resource extraction, large-scale industrial projects and urban sprawl; environmental degradation from climate change and unsustainable practices; and trade and investment liberalization, among others. As a result, water, food and shelter are increasingly considered scarce and subjected to commercial pressures that make them inaccessible to many.
Private property rights regimes have traditionally been considered the most effective institutional arrangement to allocate scarce goods and combat what has been termed the “tragedy of the commons” – the depletion of scarce common resources by actors who disregard the carrying capacity of the land and bear no costs for their actions. Individual property rights regimes lead to allocation of land to the highest bidder, who is presumed to put the land to its most efficient use. But conversion to private property regimes has also resulted in widespread displacement of small holders and indigenous people and the exclusion of many others from access to resources essential to their livelihoods.
Two well-studied alternatives to private property rights are collective governance by local authorities and centralized control. However, neither fully addresses the problems of scarce, essential goods. Collective governance is limited by a community’s ability to manage collective action problems, but the governance issues we are facing are those of a heterogeneous world with high social mobility and rapidly changing social norms. Similarly, centralized control depends on the authority and wisdom of the central decision-maker, who may lack local knowledge and accountability. Political voice might address problems of accountability, but how to organize voice in a global world remains an open question.
Proposals should suggest models for governing essential, scarce resources. They can be qualitative or quantitative; make use of empirical data and field research or suggest a new theoretical approach. They should address if and how the following three normative goals (the basis of the triangle to which the title refers) for managing scarce, essential goods can be realized:
• equity (universal access to those resources that are essential for human life);
• efficiency (in managing scarce essential goods and minimizing waste); and
• sustainability (arrangements that do not unduly interfere with future productivity or availability of essentials).
Memos should be between 5 and 10 single spaced pages and must be submitted by email to the project coordinator, Claire Debucquois, at by 15 January, 2013. Any questions should be directed to the same address. Up to 10 submissions will be selected for presentation at the conference and possible inclusion in a subsequent book publication.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Call for Papers: Triangulating Property Rights: Governing Access to Essential Goods
New Issue: Transnational Legal Theory

- José-Manuel Barreto, Decolonial Strategies and Dialogue in the Human Rights Field: A Manifesto
- Alexander Somek, Constituent Power in National and Transnational Contexts
- Neil Walker, Postnational Constitutionalism and Postnational Public Law: A Tale of Two Neologisms
Friday, November 9, 2012
Tougas: Droit international, sociétés militaires privées et conflit armé: Entre incertitudes et responsabilités

La privatisation du domaine militaire constitue un défi de taille pour la conception dominante du droit international, toujours largement d’inspiration westphalienne.
Il semble y avoir un certain décalage entre la réalité de l’activité des SMP dans les zones de conflit et le cadre normatif régissant ces conflits que l’ampleur du phénomène ne permet pas d’occulter.
Cet ouvrage, qui se focalise sur le droit des conflits armés, cherche à apporter des réponses aux questions juridiques soulevées par les activités des SMP. Le droit des conflits armés ne suit pas uniquement une logique de sanction et d’imputabilité, mais cherche d’abord à limiter les dommages causés lors des conflits et à en protéger les victimes. Pour ce faire, il délimite les droits et obligations des acteurs impliqués.
Ainsi, les règles applicables doivent permettre aux acteurs concernés d’adopter le comportement requis et de connaître a priori ce que le droit leur commande. Elles doivent aussi leur offrir une protection adéquate. Elles ne peuvent donc être principalement appliquées a posteriori par une cour de justice ou suite à l’analyse poussée d’un juriste.
C’est donc cette distinction entre règles applicables a priori et mécanismes de mise en oeuvre intervenant a posteriori qui constitue la structure de cet ouvrage et lui permet de jeter un éclairage nouveau sur cette problématique.
Westendorp: The Women's Convention Turned 30: Achievements, Setbacks, and Prospects

The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women is a treaty for all girls and women in this world. After 30 years it is still valid and necessary both in developed and in developing States. This image is clearly conveyed by the authors of this book, who represent a wide variety of national and cultural backgrounds, and who have put the implementation of the provisions in the Convention to the test both in modern and in traditional societies. In addition, some chapters pay attention to issues that are not contained in the treaty itself but that greatly impact the realization of women’s human rights, such as gender mainstreaming, gender-based violence, and corruption. The strengths and weaknesses, and the future potential of the Convention as well as the work of its monitoring body are critically analyzed and compared to other human rights treaties and organs. It becomes clear that, irrespective of the existing flaws, the Convention is the best option for achieving women’s equality.
Call for Submissions: Art and Heritage Disputes
TDM Call for Papers "Art and Heritage Disputes"
This Special Issue aims to identify, map and critically assess the number of art and heritage disputes which have arisen in the past decades. The return of cultural artifacts to their legitimate owners, the recovery of underwater cultural heritage, the governance of sites of outstanding and universal value, the protection and promotion of artistic expressions, and the protection of cultural sites in time of war are just some of the issues which have given rise to art and heritage related disputes.
The editors of this special will be Professor Hildegard Schneider and Dr. Valentina Vadi (both Maastricht University).
Possible themes for consideration in this special issue include:
1) Cultural rights
2) Tangible cultural heritage
3) Intangible cultural heritage
4) Underwater cultural heritage
5) Art law
6) Dispute settlement mechanisms
Selected authors will also be invited to present their research at the conference / workshop on Art and Heritage Law to be held on 24-27 March 2013 at Maastricht University, the Netherlands.
Paper proposals (i.e. abstracts) of up to 500 words should be submitted as soon as possible by December 1, 2012. The Editors will select papers at their discretion. If selected, full papers of up to 5000 words including footnotes will be due by May 15, 2013. Publication is expected in the fourth quarter of 2013.
New Issue: Revue Générale de Droit International Public

- Dossier: Actualité des organisations internationales - Questions choisies
- Raphaële Rivier, L'utilisation d'autres formes d'organisation internationale
- Alain Dejammet, Les "G": G7, G8, G20
- Gérard Cahin, L'admission aux organisations internationales
- Nicolas de Rivière, La question de la Palestine aux Nations Unies et dans les organisations internationales
- Farid Fernández, ALBA-TCP et CELAC: instruments d'une politique indépendante et souveraine
- Carlo Santulli, Retour à la théorie de l'organe commun: réflexions sur la nature juridique de l'ALBA et de la CELAC
- Jean-Louis De Bailleneix & Yves Nouvel, La personnalité des organisations internationales au crible de son énonciation
- Bérangère Taxil, Les "différendes internes" des organisations internationales
- Jean-Didier Sicault, La procédure devant le Tribunal administratif de la Banque interaméricaine de développement
- Eric Wyler, De quelques problèmes juridiques liés aux contrats des organisations internationales
- Pierre M. Reynaud, Le recours précontractuel au sein des marchés publics des organisations internationales: le cas de l'agence spatiale européene
- Serge Sur, Les organisations internationales: dynamiques et désenchantements
Call for Papers: Teaching International Law Outside Law Schools
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Symposium: La protección de bienes jurídicos globales

- José Luis Martí, Política y bien común global
- Gonzalo Escribano Francés, Provisión de bienes públicos globales y economía política internacional
- Caterina García Segura, La «mirada cosmopolita» como requisito político y social para la provisión de los bienes públicos globales
- Anne Peters, Bienes jurídicos globales en un orden mundial constitucionalizado
- Ignacio Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Traducir derechos: la dignidad humana en el derecho constitucional de la comunidad internacional
- Bernardo Feijoo Sánchez, ¿Transformación del derecho penal por la protección de la estabilidad financiera como bien jurídico global?
- Adán Nieto Martín, Bases para un futuro derecho penal internacional del medio ambiente
- Bartolomé Clavero Salvador, Conocimientos tradicionales sobre recursos genéticos: ¿bien jurídico global?
- Ángel Menéndez Rexach, El agua como bien jurídico global: el derecho humano al agua(
- Alicia Campos Serrano, Los bienes globales y las fuentes de energía
- Teresa Fajardo del Castillo, Los bienes públicos del medio ambiente: el reto de la gestión sostenible de los recursos naturales en la Unión Europea
- Belén Madrazo Meléndez, Protección de los bienes jurídicos globales, el Registro y el medio ambiente
- Fernando Gascón Inchausti, Eficacia en España de sentencias y transacciones derivadas del ejercicio de una class action en Estados Unidos
- Fernando Gómez Pomar, Bienes globales y protección colectiva: el caso del derecho de consumo
- Marta Requejo Isidro, Derechos humanos y acciones colectivas
- José Manuel Calderón Carrero, La globalización económica y su incidencia sobre el derecho financiero y tributario: ¿implicaciones sobre la protección de los bienes jurídicos globales?
- Manuel López Escudero, Estabilidad económico-financiera y derecho internacional
- Félix Ovejero Lucas, Mercado financiero, responsabilidad y soluciones globales
Born: International Arbitration: Law and Practice

“International Arbitration: Law and Practice” provides a concise overview of the legal principles and practice of international arbitration. The book offers an accessible, straightforward introduction to the legal framework for international commercial arbitration, including discussions of international arbitration agreements, international arbitral procedures and international arbitral awards. It also provides an introduction to international investment arbitration, including a discussion of the ICSID Convention and issues arising under bilateral investment treaties, and state-to-state arbitration.
“International Arbitration: Law and Practice” also provides descriptions of the contemporary practice and tactics of international arbitration. Among other things, it addresses the drafting of arbitration clauses, selection and challenge of arbitrators, structure of arbitral proceedings, process of disclosure or discovery, witness preparation and testimony, conduct of evidentiary hearings and other key procedural steps in international arbitrations.
Shahabuddeen: International Criminal Justice at the Yugoslav Tribunal: A Judge's Recollection

International criminal justice has undergone rapid recent development. Since the establishment of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in 1993, and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) in the following year, the field has changed beyond recognition. The traditional immunity of presidents or heads of government, prime ministers, and other functionaries acting in an official capacity no longer prevails; the doctrine of superior orders is inapplicable except, where appropriate, as in mitigation; and the gap between international armed conflict and non-international armed conflict has closed. More generally, the bridge has been crossed between the irresponsibility of the state and the criminal responsibility of the individual. As a result, the traditional impunity of the state has practically gone.
This book, by one of the former judges of the ICTY, ICTR, and the International Court of Justice, assesses some of the workings of the ICTY that have shaped these developments. In it, Judge Shahabuddeen provides an insightful overview of the nature of this criminal court, established on behalf of the whole of the international community. He reflects on its transformation into one of the leading fora for the growth of international criminal law first-hand, offering a unique perspective on the challenges it has faced. Judge Shahabuddeen's experience in international criminal justice makes this volume essential reading for those interested in, or working with, international criminal law.
Haljan: Separating Powers: International Law before National Courts

The more international law, taken as a global answer to global problems, intrudes into domestic legal systems, the more it takes on the role and function of domestic law. This raises a separation of powers question regarding law-making powers. In this book the author considers that specific issue.
In contrast to other studies on domestic courts applying international law, the author’s constitutional orientation focusses on the presumptions concerning the distribution of state power. He collects and examines relevant decisions regarding treaties and customary international law from four leading legal systems, the US, the UK, France, and the Netherlands. Those decisions reveal that institutional and conceptual allegiances to constitutional structures render it difficult for courts to see their mandates and powers in terms other than exclusively national. What follows is a constitutional asymmetry between international law and national law generating an inevitable dualism which cannot necessarily be overcome by express constitutional provisions accommodating international law. The separation of powers thus frames the two principal horizons for any future, practicable attempts at integrating of the two legal orders. Either established concepts of constitutional law and constitutionalism will have to be revised, or what international law may do within a municipal legal system will have to be recalculated.
d'Aspremont & de Hemptinne: Droit international humanitaire

Avec l'objectif d'offrir un éclairage global et critique sur les principes régissant la conduite de la guerre, cet ouvrage s'articule autour de quatorze thématiques portant sur les sources, les règles matérielles et la mise en oeuvre du droit international humanitaire. Il examine plusieurs développements récents dont les hostilités transnationales, le statut et la détention des combattants dits « illégaux », l'administration internationale de territoires et les moyens et méthodes de combat non conventionnels.
Cette étude est destinée aux enseignants et étudiants, chaque thématique pouvant faire l'objet d'un cours. Elle s'adresse également aux spécialistes, praticiens ou théoriciens, confrontés aux enjeux contemporains du droit international humanitaire.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
New Issue: Human Rights Quarterly

- Alex J. Bellamy, Massacres and Morality: Mass Killing in an Age of Civilian Immunity
- Courtney Hillebrecht, The Domestic Mechanisms of Compliance with International Human Rights Law: Case Studies from the Inter-American Human Rights System
- Jeong-Woo Koo, Suk-Ki Kong, & Chinsung Chung, Measuring National Human Rights: A Reflection on Korean Experiences
- Lia Kent, Interrogating the "Gap" Between Law and Justice: East Timor's Serious Crimes Process
- Roger Mark Selya, A Geography of Human Rights Abuses
- Olivier De Schutter, Asbjørn Eide, Ashfaq Khalfan, Marcos Orellana, Margot Salomon, & Ian Seiderman, Commentary to the Maastricht Principles on Extraterritorial Obligations of States in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Elsa Stamatopoulou, Monitoring Cultural Human Rights: The Claims of Culture on Human Rights and the Response of Cultural Rights
Nunan on Mazower's Governing the World: The History of an Idea

da Costa: The Extraterritorial Application of Selected Human Rights Treaties

In recent years, the question of whether and to what extent states are bound by human rights treaty obligations when they act abroad has given rise to considerable debate in academic circles, courtrooms and military operations. Focusing on treaties considerably jeopardized during the ‘war on terror’, namely the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights and the Convention against Torture,The Extraterritorial Application of Selected Human Rights Treaties takes stock of the key developments informing the discussion to date. Together with the wording of treaties, critical analysis is made of the ensuing interpretation of treaty provisions by monitoring bodies and states parties. A way forward in this debate is suggested, accommodating conflicting interests while preserving the effective protection of basic rights.
New Issue: Leiden Journal of International Law

- Research Articles
- Elies van Sliedregt, Pluralism in International Criminal Law
- International Legal Theory
- Samantha Besson, The Extraterritoriality of the European Convention on Human Rights: Why Human Rights Depend on Jurisdiction and What Jurisdiction Amounts to
- Mohammad Shahabuddin, ‘Ethnicity’ in the International Law of Minority Protection: The Post-Cold War Context in Perspective
- International Law and Practice
- Christina Binder, Stability and Change in Times of Fragmentation: The Limits of Pacta Sunt Servanda Revisited
- Monika Ambrus, Genocide and Discrimination: Lessons to Be Learnt from Discrimination Law
- Norel Meagu, The Ne Bis in Idem Principle in the Interpretation of European Courts: Towards Uniform Interpretation
Hague International Tribunals: International Court of Justice
- Stefan Talmon, Jus Cogens after Germany v. Italy: Substantive and Procedural Rules Distinguished
- François Boudreault, Identifying Conflicts of Norms: The ICJ Approach in the Case of the Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (Germany v. Italy: Greece Intervening)
- Review Essay
- Rain Liivoja, Regulating the Private Military and Security Industry: A Quest to Maintain State Control and Preserve Public Values
Mertsch: Provisionally Applied Treaties: Their Binding Force and Legal Nature

In Provisionally Applied Treaties: Their Binding Force and Legal Nature, Anneliese Quast Mertsch examines the binding force and legal nature of treaties during the period of their provisional application, a subject the importance of which in practice is not reflected in the relatively limited attention paid to it in academic writing. She analyses academic opinion and international practice (including especially the manifestations of the intentions of the parties) on the subject. Whilst commonly considered as being in a class of their own, the book instead suggests that provisionally applied treaties are agreements whose binding force and legal nature can vary and should be determined on a case-by-case basis, as is done with other agreements in international law.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
James Crawford Prize of the Journal of International Dispute Settlement

The James Crawford Prize of the Journal of International Dispute Settlement (JIDS) is an annual prize which awards £500 of OUP books and a subscription to JIDS to the author of the best paper received by the Journal*. The winning papers will also be published in JIDS.
The selections will be made by a Prize Committee composed of the Editorial Director, the Associate Editors, and possibly further members of the Editorial Board of JIDS depending on the narrower fields of the papers submitted for the prize. The Committee may choose not to award the prize and hold it over for a subsequent year if, in their view, the papers submitted do not reach the standards required.
Submissions should be sent to
Deadline for submissions is the 28th February 2013.
The Editorial Director and Publisher are happy to answer any questions about The James Crawford Prize of the Journal of International Dispute Settlement (JIDS)
* All contributors are eligible for the award, though preference may be given to young academics or authors at early stages of their careers.
New Issue: Journal of World Energy Law & Business

- Special Issue: Coping with political risk
- John Gault, Coping with political risk
- Alexander Van de Putte, David F. Gates, & Ann K. Holder, Political risk insurance as an instrument to reduce oil and gas investment risk and manage investment returns
- Eleodoro Mayorga Alba, The gas industry in Peru: challenges and prospects
- Daniel C. Crosby, Energy discrimination and international rules in hard times: what’s new this time around, and what can be done
- Liz Bossley, Dealing with reality
New Issue: International Affairs

- Special Issue: Forty years on: the UK and Europe
- Robert Cooper, Britain and Europe
- Quentin Peel & Michael Stürmer, You have full text access to this contentInterview with Hans-Dietrich Genscher
- Oliver Daddow, The UK media and ‘Europe’: from permissive consensus to destructive dissent
- James Spence, A high price to pay? Britain and the European budget
- Maclolm Levitt, The City and EMU
- Julie Smith, The European dividing line in party politics
- Sven Biscop, The UK and European defence: leading or leaving?
- Arthur I. Cyr, Britain, Europe and the United States: change and continuity
New Issue: Journal of Conflict Resolution

- Geoffrey P. R. Wallace, Welcome Guests, or Inescapable Victims?: The Causes of Prisoner Abuse in War
- Melani Cammett & Edmund Malesky, Power Sharing in Postconflict Societies: Implications for Peace and Governance
- Jonathan Powell, Determinants of the Attempting and Outcome of Coups d’état
- Hyeran Jo & Hyun Namgung, Dispute Settlement Mechanisms in Preferential Trade Agreements: Democracy, Boilerplates, and the Multilateral Trade Regime
- Cary Deck & Roman M. Sheremeta, Fight or Flight?: Defending against Sequential Attacks in the Game of Siege
- Ilan Bronstein, Noa Nelson, Zohar Livnat, & Rachel Ben-Ari, Rapport in Negotiation: The Contribution of the Verbal Channel
- Hadar Behrendt & Rachel Ben-Ari, The Positive Side of Negative Emotion: The Role of Guilt and Shame in Coping with Interpersonal Conflict
Murphy: Codification, Progressive Development, or Scholarly Analysis? The Art of Packaging the ILC's Work Product
Over its life, the U.N. International Law Commission has developed various ways of “packaging” its work product. Multiple techniques are available for balancing the Commission’s roles in advancing the codification and progressive development of international law – choices about the format of the project, about how to characterize the project in the associated commentary, and about the recommendation to the U.N. General Assembly on what should be done with the completed project. While creative use of such techniques to suit the particular topics on the Commission’s agenda is to be welcomed, the Commission’s authority and legacy ultimately will turn on whether States and other relevant actors view the Commission as adhering to its statutory role or perceive it as aggregating to itself the role of legislator.
Langer: Participation and Accountability to the International Community as Legitimacy Requirements of Universal Jurisdiction: Illustrations from the German Code
Questions on the legitimacy of the exercise of universal jurisdiction by states over crimes against humanity, genocide and war crimes have generated great attention among policy-makers and scholars. This article argues that allowing participation and being accountable to the international community are two legitimacy requirements that universal jurisdiction statutes and proceedings should strive to meet. The article shows that these principles of participation and accountability to the international community are legitimacy requirements of universal jurisdiction regardless of which conception of international law and international institutions one adopts — statist, cosmopolitan democracy, natural law, global administrative law, or global constitutionalism. The article then analyzes how these principles of participation and accountability have important implications for many of the central debates on universal jurisdiction statutes and proceedings such as which crimes they may include, how these crimes should be defined, which doctrines of the general part of international criminal law they should incorporate, how universal jurisdiction cases should be selected, what the relationship between universal jurisdiction prosecutions and the ICC should be, and how individual universal jurisdiction proceedings could give participation to the international community. The article takes the German Code of Crimes against International Law (VStGB) as a case study to illustrate its analysis.
Aydin: Foreign Powers and Intervention in Armed Conflicts

Intervention in armed conflicts is full of riddles that await attention from scholars and policymakers. This book argues that rethinking intervention—redefining what it is and why foreign powers take an interest in others' conflicts—is of critical importance to understanding how conflicts evolve over time with the entry and exit of external actors. It does this by building a new model of intervention that crosses the traditional boundaries between economics, international relations theory, and security studies, and places the economic interests and domestic political institutions of external states at the center of intervention decisions.
Combining quantitative and qualitative evidence from both historical and contemporary conflicts, including interventions in both interstate conflicts and civil wars, it presents an in-depth discussion of a range of interventions—diplomatic, economic, and military—in a variety of international contexts, creating a comprehensive model for future research on the topic.
New Issue: Journal of World Investment & Trade

- Francis N. Botchway, The Diminishing Acts of the State. Or, Is It?
- Sergey A. Voitovich, Agreed Settlement v. Unfavourable Award in Investment Arbitration
- Bishnu Kumar Adhikary, Trends and Dimensions of FDI in South Asian Economies - A Comparative Analysis
- Xiuli Han, The Case of Philip Morris v. Uruguay: A Preliminary Observation from a Chinese Scholar
- Srikanth Hariharan, Standard of Review and Burden of Proof in WTO Jurisprudence
- Ahmad Ali Ghouri & Nida Mahmood, Deciphering Pakistan's Foreign Investment Policy: A Review of Pakistani BITs
Monday, November 5, 2012
New Issue: Transnational Dispute Management

New Issue: International Criminal Law Review

- Matthew Garrod, The Protective Principle of Jurisdiction over War Crimes and the Hollow Concept of Universality
- Farhad Malekian, Judging International Criminal Justice in the Occupied Territories
- Emily Haslam & Rod Edmunds, Common Legal Representation at the International Criminal Court: More Symbolic than Real?
- Valentina Azarov & Sharon Weill, Israel's Unwillingness? The Follow-Up Investigations to the UN Gaza Conflict Report and International Criminal Justice
- Rita Mutyaba, An Analysis of the Cooperation Regime of the International Criminal Court and its Effectiveness in the Court's Objective in Securing Suspects in its Ongoing Investigations and Prosecutions
Boisson de Chazournes, Kohen, & Viñuales: Diplomatic and Judicial Means of Dispute Settlement

'Diplomatic and Judicial Means of Dispute Settlement' addresses a question of growing practical and theoretical importance in international law: the synergies and potential conflicts among different means of settling international disputes. The contributing authors, who include some of the world's leading academics and practitioners, analyze various areas where such interactions have become ever more frequent, such as the law of territorial disputes, international criminal law, international trade law, investment arbitration, and human rights. The ground-breaking new volume aims to provide both a survey of prominent case-studies and an analytical framework to foster research on this increasingly important topic.
Murphy: The Expulsion of Aliens and Other Topics: The Sixty-Fourth Session of the International Law Commission
This essay analyzes the work of the International Law Commission during its sixty-fourth session in Geneva from May 7 to June 1, and from July 2 to August 3, 2012. The session marked the first year of a new quinquennium (2012-2016), with the Commission having completed its work during the prior quinquennium on four major topics: transboundary aquifers; reservations to treaties; responsibility of international organizations; and effects of armed conflict on treaties. The central topic under discussion during the sixty-fourth session concerned the expulsion of aliens, which led to the adoption on first reading of thirty-two articles, together with commentaries, regarding a State’s power to remove non-nationals coercively from its territory. Work proceeded on the other topics already on the ILC’s agenda and two new topics were added to that agenda: the provisional application of treaties and customary international law.
New Issue: Review of International Organizations

- Martin Ravallion & Adam Wagstaff, The World Bank’s publication record
- Leonardo Baccini & Soo Yeon Kim, Preventing protectionism: International institutions and trade policy
- Christopher Marcoux & Johannes Urpelainen, Capacity, not constraints: A theory of North-South regulatory cooperation
- Sarah S. Stroup & Amanda Murdie, There’s no place like home: Explaining international NGO advocacy
de la Rasilla del Moral: Francisco De Vitoria's Unexpected Transformations and Re-Interpretations for International Law
Why is Francisco de Vitoria as hip as the iPad in International Legal Studies Today?. A review of some of the legacies of Vitoria in international legal scholarship today accompanies, in the first part of this work, a retrospective gaze at the first third of the Twentieth century so as to examine how the role played by the founder of the American Society of International Law, James Brown Scott, as the editor of The Classics of International Law, and his scholarly writings, contributed to (re)establish Francisco de Vitoria as the father of international law in the inter-war years. The second part provides, in its turn, a genealogy of the critical front of today’s Vitorian revival in international law. Special attention is, then, paid to some of the intellectual building-blocks and programmatic tenets which, since the late-1990s, have inspired a Third World Approaches to International Law’s (TWAIL) anti-imperial narrative of the international legal order along with a TWAIL’s re-interpretation and re-contextualization of the works of the Sixteenth century Prima professor of Sacred Theology at the University of Salamanca. The conclusion reflects on the lasting legacy of the Spanish Classics in the American tradition of international law in the Twentieth century.
Job Opening: Glasgow (Professor or Reader)
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Call for Papers: Young International Lawyers Research Forum
Call for Submissions: Hague Yearbook of International Law
Call for Papers for the 2012 issue
The Hague Yearbook of International Law is an annual peer-reviewed publication that provides a forum for analyzing the most recent trends in international law, which is shaped by the many international institutions that are based in The Hague. Thus, the Hague Yearbook of International Law is a reference tool for tracking the current trends in practice and scholarly discussions in international law broadly understood. Accordingly, the scope of the Hague Yearbook of International Law covers public international law, private international law, international investment law, international criminal law as well as relevant European law.
The Editorial Board welcomes both longer in-depth articles (8,000-20,000 words) and shorter notes and commentaries (4,000-7,000 words), which analyze the most recent developments in international law that have a nexus with the international institutions based in The Hague.
The deadline for submission is 1 January 2013.
All submissions should be written in English or French, in MS WORD compatible format and delivered by email to the Editorial Board:
All submissions must be submitted in conformity with the “Authors' Instructions”, which is available here.
All submissions must be original, unpublished works and will be peer-reviewed. Submissions will only be definitely accepted if they are in full comliance with the "Authors' Instructions". Publication is subject to transfer of copyright to the publisher.