Thursday, April 29, 2021
Lecture: Modirzadeh on "Passion and International Law of War Scholarship"
New Issue: International Interactions
- Kerstin Fisk, Plausible deniability? An investigation of government and government-outsourced violence in refugee hosting areas
- Alex Braithwaite, Joseph M. Cox & Faten Ghosn, Should I stay or should I go? The decision to flee or stay home during civil war
- Nazli Avdan, Naji Bsisu & Amanda Murdie, Abuse by association: migration from terror-prone countries and human rights abuses
- Timothy M. Peterson & Yuleng Zeng, Conflict and cooperation with trade partners
- David Lindsey, Willful ignorance in international coercion
- Minnie M. Joo & Bumba Mukherjee, Rebel command and control, time, and rebel group splits
- Lamis Abdelaaty, Rivalry, ethnicity, and asylum admissions worldwide
- Michal Smetana & Marek Vranka, How moral foundations shape public approval of nuclear, chemical, and conventional strikes: new evidence from experimental surveys
New Issue: World Trade Review

- Special Issue: Economic Statecraft and Global Trade in the 21st Century
- Vinod K. Aggarwal & Andrew W. Reddie, Economic Statecraft in the 21st Century: Implications for the Future of the Global Trade Regime
- Linda Weiss, Re-emergence of Great Power Conflict and US Economic Statecraft
- Seung-Youn Oh, China's Race to the Top: Regional and Global Implications of China's Industrial Policy
- Kristi Govella, The Adaptation of Japanese Economic Statecraft: Trade, Aid, and Technology
- Amitendu Palit, Will India's Disengaging Trade Policy Restrict It from Playing a Greater Global Role?
- Simon J. Evenett, Economic Statecraft: Is There a Sub-National Dimension? Evidence from United States–China Rivalry
- Mark A. Cohen & Philip C. Rogers, When Sino-American Struggle Disrupts the Supply Chain: Licensing Intellectual Property in a Changing Trade Environment
New Issue: European Journal of International Law

- Editorial: Peer Review – Institutional Hypocrisy and Author Ambivalence; EJIL Roll of Honour; 2020 EJIL Peer Reviewer Prize; Letters to the Editors – A Note from EJIL and I•CON; Legal/Illegal; 10 Good Reads; In This Issue; A Bumper Review Section
- Afterword: The Guiding Principles on Shared Responsibility in International Law and Its Critics
- B. S. Chimni, The Articles on State Responsibility and the Guiding Principles of Shared Responsibility: A TWAIL Perspective
- Lorenzo Gasbarri, On the Benefit of Reinventing the Wheel: The Notion of a Single Internationally Wrongful Act
- Vladyslav Lanovoy, The Guiding Principles on Shared Responsibility in International Law: Too Much or Too Little?
- Odette Murray, Liability In Solidum in the Law of International Responsibility: A Comment on Guiding Principle 7
- Federica I. Paddeu, Shared Non-responsibility in International Law? Defences and the Responsibility of Co-perpetrators and Accessories in the Guiding Principles
- Articles
- Frédéric Gilles Sourgens, The Precaution Presumption
- Steven R. Ratner, The Aggravating Duty of Non-Aggravation
- Yury Rovnov, Appropriate Level of Protection: The Most Misconceived Notion of WTO Law
- Heidi Nichols Haddad, When Global Becomes Municipal: US Cities Localizing Unratified International Human Rights Law
- The Theatre of International Law
- Mickey Zar, Piracy: A Treasure Box of Otherness
- Roaming Charges: COVID Autumn
- The European Tradition in International Law: Camilo Barcia Trelles
- Ignacio de la Rasilla, Camilo Barcia Trelles in and beyond Vitoria's Shadow (1888–1977)
- Randall Lesaffer, The Cradle of International Law: Camilo Barcia Trelles on Francisco de Vitoria at The Hague (1927)
- Juan Pablo Scarfi, Camilo Barcia Trelles on the Meaning of the Monroe Doctrine and the Legacy of Vitoria in the Americas
- José María Beneyto, Camilo Barcia Trelles on Francisco de Vitoria: At the Crossroads of Carl Schmitt’s Grossraum and James Brown Scott’s ‘Modern International Law’
- Review Essays
- Cait Storr, ‘The War Rages On’: Expanding Concepts of Decolonization in International Law, reviewing Jochen von Bernstorff and Philipp Dann eds., The Battle for International Law: South-North Perspectives on the Decolonization Era
- Simon Chesterman, Can International Law Survive a Rising China?, reviewing Congyan Cai, The Rise of China and International Law: Taking Chinese Exceptionalism Seriously
- Jean d’Aspremont, Belgium and the Fabrication of the International Legal Discipline, reviewing Vincent Genin, Le laboratoire belge du droit international: Une communauté épistémique et internationale de juristes (1869–1914)
- Impressions
- Erika de Wet, Twenty-Five-Years of Dugard’s International Law: A Lasting Impression
- Book Reviews
- Filippo Fontanelli, reviing Santi Romano, The Legal Order (Ed. Mariano Croce)
- Sarah C. Dunstan, reviewing Christopher R. Rossi, Whiggish International Law: Elihu Root, the Monroe Doctrine, and International Law in the Americas
- Catherine O’Rourke, rewiewing Gina Heathcote, Feminist Dialogues on International Law: Successes, Tensions, Futures
- Anne Peters, reviewing Anna Chadwick, Law and the Political Economy of Hunger
- Dimitri Van Den Meerssche, reviewing Rebecca Schmidt, Regulatory Integration Across Borders: Public–Private Cooperation in Transnational Regulation
- Fuad Zarbiyev, Rose Parfitt, The Process of International Legal Reproduction: Inequality, Historiography, Resistance
- Mavluda Sattorova, reviewing Jérémie Gilbert, Natural Resources and Human Rights: An Appraisal
- David Schneiderman, reviewing Markus Krajewski and Rhea Tamara Hoffman eds., Research Handbook on Foreign Direct Investment
- Jean Ho, reviewing Aikaterini Florou, Contractual Renegotiations and International Investment Arbitration: A Relational Contract Theory Interpretation of Investment Treaties
- Esmé Shirlow, reviewing Martin Jarrett, Contributory Fault and Investor Misconduct in Investment Arbitration
- Christine Schwöbel-Patel, reviewing Maria Elander, Figuring Victims in International Criminal Justice: The Case of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal
- Henry Lovat, reviewing Kamari Maxine Clarke, Affective Justice: The International Criminal Court and the Pan-Africanist Pushback
- The Last Page
- Emily Dickinson, We Grow Accustomed to the Dark
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Call for Submissions: International Investment Law and Climate Change
New Volume: Hague Yearbook of International Law

- Matthieu Burnay & Wim Muller, China, Law and Global Governance: Power through Rules or Rule Through Power?
- Matthieu Burnay, China and Global Governance: Towards a Low-Cost Global Legal Order?
- Wim Muller, The Power of Discourse: Doctrinal Implications of China’s Normative Aspirations
- Li Bin, Cyber Sovereignty and Beyond: China’s Emerging Strategy for Global Cybersecurity Governance
- G. A. Serghides, The Prohibition of Discrimination under the European Convention on Human Rights: Interpretation, Application and Mechanism
- Karolina Szopa, Defining the Margin to the Margin of Appreciation: Principle of Effectiveness as a Limit to Subsidiarity
- Timileyin Oyewo, The National Security Exception of the World Trade Organization: An Entirely Self-Judging Provision or Not?
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
New Issue: Die Friedens-Warte

- Christian Tomuschat zu Ehren | Honouring Christian Tomuschat
- Andreas von Arnauld & Pierre Thielbörger, Editorial: Ein Dank an Christian Tomuschat / Editorial: Thanking Christian Tomuschat
- Daniel-Erasmus Khan, “It Is Not Possible For Us That Injustice Be Justice”. Some Remarks on the Soghomon Tehlirian Trial at Age 100
- Christina Binder, Europäischer Menschenrechtsschutz in der Krise? Die COVID-19-Pandemie als Herausforderung und Chance
- Christian Walter & Philip Nedelcu, Verlust der Staatsangehörigkeit als Maßnahme der Terrorismusbekämpfung: Welche Grenzen setzt das Völkerrecht?
- Christian J. Tams, Strindberg, Fried und Tomuschat: Internationale Gerichte und bewaffnete Konflikte
- Oliver Diggelmann, The Creation of the United Nations: Break with the Past or Continuation of Wartime Power Politics?
- Bardo Fassbender, Die Beharrungskraft des Status quo: Die Bemühungen um eine Reform des Sicherheitsrates im Jahr des 75-jährigen Bestehens der Vereinten Nationen
- Erika de Wet, Military Assistance Based on Ex-Ante Consent: a Violation of Article 2 (4) UN Charter?
- Rüdiger Lüdeking & Helmut W. Ganser, Für Stabilität und gegen unkontrollierbare Konfrontation – eine politische Initiative zu Dialog und Zusammenarbeit mit Russland auf der Grundlage einer glaubwürdigen europäischen und transatlantischen Sicherheitspolitik
Call for Submissions: Military Law and the Law of War Review / Revue de Droit Militaire et de Droit de la Guerre
Now accepting submissions for Volume 59(2)
The Editorial Board of The Military Law and the Law of War Review / Revue de Droit Militaire et de Droit de la Guerre (MLLWR) is pleased to invite submissions for the upcoming Volume 59 Issue 2, due for publication in late 2021.
The Review's editorial board welcomes submissions that come within the broader scope of the Review, including military law, law of armed conflict, law on the use of force, as well as international criminal law and human rights law (inasmuch as related to situations of armed conflict).
For Volume 59 Issue 2, the deadline for submission is June 15, 2021. Submissions should be sent to and will be subject to double-blind peer review.
Articles should normally not be longer than 15,000 words (footnotes included), although longer pieces may exceptionally be considered.
Inquiries as to whether a possible submission comes within the scope of the Review can be sent to the above mentioned email address.
Latest Issue: GlobaLex
- Vicenç Feliú, Introduction to Public International Law Research
- Vicenç Feliú, International Trademark Law – The Madrid System
- Antonella Corradi, International Law and Consumer Protection
Watt: State Sponsored Cyber Surveillance: The Right to Privacy of Communications and International Law
This insightful book focuses on the application of mass surveillance, its impact upon existing international human rights and the challenges posed by mass surveillance. Through the judicious use of case studies State Sponsored Cyber Surveillance argues for the need to balance security requirements with the protection of fundamental rights.
The author makes a case for the adoption of a multilateral cyber surveillance treaty, together with a review of whether online privacy has yet become a rule of customary international law. Chapters provide a comprehensive and up-to-date account of the right to privacy of communications under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights and the American Convention on Human Rights, as well as guiding the reader through the taxonomy of cyber intelligence operations. Eliza Watt also offers insightful studies of the differences between cyber espionage, cyber electoral interference and mass cyber surveillance.
Conference: EU Responsibility in the International System: Setting the Stage
Monday, April 26, 2021
Frost: Out with the ‘Old’, in with the ‘New’: Challenging Dominant Regulatory Approaches in the Field of Human Rights
Mainstream doctrinal and theoretical thinking in international human rights scholarship still adheres to ‘old governance’ regulatory approaches. This is despite the reality of transnational corporations’ (TNCs) increasing involvement in ‘new governance’ architectures in the field of international human rights as regulatory actors and agents of change. ‘Old governance’ approaches are distinguished by statist, positivist regulatory dispositions: they typically position TNCs as violators of human rights; assume a hierarchical relationship between state and society; couple regulation with governments while presuming the state to be the ideal regulator; and, consequently, emphasize power and legal accountability as normative concerns and predominant vehicles for social change. The present article critically reflects on the conceptual, practical and normative implications of this ‘old governance’ bias for contemporary thinking about corporations and human rights under conditions of economic globalization. On the basis of these analyses, the article takes first steps on the path to further theoretical development of a new governance theory for business and human rights. It does so by outlining the importance of new governance perspectives for better evaluating the role that corporate actors actually assume in the field, and what this may mean for these norms’ protection.
AJIL Unbound Symposium: Mollengarden & Zamir's "The Monetary Gold Principle: Back to Basics"
Giorgetti & Verdirame: Whither the West? International Law in Europe and the United States
On a variety of international legal matters, relations between the US and European countries are evolving and even diverging. In an ever-changing world, understanding the reasons for this increasing dichotomy is fundamental and has a profound impact on our understanding of world dynamics and globalization and, ultimately, on our awareness of where the West is going. This interdisciplinary volume proposes new frameworks to understand the differences in approach to international law in the US and Europe. To explain the theoretical and historical underpinnings of the diverging views, the expert essays present new research and develop innovative conclusions. They assess and explore issues such as the idea of sovereignty, constitutional law, the use of force, treaty law and international adjudication. Leading authorities in different disciplines including law and political science, the contributors engage in a new dialogue and develop a new discourse on inter-Atlantic views.
Sunday, April 25, 2021
New Issue: Journal of International Arbitration

- Richard Garnett, Article 5 of the Model Law: Protector of the Arbitral Process?
- Beata Gessel-Kalinowska Vel Kalisz, Admissibility of Electronic Awards in the UNCITRAL Model Law Jurisdiction: Polish Law Example
- Gerhard Wagner & Jan Philipp Koester, Originalism Meets International Arbitration: The US Supreme Court’s Interpretation of the New York Convention
- John David Branson, The Abuse of Process Doctrine Extended: A Tool for Right Thinking People in International Arbitration
- Kabir Duggal & Samy Rais, The Evolution of Brazilian CFIAs from 2015 to 2020: Like Wine, Does It Get Better with Time?
- Allison Goh, Digital Readiness Index for Arbitration Institutions: Challenges and Implications for Dispute Resolution Under the Belt and Road Initiative
Venzke & Heller: Contingency in International Law: On the Possibility of Different Legal Histories
This book poses a question that is deceptive in its simplicity: could international law have been otherwise? Today, there is hardly a serious account left that would consider the path of international law to be necessary, and that would refute the possibility of a different law altogether. But behind every possibility of the past stands a reason why the law developed as it did. Only with a keen sense of why things turned out the way they did is it possible to argue about how the law could plausibly have turned out differently.
The search for contingency in international law is often motivated, as it is in this volume, by a refusal to resign to the present state of affairs. By recovering past possibilities, this volume aims to inform projects of transformative legal change for the future. The book situates that search for contingency theoretically and carries it into practice across many fields, with chapters discussing human rights and armed conflict, migrants and refugees, the sea and natural resources, foreign investments and trade. In doing so, it shows how politically charged questions about contingency have always been.
New Issue: Journal of World Investment & Trade
- Petros C. Mavroidis, Who’s Minding the Store?
- Xuechan Ma & Anran Zhang, Be the First Investor to Eat Crabs in North Korea: Tips for Bilateral Investment Treaties
- Amrita Bahri & Ana Sofia Charvel, The Mexican Front-of-Pack Labeling Reform: Is It Compatible with International Trade Law?
- Toni Marzal, Quantum (In)Justice: Rethinking the Calculation of Compensation and Damages in ISDS
- Saar A. Pauker & Benny Winston, Eiser v Spain – Unprecedented Annulment of an ICSID Award for Improper Constitution of the Tribunal