Elisa Baroncini (Università di Bologna - Law),
Susanna Cafaro (Università del Salento - Law), &
Criseide Novi (Università di Foggia - Law) have published
Le relazioni esterne dell'Unione europea (G. Giappichelli Editore 2012). Here’s the abstract:
The external relations of the European Union include all the EU activities versus third
countries and intergovernmental entities, together with the involvement of physical
and legal persons in these intense and extensive international relations. The European
external relations have expanded and evolved over time, also thanks to the action of
the EU Court of Justice, thus making the Union a full subject of the International
Community, in which it operates not only in terms of the completion of its internal
competences, but also and mainly to take a leading role on the international scene as
a stabilizing factor and a guide for many countries and peoples, affirming its values
and taking up its responsibilities in the governance of globalization. In order to enable
the Union to perform at their best these tasks, the Lisbon Treaty has reorganized the
EU external competences, placing them in a more unifying logic and institutional
framework, and targeting them to the pursuit of objectives and the protection of
common values: democracy, respect for fundamental rights, sustainable development
and solidarity, promotion of international law and multilateral cooperation for the
solution of common problems. The present volume aims to provide the overall picture
together with the analysis of the individual components of this articulated, rich and
complex set of multilateral, bilateral and transnational relations, taking into account
the methodological and decision-making differences that still persist between economic
and political-strategic external competences of the Union. Each section combines the
critical presentation of the topic with documents and materials allowing to “touch” the
action of the European institutions and in particular the Court of Justice.