- Irini Papanicolopulu, Introduction: Gender and the Law of the Sea – Oceans Apart?
- Gabriele Goettsche-Wanli, Gender and the Law of the Sea: A Global Perspective
- Gina V. Heathcote, Feminism and the Law of the Sea: A Preliminary Inquiry
- Patricia Mallia & David Testa, Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Gender and the Law of the Sea
- Loveday Hodson, Mermaids and Utopias: The High Seas as Feminist Space?
- Tullio Scovazzi, Some Doubts on the Gender Implications of the Law of the Sea
- Liesbeth Lijnzaad, The UN Fish Stocks Agreement as a Metaphor, or the Law of the Sea as a Gendered Process
- Maria Gavouneli, Protecting Women Fishers: The Gender Parameters of Labour Rights at Sea
- Gabriela A. Oanta, Sustainable Development and Fisheries with Special Emphasis on Gender Equality
- Alice Ollino, Feminism, Nature and the Post-Human: Toward a Critical Analysis of the International Law of the Sea Governing Marine Living Resources Management
- Vasco Becker-Weinberg, Human Trafficking & iuuf: Legal and Gender Implications
- Francesca Mussi, Migration at Sea: Some Gender-Related Remarks on the United Nations Protocols on Smuggling and Trafficking
- Ioannis Stribis, The 2006 Maritime Labour Convention: A Cautious Step towards Gender Awareness?
- Momoko Kitada, Advancing ‘Good Practices’ that Promote Gender Equality in the Maritime Sector
- Vanessa Murphy, Women at War at Sea: How International Humanitarian Law Provides for the Protection of Female Members of the Armed Forces at Sea
- Nilufer Oral, Climate Change, Oceans and Gender
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Papanicolopulu: Gender and the Law of the Sea
Call for Papers: Comparative Law and International Dispute Resolution Processes
Höfelmeier: Die Vollstreckungsimmunität der Staaten im Wandel des Völkerrechts
Dieses Buch behandelt die völkerrechtliche Immunität von Staaten und ihren Untergliederungen gegen hoheitliche Zwangsmaßnahmen anderer Staaten. Solche Maßnahmen umfassen jegliche Zugriffe auf staatliches Vermögen, die in gerichtlichen Vollstreckungs- und Anspruchssicherungsverfahren vorgenommen werden. Diese Immunität hat mit einem sich wandelnden Souveränitätsverständnis im Völkerrecht kontinuierlich Modifikationen erfahren, die sich zunächst in Ausnahmen für privatwirtschaftliches Handeln des Staates und später in Ansätzen zur normativen Einschränkung der Immunität nach schweren Völkerrechtsbrüchen äußerten. In diesem Buch werden die Entstehung und der aktuelle völkerrechtliche Gehalt der Vollstreckungsimmunität und ihrer Einschränkungen aus verschiedenen Quellen ermittelt. Zuvorderst wird die nationale Gesetzgebungs- und Spruchpraxis verschiedener Staaten untersucht und verglichen. Auch internationale Kodifikationen zur Staatenimmunität, vor allem die United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property, und das Urteil des Internationalen Gerichtshofs im Fall "Jurisdictional Immunities of the State" aus dem Jahre 2012 werden im Zusammenhang dargestellt. Anders als die kommerzielle Ausnahme zur Vollstreckungsimmunität lässt sich eine Ausnahme für die Aufarbeitung schwerer Völkerrechtsbrüche nicht auf eine gewachsene Staatenpraxis stützen, sondern wird in der Literatur mit dogmatischen Argumenten begründet. Hierzu zählen die Heranziehung einer Normenhierarchie, übergreifender Gerechtigkeitsargumente oder des völkerrechtlichen Instruments der Gegenmaßnahme ebenso wie die Darstellung, die der Staatenimmunität eine Kollision mit fundamentalen Menschenrechten attestiert und diesen Normenkonflikt zulasten der Immunität auflöst. Diese Ansätze werden im vorliegenden Buch eingehend auf ihre Stichhaltigkeit nach dem geltenden Völkerrecht untersucht und auf die besondere Situation einer Geltendmachung der Vollstreckungsimmunität übertragen. Schließlich gibt das Werk einen Überblick über die Völkerrechtsentwicklung und das aus ihr jeweils folgende Souveränitäts- und Immunitätsverständnis. Aus dieser Analyse heraus werden Prognosen und Vorschläge dafür erarbeitet, wie sich die Staaten- und Vollstreckungsimmunität - als Ausfluss der staatlichen Souveränität - zukünftig im völkerrechtlichen Gefüge positionieren kann und welche Ansätze dazu genutzt werden könnten, auftretende Adjudikations- und Vollstreckungsdefizite völkerrechtskonform zu bewältigen.
New Issue: Global Society

- Andrea Schneiker, The New Defenders of Human Rights? How Radical Right-Wing TNGOs are Using the Human Rights Discourse to Promote their Ideas
- Jean-Christophe Graz & Christophe Hauert, Translating Technical Diplomacy: The Participation of Civil Society Organisations in International Standardisation
- Charlotte Dany, Exploring the Political Agency of Humanitarian NGOs: Médecins Sans Frontières During the European Refugee Crisis
- Terri-Anne Teo, Conduct and Counter-conduct in the “Nonliberal” State: Singapore’s Headscarf Affairs
- Zine Homburger, The Necessity and Pitfall of Cybersecurity Capacity Building for Norm Development in Cyberspace
- Felipe Leal Albuquerque, Coalition Making and Norm Shaping in Brazil’s Foreign Policy in the Climate Change Regime
- Rick Fawn & Nina Lutterjohann, Confidence-Building Measures in Eurasian Conflicts: New Roles for the OSCE’s Economic and Environmental Dimension in Easing East-West Tensions
- Matt Killingsworth, America’s Exceptionalist Tradition: From the Law of Nations to the International Criminal Court
Giorgetti & Klein: Resolving Conflicts in the Law: Essays in Honour of Lea Brilmayer
- Chiara Giorgetti & Natalie Klein, “This is your wake-up call”: Lea Brilmayer’s Impact as a Scholar and Teacher
- Harold Hongju Koh, Lea Brilmayer: How Contacts Count
- Kermit Roosevelt III, Professor Brilmayer and the Third Restatement
- Carlos M. Vázquez, Choice-of-Law Rules as Geographic Scope Limitations
- Philippa Webb, Forum non Conveniens: Recent Developments at the Intersection of Public and Private International Law
- W. Michael Reisman, Meddling in Internal Affairs: The Boundaries of Non-Intervention in a World without Boundaries
- Rebecca Crootof , Jurisprudential Space Junk: Treaties and New Technologies
- William J. Moon, Recognition, Rewards, and Regime Change
- Kathleen Claussen, Functional State Recognition and International Economic Law
- Laura S. Underkuffler, Why Sub-State Groups Are Endowed with Rights
- Eyal Benvenisti, Why International Organizations are Accountable to You
- Chiara Giorgetti, Are International Mass Claims Commissions the Right Mechanism to Provide Redress to Individuals Injured under International Law?
- Natalie Klein, Land and Sea: Resolving Contested Land and Disappearing Land Disputes under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
- John Crook, Professor Lea Brilmayer and the Quest for Evidence from Space
- Robert G. Volterra, The Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission’s Partial Awards on Eritrea’s and Ethiopia’s Diplomatic Claims
- Stephen M. Schwebel, The Misinterpretation and Misapplication of the Minimum Standard of International Law
- Erin O’Hara O’Connor, Conflict of Laws: A Recipe for Transformative Contributions
New Addition to the UN Audiovisual Library of International Law
New Issue: Global Trade and Customs Journal

- Ignacio Carreño & Tobias Dolle, The Court of Justice of the European Union’s Judgment on Mutagenesis and International Trade: A Case of GMO, Mutagenesis and International Trade: A Case of GMO, Mutagenesis and International Trade: A Case of GMO, Mutatis Mutandis?
- Kateryna Holzer, Addressing Tensions and Avoiding Disputes: Specific Trade Concerns in the TBT Committee
- Arnoud Willems & Jenya Grigorova, The Limits of FTAs in the Chemical Sector: Is a Sector Agreement the Solution?
Prévost, Alexovicova, & Hillebrand Pohl: Restoring Trust in Trade: Liber Amicorum in Honour of Peter Van den Bossche
- Mary E Footer, Effecting Global Economic Governance Through the WTO: One Step at a Time?
- Maarten Smeets & Mina Mashayekhi, Trade Policies in Support of Inclusive Growth to the Benefit of All
- Jan Wouters & Tine Carmeliet, Gx Dynamics in Global Trade Governance
- Anke Moerland, Governance Systems of Geographical Indications: An Example of Institutions Enabling Trust and Cooperation Among Producers
- Giorgio Sacerdoti, The WTO Dispute Settlement System and the Challenges to Multilateralism: Consolidating a 'Common Global Good'
- Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, The 'Crown Jewel' of the WTO Has Been Stolen by US Trade Diplomats – And They Have No Intention of Giving It Back
- Thomas Cottier, The Prospects of Equity in International Economic Law
- Jens Hillebrand Pohl, Blueprint for a Plurilateral WTO Arbitration Agreement under Article 25 of the Dispute Settlement Understanding
- Marco Bronckers & Giovanni Gruni, Improving the Enforcement of Labour Standards in the EU's Free Trade Agreements
- Gabrielle Marceau, Do PPM Concerns Have A Future?
- Anselm Kamperman Sanders, Incentives and Obstacles for Innovation
- Ellen Vos & Sabrina Röttger-Wirtz, EU Food Law and the WTO: Trade, Science and Politics
- Gian Franco Chianale, The General and Security Exceptions in the European Union's Free Trade Agreements
- Joseph HH Weiler, Essai Typologique: Eternal Clauses – Human and Divine – A Reflection on Deuteronomy XIII:1–6, Matthew 28 and Galatians I
Musa: Victim Reparation under the Ius Post Bellum: An Historical and Normative Perspective
Victim Reparation under the Ius Post Bellum fills an enormous gap in international legal scholarship. It questions the paradigmatic shift of rights to reparation towards a morality-based theory of international law. At a time when international law has a tendency to take a purely positivistic and international approach, Shavana Musa questions whether an embrace of an evaluative approach alongside the politics of war and peace is more practical and effective for war victims. Musa provides a never-before-conducted contextual insight into how the issue has been handled historically, analysing case studies from major wars from the seventeenth century to the modern day. She uses as-yet untouched archival documentation from these periods, which uncovers unique data and information on international peacemaking, and actually demonstrates more effective practices of reparation provisions compared with today. This book combines historical analysis with modern day developments to provide normative assertions for a future reparation system.
Ishii: Technology and Anti-Money Laundering Regulations under International Law
Lubin: The Liberty to Spy
Many, if not most, international legal scholars share the ominous contention that espionage, as a legal field, is devoid of meaning. For them, any attempt to extrapolate the lex lata corpus of the International Law of Intelligence (ILI), let alone its lex scripta, would inevitably prove to be a failed attempt, as there is simply nothing to extrapolate. The notion that international law is moot as to the question of if, when, and how intelligence is to be collected, analyzed, and promulgated, has been repeated so many times that it has attained the status of a dogma.
This paper offers a new and innovative legal framework for articulating the law and practice of interstate peacetime espionage operations, relying on a body of moral philosophy and intelligence ethics thus far ignored by legal thinkers. This framework adopts a diagnosis of the legality of covert intelligence, at three distinct temporal stages – before, during, and after. In doing so it follows the traditional paradigms of international law and the use of force, which themselves are grounded in the rich history of Just War Theory. Adopting the Jus Ad, Jus In, Jus Post model makes for an appropriate choice, given the unique symbiosis that exists between espionage and fundamental U.N. Charter principles.
This paper, focuses on the first of these three paradigms, the Jus Ad Explorationem (JAE), a sovereign’s prerogative to engage in peacetime espionage and the right’s core limitations. Examining a plethora of international legal sources the paper exemplifies the myriad ways by which peacetime intelligence gathering has been already recognized as a necessary pre-requisite for the functioning of our global legal order. The paper then proceeds to discuss the nature of the JAE. It argues that that the right to spy is best understood as a privilege in Hohfeldian terms. It shows how understanding interstate intelligence operations as a weaker “liberty-right” that imposes no obligations on third parties to tolerate such behavior, helps capture the essence of the customary norms that form part of the practice.
Recognizing the liberty right to spy opens the door for the doctrine of “abuse of rights” to play a role in constraining the practice. By identifying two sole justifications for peacetime espionage – advancing the national security interests of States and promoting an increase in international stability and cooperation – we are able to delimit what may constitute abusive spying (exploiting one’s right to spy not for the purposes for which it was intended). The paper thus concludes by introducing five categories of unlawful espionage: (1) spying as a means to advance personal interests; (2) spying as a means to commit internationally wrongful acts; (3) spying as a means to advance corporate interests; (4) spying as a means to facilitate a dictatorship; and (5) spying as a means to exploit post-colonial relationship.
Friday, February 22, 2019
New Issue: Journal of World Investment & Trade
- Hélène Ruiz Fabri, Understanding International Economic Law in Unsettling Times: A Feminist Approach
- Joel P. Trachtman, Functionalism, Fragmentation, and the Future of International (Trade) Law - The 2018 Robert E. Hudec Lecture in International Economic Law
- Teresa Cheng, Special Economic Zones: A Catalyst for International Trade and Investment in Unsettling Times?
- Paulo Cavallo, Brazil, BITs and FDI: A Synthetic Control Approach
- Kyongwha Chung, Emergency Arbitrator Procedure in Investment Treaty Disputes: To Be or Not To Be
- Tania Voon, Third Strike: The WTO Panel Reports Upholding Australia’s Tobacco Plain Packaging Scheme
Call for Papers: International Law Section / 2019 SLS Annual Conference
Wertheim: Instrumental Internationalism: The American Origins of the United Nations, 1940–3
Why did the United States want to create the United Nations Organization, or any international political organization with universal membership? This question has received superficial historiographical attention, despite ample scrutiny of the conferences that directly established the UN in 1944 and 1945. The answer lies earlier in the war, from 1940 to 1942, when, under the pressure of fast-moving events, American officials and intellectuals decided their country must not only enter the war but also lead the world long afterwards. International political organization gained popularity – first among unofficial postwar planners in 1941 and then among State Department planners in 1942 – because it appeared to be an indispensable tool for implementing postwar US world leadership, for projecting and in no way constraining American power. US officials believed the new organization would legitimate world leadership in the eyes of the American public by symbolizing the culmination of prior internationalist efforts to end power politics, even as they based the design of the UN on a thoroughgoing critique of the League, precisely for assuming that power politics could be transcended.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Miller & Roseman: Beyond Virtue and Vice: Rethinking Human Rights and Criminal Law
- Alice M. Miller & Mindy Jane Roseman with Zain Rizvi, Introduction
- Janet Halley in Conversation with Aziza Ahmed: interview
- Alice M. Miller with Tara Zivkovic, Seismic Shifts: How Prosecution Became the Co-To Tool to Vindicate Rights
- Alli Jernow, The Harm Principle Meets Morality Offenses: Human Rights, Criminal Law, and the Regulation of Sex and Gender
- Widney Brown, Reflections of Human Rights Activist
- Sealing Cheng & Ae-Ryung Kim, Virtuous Rights: on Prostitution Exceptionalism in South Korea
- Sonia Corrêa & Maria Lucia Karam, Brazilian Sex Laws: Continuities, Ruptures, and Paradoxes
- Oliver Phillips, The Reach of a Skirt in Southern Africa: Claims to Law and Custom in Protecting and Patrolling Relations of Gender and Sexuality
- Mindy Jane Roseman, Abortion as Treason: Sexuality and Nationalism in France
- Wanja Muguongo in Conversation with Alice M. Miller: Interview
- Geetanjali Misra & Vrinda Marwah, Criminal Law, Activism, and Sexual and Reproductive Justice: What We Can Learn from the Sex Selection Campaign in India
- Esteban Restrepo Saldarriaga, Poisoned Gifts: Old Moralities under New Cloths?
- Rasha Moumneh, The Filth They Bring: Sex Panics and Racial Others in Lebanon
- Scott Long, Objects in Political Mirrors May Not Be What They Appear
- Joanna N. Erdman, Harm Production: An Argument for Decriminalization
New Issue: Human Rights Review
- Steven J. Barela, On Obama and Ill-Treatment: Interdisciplinary Policy Against Torture’s Return
- Audrey L. Comstock, Adjusted Ratification: Post-Commitment Actions to UN Human Rights Treaties
- Fernando Suárez Müller, The Hierarchy of Human Rights and the Transcendental System of Right
- Rollin F. Tusalem, Examining the Determinants of Extra-Judicial Killings in the Philippines at the Subnational Level: the Role of Penal Populism and Vertical Accountability
- Christopher K. Lamont, Joanna R. Quinn, & Eric Wiebelhaus-Brahm, The Ministerialization of Transitional Justice
Prezas: Substance et procédure en droit international public : dialectique et influences croisées
Les interrogations que soulève le couple substance et procédure dans l’ordre juridique international sont très nombreuses et stimulantes. La portée exacte de la dichotomie, parfois tranchée dans la pratique judiciaire internationale, entre obligations substantielles et obligations procédurales des Etats en droit international de l’environnement, voire en droit international économique, reste en effet très incertaine. Au-delà de cette typologie normative, et d’une manière plus globale, la procédure entretient avec la substance du droit international des rapports assez complexes comme le montrent par exemple le contentieux devant la Cour internationale de Justice, le contentieux national des immunités internationales, les mécanismes internationaux de garantie des droits fondamentaux, voire l’action extérieure de l’Union européenne. Pour ces raisons, la dialectique et les influences croisées entre ces deux concepts a priori distincts, mais en définitive étroitement liés, méritaient une réflexion plus poussée.
Murray: The African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights: A Commentary
The African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR) is the principle regional human rights treaty for the African continent. Adopted in 1981, there is now a significant body of jurisprudence and interpretation by its African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights and the recently established African Court. This volume provides a comprehensive article-by-article legal analysis of the provisions of the Charter as it draws upon the documents adopted by the African Commission, including resolutions, case law, and concluding observations. Where relevant, case law adopted by the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights, and that of other sub-regional courts and tribunals and domestic courts in Africa, are also incorporated. The book examines not only the substantive rights in the African Charter but also the work of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights and provides a full examination of its mandate. A critical analysis of each of the provisions of the ACHPR is led principally by the jurisprudence and documentation of the African Commission and African Court. The text also identifies the overall development of the ACHPR within the broader regional and international human rights legal arena.
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Call for Papers: Performing World Politics Through Rituals
This section explores the place of rituals in performing world politics. If rituals traditionally functioned to strengthen the bond between believers and their god(s), as Durkheim suggested, what role do they play in the enactment of contemporary World Political (dis-)orders? What indeed can we learn from engaging and developing recent IR scholarship focusing on rituals and revisiting classical and contemporary theoretical perspectives on rituals as developed e.g. by Alexander, Bell, Mauss, or Turner? Can a focus on rituals pave the way for better locating embodied, affective, sense-making in world politics? Can it reintroduce the place of the magical by moving theorizations of World Politics beyond “the rigid formal rationalization of human agency and social order” of classical modern cultural theory, on the one hand, and the “hyperintellectualization” of “high modern theories of culture” (as Reckwitz suggests)? And can a focus on rituals provide ways dealing with the unstable, messy patchwork that make up contemporary world politics (as Strathern, Mol, or Law might phrase it)? Can a focus on rituals help us understand the ways in which we are indeed staying with the trouble (to use Haraway’s formulation)? To address these questions we invite contributions reflecting on the performing of World Politics through rituals. The rituals may range from the mundane to the grandiose, from the religious to the theoretical and from the memorial to the racial. We envisage contributions focused on the widest possible variety of issues including diplomacy, international law, security, migration, digital communication, humanitarianism, peacekeeping, torture, or marketing.
Section chairs: Tanja Aalberts (VU Amsterdam) and Anna Leander (Graduate Institute, Geneva)
Czapliński & Kleczkowska: Unrecognised Subjects in International Law
- Władysław Czapliński & Agata Kleczkowska, Introductory Remarks
- Enrico Milano, Recognition (and Non-recognition) of Non-state Actors
- Dagmar Richter, Illegal States?
- Stefan Oeter, De facto Regimes in International Law
- Przemysław Saganek, Forms of Recognition
- Galina Shinkaretskaia, A Requirement of Conformity with International Law in Cases of State Succession
- Shotaro Hamamoto, Status of Unrecognised Subjects: Recent Practice of “Collective Recognition”: Admission to or Granting a Status in an International Organisation
- Władysław Czapliński, State Responsibility for Unlawful Recognition
- Szymon Zaręba, Responsibility for the Acts of Unrecognised States and Regimes
- Natividad Fernández Sola, Collective Recognition? The Case of the European Union
- Maurizio Arcari, The UN SC, Unrecognised Subjects and the Obligation of Non-recognition in International Law
- Chun-i Chen, An Unrecognised State? Recent Practices of the Republic of China on Taiwan
- Anne Lagerwall, Is the Duty Not to Recognise “States” Created Unlawfully Challenged by States’ Practice and ECHR Case Law?
- Margaret E. McGuinness, Non-recognition and State Immunities: Toward a Functional Theory
- Agata Kleczkowska, Recognition and the Use of Force: How Denial of Statehood Affects International Peace and Security
- María Isabel Torres Cazorla, The Human-rights Obligations of Unrecognised Entities
- Łukasz Gruszczyński & Marcin Menkes, Hybrid Recognition of Monetary and Financial Sovereignty: Or Is It?
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Chadwick: Law and the Political Economy of Hunger
This book is an inquiry into the role of law in the contemporary political economy of hunger. In the work of many international institutions, governments, and NGOs, law is represented as a solution to the persistence of hunger. This presentation is evident in the efforts to realize a human right to adequate food, as well as in the positioning of law, in the form of regulation, as a tool to protect society from 'unruly' markets. In this monograph, Anna Chadwick draws on theoretical work from a range of disciplines to challenge accounts that portray law's role in the context of hunger as exclusively remedial.
The book takes as its starting point claims that financial traders 'caused' the 2007-8 global food crisis by speculating in financial instruments linked to the prices of staple grains. The introduction of new regulations to curb the 'excesses' of the financial sector in order to protect the food insecure reinforces the dominant perception that law can solve the problem. Chadwick investigates a number of different legal regimes spanning public international law, international economic law, transnational governance, private law, and human rights law to gather evidence for a counterclaim: law is part of the problem. The character of the contemporary global food system-a food system that is being progressively 'financialized'-owes everything to law. If world hunger is to be eradicated, Chadwick argues, then greater attention needs to be paid to how different legal regimes operate to consistently privilege the interests of the wealthy few over the needs of poor and the hungry.
Hoffmann: Divergenz und Transformation: Verfassungstheoretische Untersuchung des Eigentumsschutzes in der demokratischen Eigentumsverfassung und im Investitionsschutzregime
Die Arbeit untersucht mithilfe verfassungstheoretischer Annahmen die Auswirkungen des internationalen Investitionsschutzrechts auf die Ausgestaltung des Eigentumsschutzes in nationalen Verfassungen. Im Ergebnis ergibt sich, dass der demokratische Eigentumskompromiss und der Schutz von Rechtspositionen nach dem Investitionsschutzrecht unterschiedlich ausgestaltet sind. Investitionsschutzrechtlicher Eigentumsschutz ist an einem hohen Schutzstandard für Investoren orientiert, während der demokratische Eigentumskompromiss einen Ausgleich schafft zwischen Eigentumsschutz auf der einen Seite und Gemeinwohlinteressen auf der anderen Seite. Als Fallillustrationen dienen die Verfassungen von Deutschland, Südafrika und Australien und aktuelle Investitionsstreitigkeiten, die diese Länder betrafen (u. a. Philip Morris und Vattenfall). Darüber hinaus wird aufgezeigt, dass diese Divergenz zwischen den beiden Regimen auch zu einer Transformation des demokratischen Eigentumskompromisses führen kann.
Based on assumptions from constitutional theory, this book examines the effects of international investment law on domestic constitutions and finds that the democratic compromise on property protection and the protection of legal positions under international investment law are structured differently. Protection of property under international investment law is oriented towards a high standard of protection for investors, while the democratic compromise on property protection strikes a balance between property protection on the one hand and public welfare interests on the other. The constitutions of Germany, South Africa and Australia and investment disputes concerning these countries (including Philip Morris and Vattenfall) serve as case illustrations. In addition, the study shows that the divergence between these two legal principles can also lead to a transformation of the democratic property compromise.
Pahuja: Corporations, Universalism and the Domestication of Race in International Law
In this chapter, I will contrast two normative approaches to the question of justice between peoples which emerged during the period of decolonization in the Twentieth Century, and which circulate in international law and institutions. These approaches have struggled through the period of the ‘Cold War’ to the present day. The first, underpinned by an historically decontextualized, moral universalism, sees ‘poverty’ as a threat to world peace, prosperity and security and its ‘alleviation’ as a gesture of enlightened self-interest. The second is inflected by an historical and political-economic understanding of global inequality as resulting from an active impoverishment of the Third World by the First World during the period of imperialism, and potentially remediable through the acquisition of statehood and the development and deployment of international law. The concept of race figures in each of these approaches in different ways, but has merged over time to divorce racialized disparities from analyses of global economic inequality. In order to illustrate this struggle, and the changed analytical valency of race, I will trace the attempt made in the 1970’s, by the ‘Group of 77’ states, to assert international legal control over trans or multi-national corporations, and the contemporaneous response by the West, which prefigured the transformation of the initiative after the end of the Cold War. This example is a site in which the rival accounts of ‘global justice’ did battle. Re-reading this struggle with race in mind, both suggests what might be at stake in their competing political and jurisprudential visions and reveals the racialized underpinnings of the way that authority and responsibility are distributed in international law and institutions today.
Call for Submissions: Italian Yearbook/Challenges to Multilateralism in International Economic Law
Italian Yearbook of International Law, Volume XXIX (2019)
Challenges to Multilateralism in International Economic Law
Volume XXIX-2019 of the Italian Yearbook of International Law (IYIL) will include a Symposium on “Challenges to Multilateralism in International Economic Law”, which will be edited in cooperation with the Interest Group on International and Supranational Organizations of the Italian Society of International and European Union Law.
Established at the end of WWII in a joint effort to promote international economic exchanges and foster international peace and security, the current multilateral framework governing international economic relations is under pressure. A new economic world order seems to be emerging in which states intensively use protectionist tools “to achieve strategic and political goals” thus limiting the role of law and increasing the use of power politics (Puig). The role of international adjudication to settle international economic disputes is also jeopardized by the growing recourse to unilateral sanctions, unilateral responses to such moves, and attempts to block the effective functioning of the Appellate Body of the WTO. It is now time to take stock of these challenges to multilateralism from an international law perspective.
The Editors welcome submissions of abstracts showing a critical and/or innovative perspective on any of the following aspects:
Abstracts of no more than 500 words, written in English and including the author’s name and e-mail address should be submitted to the IYIL Editors, e-mail address: italianyearbook@gmail.com. A half-page (max one-page) curriculum vitae must be included in the file containing the abstract. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 10 May 2019. Successful applicants will be notified via e-mail by 1 June 2019 and must submit the final draft paper (10.000-12.000 words, including footnotes) by 15 October 2019. A colloquium on “Challenges to Multilateralism in International Economic Law” will be convened in November 2019 and on that occasion the authors of the accepted papers will be invited to present their works, which will eventually be published in the Italian Yearbook of International Law after a double-blind peer-review process.
- The future of multilateralism and mega-agreements (i.e. CETA, EU-Japan, CTPP, NAFTA/USMCA, RCEP, or AfCTFA): is Article XXIV GATT still relevant?
- Trade Wars: legal implications for multilateralism
- The future of WTO dispute settlement mechanism and its independence
- Prospects for international investment law and implications for bilateralism, regionalism and multilateralism
- The future of international investment dispute settlement between the reform of ICSID Rules and the proposal of a Multilateral Investment Court
- The main challenges to multilateralism in the field of international development assistance and peace support
- The state of multilateralism in international financial institutions
- Empirical support for (or against) the assumption that multilateralism is the preferred approach in international economic law
Schwarz: Das völkerrechtliche Sexualstrafrecht: Sexualisierte und geschlechtsbezogene Gewalt vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof
Alexander Schwarz erläutert die Hintergründe sexualisierter Gewalt im makrokriminellen Kontext und unternimmt eine systematische Gesamtdarstellung des völkerrechtlichen Sexualstrafrechts. Neben sexualisierter Gewalt als Tathandlung des Genozids, werden die Anwendungsbereiche der Sexualdelikte untersucht, wie sie im IStGH-Statut als Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit und Kriegsverbrechen unter Strafe stehen: Vergewaltigung, sexuelle Sklaverei, Zwangsprostitution, erzwungene Schwangerschaft und Zwangssterilisation. Anhand des sexualspezifischen Auffangtatbestands wird nachgewiesen, dass eine völkerstrafrechtliche Erfassung weiterer Formen sexualisierter Gewalt nötig und möglich ist. Am Beispiel der Zwangsheirat untersucht der Verfasser, welche weiteren Instrumente das Romstatut bereithält, um nicht ausdrücklich kodifizierte Formen sexueller Gewalt zu erfassen. Schließlich werden Formen geschlechtsbezogener Verfolgung analysiert und die Frage beantwortet, ob die Verfolgung aufgrund der sexuellen Orientierung ein Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit darstellt.
MacArthur: Decolonizing Sovereignty: States of Exception along the Kenya-Somali Frontier
During the “long moment” of decolonization, a central tension emerged between a conception of sovereignty in territory and sovereignty in bodies, of international standards of statehood and popular notions of self-determination. The borderland between Kenya and Somalia has long acted as a flashpoint for broader debates over belonging, security, and territoriality. Throughout the twentieth century, Somali partisans variously resisted, negotiated, and confounded frontier governance and became the alien “strangers” in colonial Kenya’s racial order. While supporters of a “Greater Somalia” reworked internally diverse practices of mobility and kinship into a rhetoric of self-determination and trans-territorial statehood, Kenyan nationalists secured their own postcolonial inheritance by transforming Kenya’s northern frontier into the core of often violent performances of state power. The conflict over Kenya’s northern frontier in the 1960s was a battle not over territory or material resources, but over the very meaning of sovereignty, citizenship, and nationalism. As spaces of both resource and refuge, exception and precarity, borderlands provide a particularly productive lens through which to examine the decolonization of sovereignty. Neither peripheral nor exceptional, foregrounding colonial borderlands requires analytical and methodological shifts that challenge the uncritical dichotomy between territorial fixity and mobility, historicize the discursive and practical content of sovereignty, and contribute to larger debates over the continuing global processes of decolonization.
Monday, February 18, 2019
New Issue: Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law

- Gerlinde Berger-Walliser, Reconciling Transnational Jurisdiction: A Comparative Approach to Personal Jurisdiction over Foreign Corporate Defendants in US Courts
- Weixia Gu, China’s Belt and Road Development and A New International Commercial Arbitration Initiative in Asia
- Kubo Mačák & Michael N. Schmitt, “Enemy-Controlled Battlespace”: The Contemporary Meaning and Purpose of Additional Protocol I’s Article 44(3) Exception
- Nema Milaninia, Understanding Serious Bodily or Mental Harm as an Act of Genocide
New Volume: Yearbook of International Environmental Law

- Bharat H Desai, On the Revival of the United Nations Trusteeship Council with a New Mandate for the Environment and the Global Commons
- Richard Caddell, International Environmental Governance and the Final Frontier: The Protection of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in Deep-Sea Areas beyond National Jurisdiction
- Monica Feria-Tinta & Simon C Milnes, The Rise of Environmental Law in International Dispute Resolution: The Inter-American Court of Human Rights Issues a Landmark Advisory Opinion on the Environment and Human Rights
- Alejandra Torres Camprubí, Securitization of Climate Change: The Inter-Regional Institutional Voyage
New Issue: Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy

- Peter H. Sand, Japan’s Ivory Trade in the Face of the Endangered Species Convention
- Cameron Sg Jefferies, International Whale Conservation in a Changing Climate: The Ecosystem Approach, Marine Protected Areas, and the International Whaling Commission
- Giorgos Balias, The Appropriate Assessment under the European Habitats Directive: Interplay Between Science, Law, and Policy
Chasapis-Tassinis & Nouwen: 'The Consciousness of Duty Done'? British Attitudes Towards Self-Determination and the Case of Sudan
According to the dominant narrative, the right of self-determination became relevant as a matter of law only after the 1960s or even only in the early 1970s. Reviving a seemingly forgotten episode in the legal history of self-determination, this article, however, shows that during the UN Security Council’s second year of operation, in 1947, the United Kingdom invoked the right of self-determination of another people, the Sudanese, as their legal entitlement, in its effort to counter Egyptian claims on the Sudan. Giving a strong voice to primary sources, this article narrates how British officials in the Sudan managed to promote the idea of Sudanese self-determination so successfully in London that the British Government, despite the UK’s strategic and colonial interests, ultimately invoked self-determination as part of its legal argumentation in the Security Council.
Sunday, February 17, 2019
Masutti & Tomasello: International Regulation of Non-Military Drones
The increasing civilian use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs) is not yet associated with a comprehensive regulatory framework, however new rules are rapidly emerging which aim to address this shortfall. This insightful book offers a thorough examination of the most up-to-date developments, and considers potential ways to address the various concerns surrounding the use of UASs in relation to safety, security, privacy and liability.
Summarising the technical aspects of non-military drones in an accessible manner, Anna Masutti and Filippo Tomasello illustrate why UASs have led to an inevitable shift in aviation safety – from ‘aircraft centric’ to ‘operation centric’ policies. They explain the three ‘categories’ of operation of civil drones promoted by JARUS and EASA and offer a thorough exploration of the new ICAO Remote Pilot Licence, which will enter into force in 2022.
Kapotas & Tzevelekos: Building Consensus on European Consensus: Judicial Interpretation of Human Rights in Europe and Beyond
Should prisoners have voting rights? Should terminally ill patients have a right to assisted suicide? Should same-sex couples have a right to marry and adopt? The book examines how such questions can be resolved within the framework of the European Convention of Human Rights. 'European consensus' is a tool of interpretation used by the European Court of Human Rights as a means to identify evolution in the laws and practices of national legal systems when addressing morally sensitive or politically controversial human rights questions. If European consensus exists, the Court can establish new human rights standards that will be binding across European states. The chapters of the book are structured around three themes: a) conceptualisation of European consensus, its modus operandi and its effects; b) critical evaluation of its legitimacy and of its outputs; c) comparison with similar methods of judicial interpretation in other legal systems.
New Issue: International Peacekeeping
- Christoph Harig, Re-Importing the ‘Robust Turn’ in UN Peacekeeping: Internal Public Security Missions of Brazil’s Military
- Elke Krahmann & Anna Leander, Contracting Security: Markets in the Making of MONUSCO Peacekeeping
- Karina Mross, First Peace, then Democracy? Evaluating Strategies of International Support at Critical Junctures after Civil War
- Volker Boege & Patricia Rinck, The Local/International Interface in Peacebuilding: Experiences from Bougainville and Sierra Leone
Oliveira Santos: Der Bedeutungsgehalt der Wendung intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such in Art. 2 der Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
Die Arbeit analysiert die Wendung intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such aus Art. II der Völkermordkonvention. Die Untersuchung des Gruppenbegriffs kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die einzelnen Gruppentypen positiv und anhand möglichst objektiver Kriterien zu definieren sind. Zudem erfolgt eine Auseinandersetzung mit dem Teilgruppenbegriff mit dem Resultat, dass dieser die Feststellung der relativen Quantität des Gruppenteils in Bezug auf die Gruppe voraussetzt. Schließlich befasst die Arbeit sich mit der Definition des den Völkermord charakterisierenden »special intent«. Der Täter muss in Hinblick auf die Gruppenzerstörung mit zielgerichteter Absicht vorgehen und dabei wissen, dass es bei ungestörtem Geschehensverlauf zu einer tatsächlichen Existenzgefährdung der Gruppe kommt. Im Rahmen der Untersuchung der Wendung »as such« erfolgt eine gründliche Auseinandersetzung mit dem Motivbegriff. Der Ausdruck reichert die Zerstörungsabsicht im Ergebnis insoweit an, als der Täter die Gruppenvernichtung in Anbetracht ihrer inneren Zusammensetzung zielgerichtet verfolgt haben muss.
Handmaker & Arts: Mobilising International Law for 'Global Justice'
- Jeff Handmaker & Karin Arts, Mobilising International Law as an Instrument of Global Justice: Introduction
- Martti Koskenniemi, Speaking the Language of International Law and Politics: Or, of Ducks, Rabbits, and Then Some
- Warner Ten Kate & Sarah M. H. Nouwen, The Globalisation of Justice: Amplifying and Silencing Voices at the ICC
- Claudia Saba, Justice through Direct Action: The Case of the Gaza ‘Freedom Flotilla’
- Maja Groff, The Hague Conventions: Giving Effect to Human Rights through Instruments of Private International Law
- Abiola Makinwa, Current Developments in the Fight against Corruption
- Mark Kersten, A Fatal Attraction? The UN Security Council and the Relationship between R2P and the International Criminal Court
- Aisling O’Sullivan, A Return to Stability? Hegemonic and Counter-Hegemonic Positions in the Debate on Universal Jurisdiction in absentia
- Jasper Krommendijk, The Domestic Politics of International Children’s Rights: A Dutch Perspective
- Barbara Oomen, Human Rights Cities: The Politics of Bringing Human Rights Home to the Local Level
- Jeff Handmaker & Karin Arts, Taking Seriously the Politics of International Law: A Few Concluding Remarks
Call for Submissions: New Zealand Yearbook of International Law
The New Zealand Yearbook of International Law (Brill), launched in June 2004, is an annual, internationally refereed publication intended to stand as a reference point for legal materials and critical commentary on issues of public and private international law. The Yearbook serves as a valuable tool in the determination of trends, state practice and policies in the development of international law with particular regard to New Zealand, the Pacific region, the Southern Ocean and Antarctica.
Editors call for both short notes and commentaries, and longer in-depth articles, for publication in Volume 16 of the Yearbook (2018), which will be published in 2019.
Notes and commentaries should be between 3,000 to 7,000 words. Articles may be from 8,000 to 15,000 words.
The Editors seek contributions on any current topic in public or private international law. The Editors particularly encourage submissions that are relevant to the Pacific, the Southern Ocean and Antarctica, and New Zealand.
Submissions will be considered on a rolling basis. However, the closing date for submissions for Volume 16 is 31 May 2019.
Contributions must be original unpublished works and submission of contributions will be held to imply this. Manuscripts must be word-processed and in compliance with fourth edition of the Australian Guide to Legal Citation. The Guide is available online here.
Submissions should be provided in English, using MS Word-compatible word processing software, and delivered by email to the General Editor at janjakob.bornheim@canterbury.ac.nz.
New Issue: European Journal of International Relations

- Rebecca Adler-Nissen & Alexei Tsinovoi, International misrecognition: The politics of humour and national identity in Israel’s public diplomacy
- Mattias Vermeiren, Meeting the world’s demand for safe assets? Macroeconomic policy and the international status of the euro after the crisis
- Markus Kornprobst, Framing, resonance and war: Foregrounds and backgrounds of cultural congruence
- Nicole Sunday Grove, Weapons of mass participation: Social media, violence entrepreneurs, and the politics of crowdfunding for war
- Tomas Wallenius, The case for a history of global legal practices
- Robert Falkner & Barry Buzan, The emergence of environmental stewardship as a primary institution of global international society
- Catherine Charrett, Ritualised securitisation: The European Union’s failed response to Hamas’s success
- Benjamin de Carvalho, Niels Nagelhus Schia,& Xavier Guillaume, Everyday sovereignty: International experts, brokers and local ownership in peacebuilding Liberia
- Kerry Goettlich, The rise of linear borders in world politics
- Tom Lundborg, The ethics of neorealism: Waltz and the time of international life
- Deepshikha Shahi, Introducing Sufism to International Relations Theory: A preliminary inquiry into epistemological, ontological, and methodological pathways
- Manjeet S. Pardesi, Mughal hegemony and the emergence of South Asia as a “region” for regional order-building
- Robert S. Ross, On the fungibility of economic power: China’s economic rise and the East Asian security order
Morlino: Procurement by International Organizations: A Global Administrative Law Perspective
How do international organizations procure goods, services and works to carry out their institutional mission? How does this procurement activity affect individuals? Does the procurement relationship between international organizations and private subjects bring an even distribution of rights and duties? Are international organizations accountable to private subjects and states when allocating their resources through procurement? The book explores the complex phenomenon of procurement by international organizations from the point of view of the relationship between international organizations and private subjects. It provides, for the first time, a systematization and conceptualization of the emerging rules and practices of procurement by international organizations. It also identifies the international political dynamics and interplay of interests underlying these rules and practices. In doing so, it shows how these dynamics shape the exercise of international public authority over private subjects, and the scope of private subjects' rights vis-à-vis international organizations.