The changing patterns of contemporary immigration have initiated a new form of majority nationalism. In recent years, liberal democracies have introduced immigration and citizenship policies that are designed to defend the majority culture. This trend is fed by fears of immigration-some justified, some paranoid-which explain the rise of extreme right-wing parties in the West. Liberal theory and human rights law seem to be out of sync with these developments. While they recognize the rights of minority groups to maintain their cultural identity, it is typically assumed that majority groups have neither a need for similar rights nor a moral basis for defending them. The majority culture, so the argument goes, "can take care of itself." This singular book shifts the focus from the prevailing discussion of minority rights and, for the first time, directly addresses the cultural rights of majorities. The findings reveal a troubling trend in liberal democracies, which, ironically, in order to protect liberal values, violate the very same values. The book criticizes this state of affairs and presents a liberal theory of cultural defense that distinguishes between justifiable and unjustifiable attempts by majorities to protect their cultural essentials. It formulates liberal standards by which liberal states can welcome immigrants without fundamentally changing their cultural heritage, forsaking their liberal traditions, or slipping into extreme nationalism. The Cultural Defense of Nations presents a timely, thought-provoking thesis on one of the most pressing issues of our time-immigrants, majority groups, and national identity.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Orgad: The Cultural Defense of Nations: A Liberal Theory of Majority Rights
Friday, November 27, 2015
New Issue: International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics

- Special Issue: The Economics of a Paradigm Shift in the Climate Negotiations
- Jean-Charles Hourcade & P.-R. Shukla, Cancun’s paradigm shift and COP 21: to go beyond rhetoric
- Jean-Charles Hourcade, P.-R. Shukla, & Christophe Cassen, Climate policy architecture for the Cancun paradigm shift: building on the lessons from history
- Harald Winkler, Anya Boyd, Marta Torres Gunfaus, & Stefan Raubenheimer, Reconsidering development by reflecting on climate change
- Aurélie Méjean, Franck Lecocq, & Yacob Mulugetta, Equity, burden sharing and development pathways: reframing international climate negotiations
- Michel Aglietta, Jean-Charles Hourcade, Carlo Jaeger, & Baptiste Perrissin Fabert, Financing transition in an adverse context: climate finance beyond carbon finance
- Zou Ji & Fu Sha, The challenges of the post-COP21 regime: interpreting CBDR in the INDC context
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
New Issue: International Journal of Transitional Justice

- Bina D’Costa, Of Impunity, Scandals and Contempt: Chronicles of the Justice Conundrum
- Vladimir Petrović, Power(lessness) of Atrocity Images: Bijeljina Photos between Perpetration and Prosecution of War Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia
- Peter Manning, Reconciliation and Perpetrator Memories in Cambodia
- Thomas Obel Hansen & Chandra Lekha Sriram, Fighting for Justice (and Survival): Kenyan Civil Society Accountability Strategies and Their Enemies
- Line Engbo Gissel, Justice Tides: How and When Levels of ICC Involvement Affect Peace Processes
- Sebastian Răduleţu, National Prosecutions as the Main Remedy in Cases of Massive Human Rights Violations: An Assessment of the Approach of the European Court of Human Rights
- Bridget Storrie, ‘The Mighty Life-Creating and Transforming Power’ of Carnival: Why the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission Does Not Seem to Have It, but Indigenous Resurgence Does
- Matt James, On Carnival and Context: A Response to Bridget Storrie
- Francesca Lessa, Justice beyond Borders: The Operation Condor Trial and Accountability for Transnational Crimes in South America
- Yotam Gidron, The Act of Reading – Children’s Rights, Children’s Literature and Transitional Justice
New Issue: Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Comercial Internacional

- Hugo Gabriel Romero Martínez, The New Member of the Multilateral Agreements on Trade in Goods: the WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation. Its Substantive Provisions
- Andrea Marín Odio, Global Value Chains in High Value-Added Services and Their Impact on the Trade and Economic Development of Costa Rica
- Carlos Riquelme, Transfer of Funds Clause in Chilean International Investment Treaties
- Perla Buenrostro Rodríguez & Lorena Rivera Orjuela, Together, Separate or the Free Way? What Are the Real Options for Trade Integration in Latin America?
- Nino Sievi, Facing Defaulting Respondent: A Challenge for the Arbitrators and Claimant
- Sebastián F. Bórquez Becker, “Amicus Curiae”: A Comparative Research of the WTO Dispute Settlement System and International Investment Arbitration
New Issue: Journal of World Intellectual Property

- Matthew Rimmer, Mike Lloyd, George Mokdsi, Doris Spielthenner & Ewan Driver, Intellectual Property and Biofuels: The Energy Crisis, Food Security, and Climate Change
- Thaddeus Manu, Examining the Legality of Affordability Requirements as a Substantive Condition for Granting Compulsory Licences Pursuant to the TRIPS Agreement
- Naazima Kamardeen, Community Rights to Intellectual Property in Asia—From Rhetoric to Consensus
New Issue: International Organizations Law Review

- Rene Urueña, Indicators as Political Spaces
- Lina Buchely, The Conflict of the Indicators
- Michael Riegner, Towards an International Institutional Law of Information
- Siobhán Airey, The Taming of the Shrill: From Indicators to Indicatorization
- Marie Guimezanes, An Inquiry into the Life and Death of Indicators
- Marta Infantino, Human Rights Indicators across Institutional Regimes
- Arman Sarvarian, Splitting the Baby
- Claire La Hovary, A Challenging Ménage à Trois?
- Alberto E. Dojas, The Privileges and Immunities of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
New Issue: Journal of Human Rights
- Gearoid Millar, “We Have No Voice for That”: Land Rights, Power, and Gender in Rural Sierra Leone
- Eduard Jordaan, Rising Powers and Human Rights: The India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum at the UN Human Rights Council
- Austin Choi-Fitzpatrick, From Rescue to Representation: A Human Rights Approach to the Contemporary Antislavery Movement
- Moira Katherine Lynch, A Theory of Human Rights Accountability and Emergency Law: Bringing in Historical Institutionalism
- Why Holocaust Education Is Not Always Human Rights Education Anja Mihr
- Sebastian Wogenstein, Holocaust Education and Human Rights Education Reconsidered: A Response to Anja Mihr
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
New Issue: International Journal of Refugee Law

- Geoff Gilbert, Why Europe Does Not Have a Refugee Crisis
- Andreas Schloenhardt & Colin Craig, ‘Turning Back the Boats’: Australia’s Interdiction of Irregular Migrants at Sea
- Tom de Boer & Marjoleine Zieck, ICC Witnesses and Acquitted Suspects Seeking Asylum in the Netherlands: An Overview of the Jurisdictional Battles between the ICC and Its Host State
- Andrew Stobo Sniderman, Explaining Delayed Cessation: A Case Study of Rwandan Refugees in Zimbabwe
- Rosemary Byrne, The Protection Paradox: Why Hasn’t the Arrival of New Media Transformed Refugee Status Determination?
- Uwe Berlit, Harald Doerig, & Hugo Storey, Credibility Assessment in Claims based on Persecution for Reasons of Religious Conversion and Homosexuality: A Practitioners Approach
Conference: Reforms in UN Treaty Bodies and the European Court of Human Rights: Mutual Lessons?
The UN treaty body reform process started with consultations initiated by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in 2009. Following the publication of a report by the High Commissioner, the process was concluded in 2014 by a UN General Assembly resolution (A/RES/68/268). The result included additional meeting time for the treaty bodies, harmonization of procedures, increased resources to the treaty body system, and capacity-building to assist member states in their implementation of their international obligations.
As concerns the ECtHR, a reform process has also been going on for several years, guided by the ministerial conferences in Interlaken (2010), Izmir (2011), Brighton (2012) and Brussels (2015). By the end of 2015 the Steering Committee for Human Rights will adopt a report on the long-term future of the convention system.
The conference will discuss these two reforms processes mentioned above focusing on:
1) The procedure of selection of members and judges
2) Potential solutions to the case load situation
3) The quality of reasoning
4) Margin of appreciation and subsidiarity
Holzer: Refugees from Armed Conflict
Armed conflicts are a major cause of forced displacement, but people displaced by conflict are often not recognised as refugees under the 1951 Refugee Convention. They are frequently considered as having fled from generalised violence rather than from persecution.
This book determines the international meaning of the refugee definition in Article 1A(2) of the 1951 Refugee Convention as regards refugee protection claims related to situations of armed conflict in the country of origin. Although the human rights-based interpretation of the refugee definition is widely accepted, the interpretation and application of the 1951 Refugee Convention as regards claims to refugee status that relate to armed conflict is often marred with difficulties. Moreover, contexts of armed conflict pose the question of whether and to what extent the refugee definition should be interpreted in light of international humanitarian law. This book identifies the potential and limits of this interpretative approach.
Starting from the history of international refugee law, the book situates the 1951 Refugee Convention within the international legal framework for the protection of the individual in armed conflict. It examines the refugee definition in light of human rights, international humanitarian law and international criminal law, focusing on the elements of the refugee definition that most benefit from this interpretative approach: persecution and the requirement that the refugee claimant’s predicament must be causally linked to race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.
Chesterman: Asia's Ambivalence About International Law & Institutions: Past, Present, and Futures
Asian states are the least likely of any regional grouping to be party to most international obligations or to have representation reflecting their number and size in international organizations. This is despite the fact that Asian states have arguably benefited the most from the security and economic dividends provided by international law and institutions. The article explores the reasons for Asia’s under-participation and under-representation. Part I traces the history of Asia’s engagement with international law. Part II assesses Asia’s current engagement with international law and institutions, examining whether its under-participation and under-representation is in fact significant and how it might be explained. Part III considers possible future developments based on three different scenarios, referred to here as status quo, divergence, and convergence.
Alston & Knuckey: The Transformation of Human Rights Fact-Finding
- Philip Alston & Sarah Knuckey, The Transformation of Human Rights Fact-Finding: Challenges and Opportunities
- Frédéric Mégret, Do Facts Exist, Can they Be 'Found', and Does it Matter?
- Obiora Okafor, International Human Rights Fact-Finding Praxis: A TWAIL Perspective
- Dustin N. Sharp, Human Rights Fact-Finding and the Reproduction of Hierarchies
- Fionnuala Ní Aoláin,The Gender Politics of Fact-Finding in the Context of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda
- Daniel Bonilla, Legal Clinics in the Global North and South: Between Equality and Subordination
- Théo Boutruche, The Relationship between Fact-Finders and Witnesses in Human Rights Fact-Finding: What Place for the Victims?
- Shreya Atrey, The Danger of a Single Story: Introducing Intersectionality in Fact-Finding
- Rosette Muzigo-Morrison, Victims and Witnesses in Fact-Finding Commissions: Pawns or Principal Pieces?
- Daniel Rothenberg, The Complex Truth of Testimony: A Case Study of Human Rights Fact-Finding in Iraq
- Laura Marschner, Implications of Trauma on Testimonial Evidence in International Criminal Trials
- Larissa van den Herik & Catherine Harwood, Commissions of Inquiry and the Charm of International Criminal Law: Between Transactional and Authoritative Approaches
- Carsten Stahn & Dov Jacobs, The Interaction between Human Rights Fact-Finding and International Criminal Proceedings: Towards a (New) Typology
- Pablo de Greiff, Truth without Facts: On the Erosion of the Fact-Finding Function of Truth Commissions
- Taylor Pendergrass, Human Rights Fact-Finding in the Shadows of America's Solitary Confinement Prisons
- Margaret L. Satterthwaite & Justin C. Simeone, A Conceptual Roadmap for Social Science Methods in Human Rights Fact-Finding
- Brian Root, Numbers are Only Human: Lessons for Human Rights Practitioners from the Quantitative Literacy Movement
- Allison Corkery, Investigating Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Violations
- Molly K. Land, Democratizing Human Rights Fact-Finding
- . Patrick Ball, The Bigness of Big Data: Samples, Models, and the Facts We Might Find When Looking at Data
- Jay D. Aronson, Mobile Phones, Social Media, and Big Data in Human Rights Fact-Finding: Possibilities, Challenges, and Limitations
- Susan R. Wolfinbarger, Remote sensing as a Tool for Human Rights Fact-Finding
- Patrick Meier, Big (Crisis) Data: Humanitarian Fact-Finding with Advanced Computing
- Diane Orentlicher, International Norms in Human Rights Fact-Finding
- Rob Grace & Claude Bruderlein, Developing Norms of Professional Practice in the Domain of Monitoring, Reporting, and Fact-Finding
Monday, November 23, 2015
Call for Applications: PluriCourts Visiting Research Fellowships
New Issue: Human Rights Quarterly

- Lisa Vanhala, The Diffusion of Disability Rights in Europe
- Reza Afshari, Relativity in Universality: Jack Donnelly’s Grand Theory in Need of Specific Illustrations
- Anne T. Gallagher & Joy Ngozi Ezeilo, The UN Special Rapporteur on Trafficking: A Turbulent Decade in Review
- Bas de Gaay Forman & Michela Marcatelli, Between Soft Legality and Strong Legitimacy: A Political Economy Approach to the Struggle for Basic Entitlements to Safe Water and Sanitation
- Fernand de Varennes & Elżbieta Kuzborska, Human Rights and a Person’s Name: Legal Tends and Challenges
- Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann, The Right to Food Under Hugo Chávez
- Orla Kelly, Jacqueline Bhabha, & Aditi Krishna, Champions: The Realities of Realizing the Right to Education in India
- Jody Heymann, Kristen McNeill, & Amy Raub, Rights Monitoring and Assessment Using Qualitative Indicators of Law and Policy: International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
d'Aspremont: If International Judges Say So, It Must Be True: Empiricism or Fetishism?
Call for Papers: International Legal Advice and Decision Making in Times of Crisis
IGPS Interest Group Agora Proposal
International Legal Advice and Decision Making in Times of Crisis
The title of the Agora would be ‘International Legal Advice and Decision Making in Times of Crisis’. The Agora would explore how International Law shapes decision making in times of crisis and indeed how international law is shaped by times of crisis. The Agora would explore this aspect primarily through case studies of actual conflicts, where Governments have either acted to respond to an armed attack or initiated an armed attack.
Examples that papers might canvass include:
- the US response to the 9/11 attacks
- the decision by Western Governments to intervene in Iraq
- the Rules of Engagement under which various UN peacekeeping operations have been conducted in places like Srebrenica, Rwanda or the Congo, or
- the response to the Paris attacks.
In particular, we are seeking papers that analyse how international law shaped the ultimate decisions taken by Governments or how Governments have acted to shape international law in response to a crisis. This could include how international law may have acted to contain options or how a crisis led to an active or passive reshaping of international law.
Papers will be considered by a co-ordinator on behalf of the Board of the Interest Group on Peace and Security, which would ultimately consider and approve paper proposals.
To be considered for this Agora please submit an abstract in Word or PDF of no more than 400 words to The following information must be provided with each abstract:
- the author’s name and affiliation
- the author’s email address
- whether the author is an ESIL member, and
- whether the abstract should be considered for the ESIL Young Scholar Prize.
The following selection criteria are drawn from the criteria for acceptance to the ESIL annual conference:
- originality and innovativeness of the work
- links to the conference theme
- geographical and gender balance
- only one abstract per author will be considered.
Abstracts will also be selected on the additional basis of their alignment with the description and objectives of the Agora. Inquiries about the Agora may be directed to
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 18 December 2016. Applicants will be informed of the decision on the proposed papers for the Agora no later than 25 January 2015. The Interest Group on Peace and Security will then submit the proposal for the additional Agora to the ESIL conference organisers by 31 January 2016. We expect to receive a response by 31 March 2016, which we will then subsequently communicate to the Members of the Interest Group.
Interest Groups are unable to provide funding for travel to and attendance at the conference. Please see the call for papers and the ESIL web site for information on finances and for other relevant information about the conference.
New Issue: Global Policy
- Research Articles
- Ricardo Ffrench-Davis, Kevin P. Gallagher, Mah-Hui Lim & Katherine Soverel, Financial Stability and the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Lessons from Chile and Malaysia
- Nancy Birdsall & Christian J. Meyer, The Median is the Message: A Good Enough Measure of Material Wellbeing and Shared Development Progress
- Ariel Colonomos, Is there a Future for ‘Jus ex Bello’?
- Kjell Engelbrekt, Responsibility Shirking at the United Nations Security Council: Constraints, Frustrations, Remedies
- Margi Prideaux, Wildlife NGOs: From Adversaries to Collaborators
- Peter Sarlin & Henrik J. Nyman, The Process of Macroprudential Oversight in Europe
- Robert T. Kudrle, Expatriation: A Last Refuge for the Wealthy?
- Achim Hildebrandt, What Shapes Abortion Law? – A Global Perspective
- Special Section: Accountability in International Development Finance
- Kate Macdonald & May Miller-Dawkins, Accountability in Public International Development Finance
- Lídia Cabral & Iara Leite, ProSAVANA and the Expanding Scope of Accountability in Brazil's Development Cooperation
- Samantha Balaton-Chrimes & Fiona Haines, The Depoliticisation of Accountability Processes for Land-Based Grievances, and the IFC CAO
- Susan Park, Assessing Accountability in Practice: The Asian Development Bank's Accountability Mechanism
- Survey Article
- Sander Chan, Harro van Asselt, Thomas Hale, Kenneth W. Abbott, Marianne Beisheim, Matthew Hoffmann, Brendan Guy, Niklas Höhne, Angel Hsu, Philipp Pattberg, Pieter Pauw, Céline Ramstein & Oscar Widerberg, Reinvigorating International Climate Policy: A Comprehensive Framework for Effective Nonstate Action
- Practitioners' Special Section: Sustainable Business in the Stakeholder Era
- Arved Lüth, Power and Purpose: Harnessing Stakeholder Partnerships for the Great Transformation
- Mervyn E. King, The Role of Integrated Thinking in Changing Corporate Behaviour
- Nelmara Arbex, Empowered by Transparency: Shaping Business for the Future
- Yvonne Zwick, The Sustainability Code – A New Approach Linking Economy and Society towards Sustainability
- CB Bhattacharya, Stakeholder-centricity a Precondition to Managing Sustainability Successfully
- Nadine-Lan Hönighaus & Thorsten Pinkepank, Stakeholder Relations Matter: You Need to Count on Them – But it's Hard to Count Them
- Anne Wolf & Ronny Kaufmann, Licence to Operate – Ingredients for Successful and Sustainable Stakeholder Management
- Dietlind Freiberg, If Stakeholders Ruled the World: Stakeholder Relations in the 21st Century
- Emilio Galli Zugaro, When Listening Improves Corporate Success
- João Duarte, ‘Communicative Equations’: Towards a More Agile PR Practice in the Network Society
- Jon White, How Much Attention to Stakeholder Interests? A Practitioner's View of the Need to Take Account of Stakeholder Interests
- Toni Muzi Falconi, Take Your Time…And Listen
- Creating Shared Value by Fostering Regional Development: The ‘Partners in Responsibility‘ Method for SME Arved Lüth & Marcel Stierl
- Practitioner Commentaries
- Madeleine K. Albright & Ibrahim A. Gambari, The UN at 70: Confronting the Crisis of Global Governance
- Mukul Sanwal & Bo Wang, China and India and the New Climate Regime: The Emergence of a New Paradigm
- Mohamed Mansour, Financing Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Projects in Egypt
- Noemi Manco, The European Court of Human Rights: A ‘Culture of Bad Faith’?
Tomka & Proulx: The Evidentiary Practice of the World Court
In this chapter, we canvass some key aspects of the evidentiary practice of the World Court, with particular emphasis on recent developments. Our ambition is to provide insight into both the Court’s jurisprudential pronouncements on important evidentiary matters, and its institutional culture and practice as regards the management and treatment of evidence. This chapter begins by mapping out the evidentiary framework governing the Court’s work, with reference to relevant provisions, before turning to the admissibility of evidence before the Court. Ultimately, this contribution recalls and explores select substantive pronouncements of the Court on matters of evidence.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
New Issue: International Security
- Fiona S. Cunningham & M. Taylor Fravel, Assuring Assured Retaliation: China's Nuclear Posture and U.S.-China Strategic Stability
- Revisiting Neorealist Theory
- Joseph M. Parent & Sebastian Rosato, Balancing in Neorealism
- Daniel Bessner & Nicolas Guilhot, How Realism Waltzed Off: Liberalism and Decisionmaking in Kenneth Waltz's Neorealism
- Stefano Costalli & Andrea Ruggeri, Indignation, Ideologies, and Armed Mobilization: Civil War in Italy, 1943–45
- Emil Aslan Souleimanov & Huseyn Aliyev, Blood Revenge and Violent Mobilization: Evidence from the Chechen Wars
- Correspondence
- Ronan Tse-min Fu, David James Gill, Eric Hundman, Adam P. Liff, & G. John Ikenberry, Looking for Asia's Security Dilemma
New Issue: Human Rights Law Review

- Daniel Wei L. Wang, Right to Health Litigation in Brazil: The Problem and the Institutional Responses
- Yu Kanosue, When Land is Taken Away: States Obligations under International Human Rights Law Concerning Large-Scale Projects Impacting Local Communities
- Lutz Oette, Austerity and the Limits of Policy-Induced Suffering: What Role for the Prohibition of Torture and Other Ill-Treatment?
- Lisa Grans, The State Obligation to Prevent Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment: The Case of Honour-Related Violence
- Natasa Mavronicola, Crime, Punishment and Article 3 ECHR: Puzzles and Prospects of Applying an Absolute Right in a Penal Context
- Matthew Saul, The European Court of Human Rights’ Margin of Appreciation and the Processes of National Parliaments