- The European Union and International Arbitration
- Anastasia Kalantzi, Parallel Arbitral Proceedings: An Analysis of the Issue of Parallel Arbitrations in International Commercial Arbitration within the European Legal Space
- Aygun Mammadzada, Arbitral Anti-Suit Measures: Implications of Mutual Trust
- N. Kansu Okyay, The Applicability of the Brussels I bis Regulation to Hybrid Dispute Resolution Clauses
- Francesco Sorace, Enforcing an icsid Award Issued in an Intra-EU Investment Arbitration: An Italian Law Perspective
- Symposium: Conventionality Control of Domestic Law. Constitutionalised International Adjudication and Internationalised Constitutional Adjudication
- Yota Negishi, A Normative Model of Conventionality Control: From Pyramid to Trapezium
- Jorge Contesse, Conventionality Control and the Limits of Pro Persona Jurisprudence
- Sabrina Ragone, Conventionality Control Between International and Constitutional Law: The Viewpoint of a Comparativist
- Yota Negishi, Rejoinder from the Author
- Case Notes
- Michele Grassi, A (Not Always) Difficult Balance between Legal Certainty and Legality: The Effects of cjeu and ECtHR Case Law on National Res Judicata
- Maria Antonia Panascì, Breaking the Ancestral Silence: Recognition of Citizenship by Descent Despite the Great Brazilian Naturalization
- Pierfrancesco Rossi, The Interplay of State Immunity and Contractual Forum Selection Clauses in Employment Cases: Return to Normalcy
- Recent Developments
- Michela Chianese, The Role of Flag States of ngo Vessels under Italy’s New Migration Policy
- Luca Bartolucci, The NRRP as a “Self-Restraint” and as a Development of the (Spending) Conditionality Mechanism
Saturday, May 13, 2023
New Issue: Italian Review of International and Comparative Law
New Issue: Leiden Journal of International Law
- Editorial
- John Dugard, The choice before us: International law or a ‘rules-based international order’?
- International Legal Theory
- Leslie-Anne Duvic-Paoli, International law: A discipline of ambition
- Jaye Ellis & Dylan Edmonds, Coming to terms with the SDGs: A perspective from legal scholarship
- International Law and Practice
- Anna Hood, You were bombed and now you have to pay for it: Questioning the positive obligations in the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
- Chao Jing, The ECtHR’s suitability test in national security cases: Two models for balancing human rights and national security
- Alan Desmond, From migration crisis to migrants’ rights crisis: The centrality of sovereignty in the EU approach to the protection of migrants’ rights
- International Law and Practice: Symposium on Business and Human Rights: From Soft to Hard Law
- Sarah Joseph & Joanna Kyriakakis, From soft law to hard law in business and human rights and the challenge of corporate power
- Penelope Simons, Developments in Canada on business and human rights: One step forward two steps back
- Surya Deva, Mandatory human rights due diligence laws in Europe: A mirage for rightsholders?
- Charlotte Villiers, A game of cat and mouse: Human rights protection and the problem of corporate law and power
- International Court of Justice: Tributes to Judge Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade
- Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf, Judge Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade: An unwavering quest for international justice and for the universalization and humanization of international law
- Patrick Robinson & Danilo B. Garrido Alves, The legacy of Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade to contemporary international law
- Fernando Lusa Bordin, Remembering Judge Cançado Trindade’s voice, faith, and integrity
New Issue: Journal of Conflict Resolution

- Articles
- John P. Harden, Looking Like a Winner: Leader Narcissism and War Duration
- Katherine Sawyer, Biophysiological Risk-Factors for Political Violence
- Dov H. Levin & Paul Musgrave, The Meddling American Voter? How Norms, Interests, and Great Power Rivalries Affect U.S. Public Support for Partisan Electoral Interventions Abroad
- Dawn Brancati & Elizabeth M Penn, Stealing an Election: Violence or Fraud?
- Miguel García-Sánchez, Aila M Matanock, & Natalia Garbiras-Díaz, Do Citizens’ Preferences Matter? Shaping Legislator Attitudes Towards Peace Agreements
- Richard J. Stoll, Richard C. Eichenberg, & Mary-Kate Lizotte, The Impact of Personal Security Dispositions on Citizen Support for the Pursuit of Gender Equality in US Foreign Policy
- Yonatan Lupu & Geoffrey P. R. Wallace, Targeting and Public Opinion: An Experimental Analysis in Ukraine
- Leigh H. Grant, Ifat Maoz, & Boaz Keysar, Lingua Franca as a Hidden Barrier to Conflict Resolution
- Amira Jadoon, Andrew Mines, & Daniel Milton, Targeting Quality or Quantity? The Divergent Effects of Targeting Upper Verses Lower-Tier Leaders of Militant Organizations
- Bruce Bueno de Mesquita & Alastair Smith, Institutional Change as a Response to Unrealized Threats: An Empirical Analysis
Friday, May 12, 2023
Espósito & Parlett: The Cambridge Companion to the International Court of Justice
As international law has become more present in global policy-making, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has come to occupy an essential and increasingly visible role in international relations. This collection explores substantive developments within the ICJ and offers critical perspectives on its historical and contemporary role. It also examines the growing role of the ICJ in the settlement of international disputes and assesses the impact of the ICJ's jurisprudence on the major areas of international law, from the territorial delimitation to human rights. With contributions from a diverse range of scholars and practitioners, the collection's contents combine a legal perspective with institutional and sociological insights on the functions of the ICJ. By considering the ICJ's character, jurisdiction and effectiveness, this collection offers a varied and holistic account of the International Court of Justice, an institution whose significance and influence only increase by the day.
Conference: Climate Change Law & Litigation: States’ Obligations under International Law
Thursday, May 11, 2023
Tallgren: Portraits of Women in International Law: New Names and Forgotten Faces?
Current histories seem to suggest that men alone have been capable of the development of ideas, analysis, and practice of international law until the 1990s. Is this the case? Or have others been erased from the collective images of this history, including the portrait gallery of notables in international law?
Portraits of Women in International Law: New Names and Forgotten Faces? investigates the slow and late inclusion of women in the spheres of knowledge and power in international law. The forty-two textual and visual representations by a diverse team of passionate portraitists represent women and gender non-conforming people in international law from the fourteenth century onwards around the world: individuals and groups who imagined, developed, or contested international law; who earned their living in its institutions; or who, even indirectly, may have changed its course.
This rich volume calls for a critical identification of the formal and informal institutional practices, norms, and rituals of (white) masculinities, both in the past and in the research of international law today. By abandoning reductive histories, their biased frames, and tacit assumptions, this work brings previously unseen glimpses of international law and its agents, ideas, causes, behaviour, norms, and social practices into the spotlight.
New Issue: Journal of International Peacekeeping

- Rebecca Barber, The Evolving Role of the General Assembly vis-à-vis the Security Council in the Maintenance of Peace
- Andrew E. Yaw Tchie, Nomads and Warlords, Chadian Forces in African Peace Operations
- Allard Duursma, Larissa Fast, & Róisín Read, Blurred Lines or Spatial Clustering? Assessing the Association between Peacekeeping Presence and Attacks against Humanitarians in Darfur
- Tessa Postmus & Arlinda Rrustemi, The Post-Cold War Promises of Third Party Military Interventions: Implications for Core Human and Political Rights
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Murphy & Swaine: The Law of U.S. Foreign Relations
The Law of U.S. Foreign Relations is a comprehensive and incisive discussion of the rules that govern the conduct of U.S. relations with foreign countries and international organizations, and the rules governing how international law applies within the U.S. legal system. Among other topics, this volume examines the constitutional and historical foundations of congressional, executive, and judicial authority in foreign affairs. This includes the constitutional tensions prevalent in legislative efforts to control executive diplomacy, as well as the ebb and flow of judicial engagement in transnational disputes - with the judiciary often serving as umpire but at times invoking doctrines of abstention.
The process of U.S. adherence to treaties and other international agreements is closely scrutinized as the authors examine how such law, as well as customary international law and the law-making acts of international organizations, can become a source of U.S. law. Individual chapters focus on the special challenges posed by the exercise of war powers by the federal government (including during recent incidents of international armed conflict), the complex role of the several states in foreign affairs, and the imperative to protect individual rights in the transnational sphere.
Among the contemporary issues discussed are the immunity of foreign heads of State, treatment of detainees at Guantánamo, movement of the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, state-level foreign compacts to address climate change, bans affecting refugees and asylum-seekers, and recent interpretations of key statutes, such as the Alien Tort Statute, the Torture Victim Protection Act, and the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act.
Panel: Rethinking the WTO Dispute Settlement System
Tudor: Blue Helmet Bureaucrats: United Nations Peacekeeping and the Reinvention of Colonialism, 1945–1971
This history of colonial legacies in UN peacekeeping operations from 1945–1971 reveals how United Nations peacekeeping staff reconfigured the functions of global governance and sites of diplomatic power in the post-war world. Despite peacekeeping operations being criticised for their colonial underpinnings, our understanding of the ways in which colonial actors and ideas influenced peacekeeping practices on the ground has been limited and imprecise. In this multi-archival history, Margot Tudor investigates the UN's formative armed missions and uncovers the officials that orchestrated a reinvention of colonial-era hierarchies for Global South populations on the front lines of post-colonial statehood. She demonstrates how these officials exploited their field-based access to perpetuate racial prejudices, plot political interference, and foster protracted inter-communal divisions in post-colonial conflict contexts. Bringing together histories of humanitarianism, decolonisation, and the Cold War, Blue Helmet Bureaucrats sheds new light on the mechanisms through which sovereignty was negotiated and re-negotiated after 1945.
New Issue: Virginia Journal of International Law

- Rebecca Crootof, Implementing War Torts
- Rosa María Lastra & Christina Parajon Skinner, Sustainable Central Banking
- Stratos Pahis, Rethinking International Investment Law: Form, Function & Reform
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
Support ILR with Your Donation on Its 16th Anniversary
Monday, May 8, 2023
AJIL Unbound Symposium: Digital Trade and International Law
Hamann & Bianchi: Penser différentes manières de penser. Théories de droit international
Deux poissons nagent dans un étang. « Tu sais quoi ? », demande l’un des poissons. « Non, dis-moi », répond l’autre. « Je parlais l’autre jour avec une grenouille. Elle m’a dit que nous sommes entourés d’eau. Il paraît même que nous vivons dedans ! » Son ami le fixe, d’un air sceptique : « De l’eau ? Qu’est-ce que c’est ? Montre-moi l’eau ! »
Les juristes – et les internationalistes n’y font pas exception – ont tendance à se focaliser sur la pratique du droit, souvent sans accorder une attention soutenue aux théories sous-jacentes qui en déterminent pourtant la production et la mise en oeuvre. Ce livre se veut une tentative de remuer l’eau dans laquelle, en tant qu’internationalistes, nous nageons. Il propose une introduction à différentes approches du droit et sensibilités à son égard. Il invite en ce sens à engager le dialogue avec différentes manières de penser le droit international, afin de nous familiariser avec l’eau qui nous entoure et dont, bien souvent, nous ne sommes pas même conscients.
L’objectif principal de ce livre est ainsi de rendre accessibles aux universitaires, praticiens et étudiants certains des outils nécessaires à la compréhension de diverses théories du droit international, de leurs généalogies respectives, ainsi que des critiques qui leur ont été opposées. Il espère aiguiser la conscience et la sensibilité des internationalistes à l’égard de ces théories, qui se trouvent fréquemment rejetées hors de l’univers du « droit » proprement dit, mais dont on aurait tort de considérer qu’elles n’en relèvent pas. En effet, ce n’est qu’en nous familiarisant avec elles que nous, en tant qu’internationalistes, prenons conscience de l’importante mesure dans laquelle l’ensemble de leurs présupposés déterminent fondamentalement l’étude, l’analyse, l’enseignement et la pratique du droit international. Penser différentes manières de penser le droit international se veut ainsi une invitation faite aux internationalistes, et à quiconque s’intéresse à ectte discipline, à engager une réflexion sur les modes et modalités de production des connaissances, aussi bien dans le champ scientifique que dans la pratique sociale du droit international.
Symposium: Russian Aggression, the War in Ukraine and the Future of International Criminal Justice
New Issue: Revue Générale de Droit International Public
- Dossier : Agression Russe contre l'Ukraine : enjeux de droit international
- Thibaut Fleury Graff, Introduction - La Russie contre l'Ukraine : Espaces géopolitiques et frontières du droit international
- Yves Sandoz, Le droit international à la lumière à la lumière et à l'épreuve du conflit armé en Ukraine
- Nicolas Haupais, De quelques conséquences institutionnelles de la guerre en Ukraine
- Patrick Jacob, Les sanctions de l'UE contre la Russie comme mesures de réaction à un fait internationalement illicite
- Arnaud De Nanteuil, Le statut des traités de protection des investissements signés par l'Ukraine depuis l'invasion du 24 février 2022
- Philippe Lagrange, Le conflit armé en Ukraine et l'effectivité du droit international humanitaire
- Julian Fernandez & Alexis Marie, Europa et les damnés de la guerre - A propos de l'accueil réservé aux exilés ukrainiens
- Jules Lepoutre, La "passeportisation". La nationalité au service de la force
Sunday, May 7, 2023
McCormack: Reflections on International Law: Studies in Honour of Lindy Melman
For 40 years Lindy Melman has been a publisher in heart and soul. Some of the authors she encountered along the way have dedicated an essay to her to celebrate this milestone. This book contains essays written by leading human rights and international law scholars from different parts of the world, discussing a wide range of topics, from indigenous peoples to the persistent relevance of the travaux préparatoires of the Genocide Convention and the conflict between EU law and international investment law.
New Issue: International Criminal Law Review

- Andrés Payer, The Territorial Principle as a Basis for State Criminal Jurisdiction: Particularly with Regard to Cross-Border Offences and Attempts, and to Multiple Parties to an Offence Acting in Different Countries
- Gregory S. Gordon, Benjamin Ferencz and the Treatment of Victims in International Criminal Law: Mapping Out Lex Lata and Lex Ferenda (Ferencza?) in an Emerging Field
- Simone Antonio Luciano, Starvation at the International Criminal Court: Reflections on the Available Options for the Prosecution of the Crime of Starvation
- Rachele Marconi, Seeking Justice for Women: Potential and Limits of International Solidarity Movements
- Eleni Micha, Evaluating the Evidence by the UN International Investigative Mechanisms: a New Challenge for the International Criminal Court?
Byers & Boley: Who Owns Outer Space? International Law, Astrophysics, and the Sustainable Development of Space
From Space debris to asteroid strikes to anti-satellite weapons, humanity's rapid expansion into Space raises major environmental, safety, and security challenges. In this book, Michael Byers and Aaron Boley, an international lawyer and an astrophysicist, identify and interrogate these challenges and propose actionable solutions. They explore essential questions from, 'How do we ensure all of humanity benefits from the development of Space, and not just the world's richest people?' to 'Is it possible to avoid war in Space?' Byers and Boley explain the essential aspects of Space science, international law, and global governance in a fully transdisciplinary and highly accessible way. Addressing the latest and emerging developments in Space, they equip readers with the knowledge and tools to engage in current and critically important legal, policy, and scientific debates concerning the future development of Space.
Polymenopoulou: Artistic Freedom in International Law
The book examines in detail the essence, nature and scope of artistic freedom as a human right. It explains the legal problems associated with the lack of a precise definition of the term 'art' and discusses the emergence of a distinct 'right' to artistic freedom under international law. Drawing on a variety of case-studies primarily from the field of visual arts, but also performance, street art and graffiti, it examines potentially applicable 'defences' for those types of artistic expression that are perceived as inappropriate, ugly, offensive, disturbing, or even obscene and transgressive. The book also offers a view on global controversies such as Charlie Hebdo and the Danish Cartoons, attempting to explain the subtleties of offenses related to religious sensibilities and beliefs. It also examines the legitimacy of restrictions on extremist expressions in the case of arts involving criminal arts, such as child pornography.