In order to understand the reform of international investment law envisioned by the EU, the author provides a comprehensive but concise analysis of the EU reform approaches, its constitutional and legal framework, the concepts of the rule of law and legitimacy, and the reasons for the reform. In particular, the book exposes tensions between the EU aspiration to enhance the rule of law in international investment law, as a means of legitimising this legal discipline, and the challenges of its reform approaches in practice. The analysis combines substantive and procedural aspects of the EU reform of international investment law in the intra-EU context and EU external relations. This book thus critically evaluates the EU vision of the rule of law in international law and its contribution to the development of international law in the field of investment.
Saturday, August 5, 2023
Damjanovic: The European Union and International Investment Law Reform: Between Aspirations and Reality
Ivana Damjanovic has published The European Union and International Investment Law Reform: Between Aspirations and Reality (Cambridge Univ. Press 2023). Here's the abstract:
New Issue: Michigan Journal of International Law
- Matthew Gillett, Fact-Finding without Rules: Habermas's Communicative Rationality as a Framework for Judicial Assessments of Digital Open-Source Information
- Susan Franck, Reforming World Bank Dispute Resolution: ICSID in Context
Thursday, August 3, 2023
New Issue: International Peacekeeping
The latest issue of International Peacekeeping (Vol. 30, no. 3, 2023) is out. Contents include:
- Angela Muvumba Sellström, At the Watchtower: Africa and the UN Security Council’s Elected Ten (E10)
- Suzanne Graham, A Review of South Africa’s Terms in the United Nations Security Council
- Malte Brosig, More Than Just Productive? Evaluating Germany’s Term at the UN Security Council 2019–2020
- Issaka K. Souaré, Overcoming ‘Smallness’: Niger as an Elected Member of the UN Security Council, 2020–2022
- Kjell Engelbrekt, Sweden’s 2017–18 UNSC Formula: Mobilizing the MFA’s Competitive Advantages, Highlighting Africa, and Boosting the E10
- Mohammed D. Cherkaoui, Small States’ Pursuit of Impact at the UN Security Council: The Case of Tunisia 2020–2021
Chinen: The International Governance of Artificial Intelligence
Mark Chinen (Seattle Univ. - Law) has published The International Governance of Artificial Intelligence (Edward Elgar Publishing 2023). Here's the abstract:
This timely book investigates emerging efforts to govern artificial intelligence (AI) at an international level. It emphasizes the complex interactions involved when creating international norms related to potential and current developments in AI regulation.
Organized into four parts, The International Governance of Artificial Intelligence demonstrates how formal and informal standards for AI are emerging from stakeholder interactions. With the objective of describing a nascent transnational law on AI use, chapters survey the various global realities that affect AI governance, concluding that AI law should ultimately be evaluated against the measure of international human rights.
New Issue: Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy

- Willem D Lubbe, Reece C Alberts, JA Robinson, Ian Rushworth, SA Jeanetta Selier, Li Tanneback & Sam M Ferreira, ‘Could Culling of Elephants be Considered Inhumane and Illegal in South African Law?’: A Response and Further Thoughts
- Caroline Cox & Luke Hauser, Ice Ivory to White Gold: Links Between the Illegal Ivory Trade and the Trade in Geocultural Artifacts
- Christopher Serenari & Elena C. Rubino, Legitimacy and Wildlife Disease: Should Chronic Wasting Disease be Managed without Government?
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Conference: Legally Undeniable: Criminalising Genocide Denial
On October 19-21, 2023, the International Nuremberg Principles Academy will hold Nuremberg Forum 2023 on the topic "Legally Undeniable: Criminalising Genocide Denial." Details are here.
Focarelli: Human Society and International Law: Reflections on the Present and Future of International Law
Carlo Focarelli has published Human Society and International Law: Reflections on the Present and Future of International Law (Wolters Kluwer 2023). The table of contents is here. Here's the abstract:
Where is international law headed for? Should it rather head elsewhere, and why? These are the questions that the ten contributors to this first Special Volume in the Series Convivenza umana e diritto internazionale – Human Society and International Law have been asked to address, each one within their main area of expertise. The ten topics elected by the authors – all members of the Editorial Board of the new Series – make the three parts of this Volume, respectively on the making of international law (with chapters on the sources of international law; the principle of acquiescence; the codification of the right to development; and the legal status and transformative potential of the SDGs); the implementation of international law (with chapters on international custom and the traditionality of international law; the localising of international law; and the constitutional im- port of the SDGs); and the analysis of international law (with chapters on populism and the integrity of international law; the past, present and future of international law’s teaching; and the demands placed on legal analysis by the present climate crisis). As the questions posed to the contributors and the Volume’s subtitle suggest, this work was designed to encourage a reflection, by prominent scholars, on the dynamics of international law across a sample of key topics, mindful of the legal framework as a whole, and its trajectories over time.
New Issue: Asian Journal of International Law

- Notes and Comments
- Ramona Vijeyarasa, Flamer-Caldera v Sri Lanka: Asia-Wide Implications of an Essential Evolution in CEDAW's Jurisprudence
- Articles
- Natasha Emma Yacoub, A New History of Refugee Protection in Post-World War Two Southeast Asia: Lessons from the Global South
- Andrea Marilyn Pragashini Immanuel, The Customary Obligation to Avoid, Reduce, or Prevent Statelessness in South Asia
- Stephen Young, Contesting Subjects: International Legal Discourses on Terrorism and Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights
- Pavel Doubek, Implementation of the Convention against Torture in Taiwan: Filling the Gap in the International Struggle against Torture?
- Yilin Wang, Locating TWAIL Scholarship in China
- Select Data as Assets in Foreign Direct Investment: Is China's National Data Governance Compatible with its International Investment Agreements? Cheng Bian, Data as Assets in Foreign Direct Investment: Is China's National Data Governance Compatible with its International Investment Agreements?
- Christopher P. Evans, Examining the Scope of Nuclear Weapons-Related Activities Covered under the Environmental Remediation Obligation of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
New Issue: Human Rights Quarterly

- Chidi Anselm Odinkalu, Advice without Consent?: Assessing the Advisory Jurisdiction of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights
- Jamie J. Hagen & Catherine O’Rourke, Forum-Shifting and Human Rights: Prospects for Queering the Women, Peace and Security Agenda
- Nsongurua Udombana, Much Ado about Something: Re-thinking the Right to Development
- Kathryn L. Overton & Sally Sharif, Agents with Principles? Preventing Conflict-Related Sexual Violence with Human Rights Laws and Norms
- Richard P. Hiskes, The Image of a Lesser God: Imago Dei and the Human Rights of Children
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
AJIL Unbound Symposium: UN Recognition of the Human Right to a Healthy Environment
AJIL Unbound has posted a symposium on “UN Recognition of the Human Right to a Healthy Environment.” The symposium includes an introduction by John H. Knox and contributions by
Philip Alston,
Carmen G. Gonzalez,
Hélène Tigroudja,
Maria Antonia Tigre, Rosemary Mwanza, and Louis J. Kotzé.
New Issue: International & Comparative Law Quarterly
The latest issue of the International & Comparative Law Quarterly (Vol. 72, no. 3, July 2023) is out. Contents include:
- Articles
- Catherine Redgwell & Antonios Tzanakopoulos, The Interaction of Treaty and Custom in the Concept of Offshore Archipelagos
- Victor Crochet & Weihuan Zhou, Preventing The Anti-Circumvention Instrument From Undermining Development Through Investment
- Samvel Varvastian, The Role of Courts in Plastic Pollution Governance
- Rossana Deplano, Inclusive Space Law: The Concept of Benefit Sharing in the Outer Space Treaty
- Laura Kaschny & Saskia Lavrijssen, The Independence of National Regulatory Authorities and the European Union Energy Transition
- Uta Kohl, The Right to Be Forgotten in Data Protection Law and Two Western Cultures of Privacy
- Shorter Articles
- Kaisa Huhta & Leonie Reins, Solidarity in European Union Law and Its Application in the Energy Sector
- Nikolas Feith Tan & Meltem Ineli-Ciger, Group-Based Protection of Afghan Women and Girls Under the 1951 Refugee Convention
- Daniel Franchini, State Immunity and Third-Party Limits on the Jurisdiction of Domestic Courts
New Issue: Military Law and the Law of War Review / Revue de Droit Militaire et de Droit de la Guerre
The latest issue of the Military Law and the Law of War Review / Revue de Droit Militaire et de Droit de la Guerre (Vol. 61, no. 1, 2023) is out. Contents include:
- Yunus Emre Gül, The application of the principle of precautions to cyber operations
- Martin Fink, Challenges of applying the law of naval warfare in non-international armed conflict at sea
- Brendan Walker-Munro, Autonomous systems, superior orders and manifest unlawfulness: is there a duty to disobey?
- Giulia Pinzauti, Belligerent occupation or creeping annexation? Identifying the red flags
Monday, July 31, 2023
New Issue: Questions of International Law
The latest issue of Questions of International Law / Questioni di Diritto Internazionale (no. 100, 2023) is out. Contents include:
- Third-party participation in international adjudication: recent trends and ongoing issues
- Introduced by Gian Maria Farnelli and Alessandra Sardu
- Brian McGarry, A Rush to Judgment? The Wobbly Bridge from Judicial Standing to Intervention in ICJ Proceedings
- Caterina Milo, What is Good for the Administration of Justice? Considerations in Light of the Practice on Third-Party Participation
- Niccolò Ridi, What are amicus interventions for? Some provocations on non-disputing party submissions in international investment arbitration
- Ludovica Chiussi Curzi, Third parties before the European Court of Human Rights: Addressing Limits, Unfolding Potentials
New Issue: Archiv des Völkerrechts
The latest issue of Archiv des Völkerrechts (Vol. 61, no. 1, 2023) is out. Contents include:
- Essay
- Christine Schwöbel-Patel, Zwanzig Jahre Völkerstrafgesetzbuch Deutsches Völkerstrafrecht und (dessen) Kolonialität
- Jerzy Kranz, Reparationen: Inwieweit ist die Vergangenheit reparierbar?
- Abhandlungen
- Romy Klimke, Ist das EU-Außenwirtschaftsrecht gender-blind?
- Andrea Cocchini, The Second Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime: Strengthening international cooperation or endangering fundamental rights?
- Beiträge und Berichte
- Manuel Brunner Die Guten Dienste des Generalsekretärs der Vereinten Nationen in Konflikten im Nahen Osten
Sunday, July 30, 2023
New Issue: The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals

- Symposium: Public Interest Litigation at the International Court of Justice
- Cecily Rose, Introduction
- Jane A. Hofbauer, Not Just a Participation Trophy? Advancing Public Interests through Advisory Opinions at the International Court of Justice
- Brian McGarry, Obligations Erga Omnes (Partes) and the Participation of Third States in Inter-State Litigation
- Nataša Nedeski, Tom Sparks, & Gleider Hernández, The World Is Burning, Urgently and Irreparably – a Plea for Interim Protection against Climatic Change at the ICJ
- Articles
- Ivo Tarik de Vries-Zou, An Innovation in the Test for Material Jurisdiction under Certain Compromissory Clauses
- Janneke Gerards, Moving Away from Open Judicial Balancing Review: The European Court of Human Rights’ Approach as Illustrated by Its Case Law Relevant to the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Patrick Dumberry, “Cross Treaty Interpretation” en bloc or How CAFTA-DR Tribunals Are Systematically Interpreting the FET Standard Based on NAFTA Case Law
- Giorgio Sacerdoti, Adjudication of International Trade Disputes: From Success to Crisis. What’s Next?
New Issue: International Criminal Law Review

- Special Issue: Power and Brokerage in International Criminal Justice
- Mikkel Jarle Christensen & Nabil M. Orina, Power and Brokerage in International Criminal Justice
- Kyra Wigard, Matter of Opinion: Assessing the Role of Individual Judicial Opinions at the International Criminal Court
- Nicola Palmer & Tomas Hamilton, Legal Humility and Perceptions of Power in International Criminal Justice
- Zuzanna Godzimirska & Nabil M. Orina, Scapegoats and Underdogs: Narrative Control and Defence Positioning within and Beyond the International Criminal Court
- Mikkel Jarle Christensen, Capital and Brokerage in International Criminal Justice: Elite Power in and at the Border of the Field
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