The latest issue of
The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals (Vol. 22, no. 2, 2023) is out. Contents include:
Symposium: Public Interest Litigation at the International Court of Justice
Cecily Rose, Introduction
Jane A. Hofbauer, Not Just a Participation Trophy? Advancing Public Interests through Advisory Opinions at the International Court of Justice
Brian McGarry, Obligations Erga Omnes (Partes) and the Participation of Third States in Inter-State Litigation
Nataša Nedeski, Tom Sparks, & Gleider Hernández, The World Is Burning, Urgently and Irreparably – a Plea for Interim Protection against Climatic Change at the ICJ
Ivo Tarik de Vries-Zou, An Innovation in the Test for Material Jurisdiction under Certain Compromissory Clauses
Janneke Gerards, Moving Away from Open Judicial Balancing Review:
The European Court of Human Rights’ Approach as Illustrated by Its Case Law Relevant to the Covid-19 Pandemic
Patrick Dumberry, “Cross Treaty Interpretation” en bloc or How CAFTA-DR Tribunals Are Systematically Interpreting the FET Standard Based on NAFTA Case Law
Giorgio Sacerdoti, Adjudication of International Trade Disputes: From Success to Crisis. What’s Next?